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synced 2024-05-11 05:55:12 +00:00
* add initial URL support to namecheap provider * add URL / FRAME records to namecheap provider
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452 lines
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package models
import (
const DefaultTTL = uint32(300)
type DNSConfig struct {
Registrars []*RegistrarConfig `json:"registrars"`
DNSProviders []*DNSProviderConfig `json:"dns_providers"`
Domains []*DomainConfig `json:"domains"`
func (config *DNSConfig) FindDomain(query string) *DomainConfig {
for _, b := range config.Domains {
if b.Name == query {
return b
return nil
type RegistrarConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Metadata json.RawMessage `json:"meta,omitempty"`
type DNSProviderConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Metadata json.RawMessage `json:"meta,omitempty"`
// RecordConfig stores a DNS record.
// Providers are responsible for validating or normalizing the data
// that goes into a RecordConfig.
// If you update Name, you have to update NameFQDN and vice-versa.
// Name:
// This is the shortname i.e. the NameFQDN without the origin suffix.
// It should never have a trailing "."
// It should never be null. It should store It "@", not the apex domain, not null, etc.
// It shouldn't end with the domain origin. If the origin is "foo.com." then
// if Name == "foo.com" then that literally means "foo.com.foo.com." is
// the intended FQDN.
// NameFQDN:
// This is the FQDN version of Name.
// It should never have a trailiing ".".
type RecordConfig struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"` // The short name. See below.
Target string `json:"target"` // If a name, must end with "."
TTL uint32 `json:"ttl,omitempty"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"`
NameFQDN string `json:"-"` // Must end with ".$origin". See below.
MxPreference uint16 `json:"mxpreference,omitempty"` // FIXME(tlim): Rename to MxPreference
SrvPriority uint16 `json:"srvpriority,omitempty"`
SrvWeight uint16 `json:"srvweight,omitempty"`
SrvPort uint16 `json:"srvport,omitempty"`
CaaTag string `json:"caatag,omitempty"`
CaaFlag uint8 `json:"caaflag,omitempty"`
TlsaUsage uint8 `json:"tlsausage,omitempty"`
TlsaSelector uint8 `json:"tlsaselector,omitempty"`
TlsaMatchingType uint8 `json:"tlsamatchingtype,omitempty"`
CombinedTarget bool `json:"-"`
Original interface{} `json:"-"` // Store pointer to provider-specific record object. Used in diffing.
func (r *RecordConfig) String() (content string) {
if r.CombinedTarget {
return r.Target
content = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %d", r.Type, r.NameFQDN, r.Target, r.TTL)
switch r.Type { // #rtype_variations
case "A", "AAAA", "CNAME", "PTR", "TXT":
// Nothing special.
case "MX":
content += fmt.Sprintf(" priority=%d", r.MxPreference)
case "SOA":
content = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %d", r.Type, r.Name, r.Target, r.TTL)
case "CAA":
content += fmt.Sprintf(" caatag=%s caaflag=%d", r.CaaTag, r.CaaFlag)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("rc.String rtype %v unimplemented", r.Type)
// We panic so that we quickly find any switch statements
// that have not been updated for a new RR type.
for k, v := range r.Metadata {
content += fmt.Sprintf(" %s=%s", k, v)
return content
// Content combines Target and other fields into one string.
func (r *RecordConfig) Content() string {
if r.CombinedTarget {
return r.Target
// If this is a pseudo record, just return the target.
if _, ok := dns.StringToType[r.Type]; !ok {
return r.Target
// We cheat by converting to a dns.RR and use the String() function.
// Sadly that function always includes a header, which we must strip out.
// TODO(tlim): Request the dns project add a function that returns
// the string without the header.
rr := r.ToRR()
header := rr.Header().String()
full := rr.String()
if !strings.HasPrefix(full, header) {
panic("dns.Hdr.String() not acting as we expect")
return full[len(header):]
// MergeToTarget combines "extra" fields into .Target, and zeros the merged fields.
func (r *RecordConfig) MergeToTarget() {
if r.CombinedTarget {
pm := strings.Join([]string{"MergeToTarget: Already collapsed: ", r.Name, r.Target}, " ")
// Merge "extra" fields into the Target.
r.Target = r.Content()
// Zap any fields that may have been merged.
r.MxPreference = 0
r.SrvPriority = 0
r.SrvWeight = 0
r.SrvPort = 0
r.CaaFlag = 0
r.CaaTag = ""
r.TlsaUsage = 0
r.TlsaMatchingType = 0
r.TlsaSelector = 0
r.CombinedTarget = true
/// Convert RecordConfig -> dns.RR.
