Instead of just using {"captures":[]}.
sub functions are use captures for replacement expressions.
If we don't populate, captures for empty matches, the replacement
expression is run with an empty object as input instead of an object
containing the named captures with "" as value:
* before:
$ jq -n '"123foo456bar" | gsub("[^a-z]*(?<x>[a-z]*)"; "Z\(.x)")'
* after:
$ jq -n '"123foo456bar" | gsub("[^a-z]*(?<x>[a-z]*)"; "Z\(.x)")'
I also removed a redundant
result = NULL;
if (result) {
The primary purpose of this commit is to rectify most problems with
`gsub` (and also `sub` with the `g` option), in particular fix #1425 ('\b'),
fix #2354 (lookahead), and fix #2532 (regex == `"^(?!cd ).*$|^cd "`).
This commit also partly resolves #2148 and resolves #1206 in that
`gsub` no longer loops infinitely; however, because the new `gsub`
depends critically on `match/2`, the behavior when regex == `""` is
sometimes non-standard.
The documentation has been updated to reflect the fact that `sub`
and `gsub` are intended to be regular in the second argument.
Also, `_nwise/1` has been tweaked to take advantage of TCO.
./jq --run-tests < tests/onig.test
has been run successfully:
Testing 'gsub("a";"b")' at line number 70
Testing 'gsub( "(.*)"; ""; "x")' at line number 74
22 of 22 tests passed (0 malformed)