func (rc *RecordConfig) ToRR() dns.RR {
// Don't call this on fake types.
rdtype, ok := dns.StringToType[rc.Type]
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("No such DNS type as (%#v)\n", rc.Type)
// Magicallly create an RR of the correct type.
rr := dns.TypeToRR[rdtype]()
// Fill in the header.
rr.Header().Name = rc.NameFQDN + "."
rr.Header().Rrtype = rdtype
rr.Header().Class = dns.ClassINET
rr.Header().Ttl = rc.TTL
if rc.TTL == 0 {
rr.Header().Ttl = DefaultTTL
// Fill in the data.
switch rdtype { // #rtype_variations
case dns.TypeA:
rr.(*dns.A).A = net.ParseIP(rc.Target)
case dns.TypeAAAA:
rr.(*dns.AAAA).AAAA = net.ParseIP(rc.Target)
case dns.TypeCNAME:
rr.(*dns.CNAME).Target = rc.Target
case dns.TypePTR:
rr.(*dns.PTR).Ptr = rc.Target
case dns.TypeMX:
rr.(*dns.MX).Preference = rc.MxPreference
rr.(*dns.MX).Mx = rc.Target
case dns.TypeNS:
rr.(*dns.NS).Ns = rc.Target
case dns.TypeSOA:
t := strings.Replace(rc.Target, `\ `, ` `, -1)
parts := strings.Fields(t)
rr.(*dns.SOA).Ns = parts[0]
rr.(*dns.SOA).Mbox = parts[1]
rr.(*dns.SOA).Serial = atou32(parts[2])
rr.(*dns.SOA).Refresh = atou32(parts[3])
rr.(*dns.SOA).Retry = atou32(parts[4])
rr.(*dns.SOA).Expire = atou32(parts[5])
rr.(*dns.SOA).Minttl = atou32(parts[6])
case dns.TypeSRV:
rr.(*dns.SRV).Priority = rc.SrvPriority
rr.(*dns.SRV).Weight = rc.SrvWeight
rr.(*dns.SRV).Port = rc.SrvPort
rr.(*dns.SRV).Target = rc.Target
case dns.TypeCAA:
rr.(*dns.CAA).Flag = rc.CaaFlag
rr.(*dns.CAA).Tag = rc.CaaTag
rr.(*dns.CAA).Value = rc.Target
case dns.TypeTLSA:
rr.(*dns.TLSA).Usage = rc.TlsaUsage
rr.(*dns.TLSA).MatchingType = rc.TlsaMatchingType
rr.(*dns.TLSA).Selector = rc.TlsaSelector
rr.(*dns.TLSA).Certificate = rc.Target
case dns.TypeTXT:
rr.(*dns.TXT).Txt = []string{rc.Target}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ToRR: Unimplemented rtype %v", rc.Type))
// We panic so that we quickly find any switch statements
// that have not been updated for a new RR type.
return rr
func atou32(s string) uint32 {
i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("atou32 failed (%v) (err=%v", s, err))
return uint32(i64)
type Records []*RecordConfig
func (r Records) Grouped() map[RecordKey]Records {
groups := map[RecordKey]Records{}
for _, rec := range r {
groups[rec.Key()] = append(groups[rec.Key()], rec)
return groups
type RecordKey struct {
Name string
Type string
func (r *RecordConfig) Key() RecordKey {
return RecordKey{r.Name, r.Type}
type Nameserver struct {
Name string `json:"name"` // Normalized to a FQDN with NO trailing "."
Target string `json:"target"`
func StringsToNameservers(nss []string) []*Nameserver {
nservers := []*Nameserver{}
for _, ns := range nss {
nservers = append(nservers, &Nameserver{Name: ns})
return nservers
type DomainConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"` // NO trailing "."
Registrar string `json:"registrar"`
DNSProviders map[string]int `json:"dnsProviders"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"`
Records Records `json:"records"`
Nameservers []*Nameserver `json:"nameservers,omitempty"`
KeepUnknown bool `json:"keepunknown,omitempty"`
func (dc *DomainConfig) Copy() (*DomainConfig, error) {
newDc := &DomainConfig{}
err := copyObj(dc, newDc)
return newDc, err
func (r *RecordConfig) Copy() (*RecordConfig, error) {
newR := &RecordConfig{}
err := copyObj(r, newR)
return newR, err
//Punycode will convert all records to punycode format.
//It will encode:
//- Name
//- NameFQDN
//- Target (CNAME and MX only)
func (dc *DomainConfig) Punycode() error {
var err error
for _, rec := range dc.Records {
rec.Name, err = idna.ToASCII(rec.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
rec.NameFQDN, err = idna.ToASCII(rec.NameFQDN)
if err != nil {
return err
switch rec.Type { // #rtype_variations
case "ALIAS", "MX", "NS", "CNAME", "PTR", "SRV", "URL", "URL301", "FRAME":
rec.Target, err = idna.ToASCII(rec.Target)
if err != nil {
return err
case "A", "AAAA", "CAA", "TXT", "TLSA":
// Nothing to do.
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Punycode rtype %v unimplemented", rec.Type)
// We panic so that we quickly find any switch statements
// that have not been updated for a new RR type.
return nil
// CombineMXs will merge the priority into the target field for all mx records.
// Useful for providers that desire them as one field.
func (dc *DomainConfig) CombineMXs() {
for _, rec := range dc.Records {
if rec.Type == "MX" {
if rec.CombinedTarget {
pm := strings.Join([]string{"CombineMXs: Already collapsed: ", rec.Name, rec.Target}, " ")
rec.Target = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", rec.MxPreference, rec.Target)
rec.MxPreference = 0
rec.CombinedTarget = true
// SplitCombinedMxValue splits a combined MX preference and target into
// separate entities, i.e. splitting "10 aspmx2.googlemail.com."
// into "10" and "aspmx2.googlemail.com.".
func SplitCombinedMxValue(s string) (preference uint16, target string, err error) {
parts := strings.Fields(s)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return 0, "", fmt.Errorf("MX value %#v contains too many fields", s)
n64, err := strconv.ParseUint(parts[0], 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", fmt.Errorf("MX preference %#v does not fit into a uint16", parts[0])
return uint16(n64), parts[1], nil
// CombineSRVs will merge the priority, weight, and port into the target field for all srv records.
// Useful for providers that desire them as one field.
func (dc *DomainConfig) CombineSRVs() {
for _, rec := range dc.Records {
if rec.Type == "SRV" {
if rec.CombinedTarget {
pm := strings.Join([]string{"CombineSRVs: Already collapsed: ", rec.Name, rec.Target}, " ")
rec.Target = fmt.Sprintf("%d %d %d %s", rec.SrvPriority, rec.SrvWeight, rec.SrvPort, rec.Target)
rec.CombinedTarget = true
//SplitCombinedSrvValue splits a combined SRV priority, weight, port and target into
//separate entities, some DNS providers want "5" "10" 15" and "foo.com.",
//while other providers want "5 10 15 foo.com.".
func SplitCombinedSrvValue(s string) (priority, weight, port uint16, target string, err error) {
parts := strings.Fields(s)
if len(parts) != 4 {
return 0, 0, 0, "", fmt.Errorf("SRV value %#v contains too many fields", s)
priorityconv, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, "", fmt.Errorf("Priority %#v does not fit into a uint16", parts[0])
weightconv, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, "", fmt.Errorf("Weight %#v does not fit into a uint16", parts[0])
portconv, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[2], 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, 0, "", fmt.Errorf("Port %#v does not fit into a uint16", parts[0])
return uint16(priorityconv), uint16(weightconv), uint16(portconv), parts[3], nil
func copyObj(input interface{}, output interface{}) error {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf)
if err := enc.Encode(input); err != nil {
return err
if err := dec.Decode(output); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (dc *DomainConfig) HasRecordTypeName(rtype, name string) bool {
for _, r := range dc.Records {
if r.Type == rtype && r.Name == name {
return true
return false
func (dc *DomainConfig) Filter(f func(r *RecordConfig) bool) {
recs := []*RecordConfig{}
for _, r := range dc.Records {
if f(r) {
recs = append(recs, r)
dc.Records = recs
func InterfaceToIP(i interface{}) (net.IP, error) {
switch v := i.(type) {
case float64:
u := uint32(v)
return transform.UintToIP(u), nil
case string:
if ip := net.ParseIP(v); ip != nil {
return ip, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid ip address", v)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot convert type %s to ip.", reflect.TypeOf(i))
//Correction is anything that can be run. Implementation is up to the specific provider.
type Correction struct {
F func() error `json:"-"`
Msg string