# 1.7 After a five year hiatus we're back with a GitHub organization, with new admins and new maintainers who have brought a great deal of energy to make a long-awaited and long-needed new release. Since the last stable release many things have happened: - jq now lives at https://github.com/jqlang - New maintainers, admins, and owners have been recruited. - CI, scan builds, release builds etc now use GitHub actions. - Lots of documentation improvements and fixes. - Web site updated with new auto complete, better section ids for linking, dark mode, etc. @itchyny #2628 - Release builds for: - Linux `amd64`, `arm64`, `armel`, `armhf`, `i386`, `mips`, `mips64`, `mips64el`, `mips64r6`, `mips64r6el`, `mipsel`, `mipsr6`, `mipsr6el`, `powerpc`, `ppc64el`, `riscv64` and `s390x` - macOS `amd64` and `arm64` - Windows `i386` and `amd64` - Docker `linux/386`, `linux/amd64`, `linux/arm64`, `linux/mips64le`, `linux/ppc64le`, `linux/riscv64` and `linux/s390x` - Docker images are now available from `ghcr.io/jqlang/jq` instead of docker hub. - OSS-fuzz. Full commit log can be found at https://github.com/jqlang/jq/compare/jq-1.6...jq-1.7 but here are some highlights: ## CLI changes - Make object key color configurable using `JQ_COLORS` environment variable. @itchyny @haguenau @ericpruitt #2703 ```sh # this would make "field" yellow (33, the last value) $ JQ_COLORS="1;30:0;37:0;37:0;37:0;32:1;37:1;37:1;33" ./jq -n '{field: 123}' { "field": 123 } ``` - Respect `NO_COLOR` environment variable to disable color output. See https://no-color.org for details. @itchyny #2728 - Improved `--help` output. Now mentions all options and nicer order. @itchyny #2747 #2766 - Last output value can now control exit code using `--exit-code`/`-e`. @ryo1kato #1697 ```sh # true-ish last output value exits with zero $ jq -ne true ; echo $? true 0 # false-ish last output value (false and null) exits with 1 $ jq -ne false ; echo $? false 1 # no output value exists with 4 $ jq -ne empty ; echo $? 4 ``` - Add `--binary`/`-b` on Windows for binary output. To get `\n` instead of `\r\n` line endings. 0dab2b1 @nicowilliams - Add `--raw-output0` for NUL (zero byte) separated output. @asottile @pabs3 @itchyny #1990 #2235 #2684 ```sh # will output a zero byte after each output $ jq -n --raw-output0 '1,2,3' | xxd 00000000: 3100 3200 3300 1.2.3. # can be used with xargs -0 $ jq -n --raw-output0 '"a","b","c"' | xargs -0 -n1 a b c $ jq -n --raw-output0 '"a b c", "d\ne\nf"' | xargs -0 printf '%q\n' 'a b c' 'd'$'\n''e'$'\n''f' # can be used with read -d '' $ while IFS= read -r -d '' json; do > jq '.name' <<< "$json" > done < <(jq -n --raw-output0 '{name:"a b c"},{name:"d\ne\nf"}') "a b c" "d\ne\nf" # also it's an error to output a string containing a NUL when using NUL separator $ jq -n --raw-output0 '"\u0000"' jq: error (at ): Cannot dump a string containing NUL with --raw-output0 option ``` - Fix assert crash and validate JSON for `--jsonarg`. @wader #2658 - Remove deprecated `--argfile` option. @itchyny #2768 ## Language changes - Use decimal number literals to preserve precision. Comparison operations respects precision but arithmetic operations might truncate. @leonid-s-usov #1752 ```sh # precision is preserved $ jq -n '100000000000000000' 100000000000000000 # comparison respects precision (this is false in JavaScript) $ jq -n '100000000000000000 < 100000000000000001' true # arithmetic operations might truncate (same as JavaScript) $ jq -n '100000000000000000+10' 100000000000000020 ``` - Adds new builtin `pick(stream)` to emit a projection of the input object or array. @pkoppstein #2656 ```sh $ jq -n '{"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2, "d": 3}, "e": 4} | pick(.a, .b.c, .x)' { "a": 1, "b": { "c": 2 }, "x": null } ``` - Adds new builtin `debug(msgs)` that works like `debug` but applies a filter on the input before writing to stderr. ```sh $ jq -n '1 as $x | 2 | debug("Entering function foo with $x == \($x)", .) | (.+1)' ["DEBUG:","Entering function foo with $x == 1"] ["DEBUG:",2] 3 $ jq -n '{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} | debug({a, b, sum: (.a+.b)})' ["DEBUG:",{"a":1,"b":2,"sum":3}] { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 } ``` - Adds new builtin `scan($re; $flags)`. Was documented but not implemented. @itchyny #1961 ```sh # look for pattern "ab" in "abAB" ignoring casing $ jq -n '"abAB" | scan("ab"; "i")' "ab" "AB" ``` - Adds new builtin `abs` to get absolute value. This was previously possibly using `length` or `fabs` but naming was a bit confusing. @pkoppstein #2767 - Allow `if` without `else`-branch. When skipped the `else`-branch will be `.` (identity). @chancez @wader #1825 #2481 ```sh # convert 1 to "one" otherwise keep as is $ jq -n '1,2 | if . == 1 then "one" end' "one" 2 # behaves the same as $ jq -n '1,2 | if . == 1 then "one" else . end' "one" 2 # also works with elif $ jq -n '1,2,3 | if . == 1 then "one" elif . == 2 then "two" end "one" "two" 3 ``` - Allow use of `$binding` as key in object literals. 8ea4a55 @nicowilliams ```sh $ jq -n '"a" as $key | {$key: 123}' { "a": 123 } # previously parentheses were needed $ jq -n '"a" as $key | {($key): 123}' { "a": 123 } ``` - Allow dot between chained indexes when using `.["index"]` @nicowilliams #1168 ```sh $ jq -n '{"a": {"b": 123}} | .a["b"]' 123 # now this works also $ jq -n '{"a": {"b": 123}} | .a.["b"]' 123 ``` - Fix try/catch catches more than it should. @nicowilliams #2750 - Speed up and refactor some builtins, also remove `scalars_or_empty/0`. @muhmuhten #1845 - Now `halt` and `halt_error` exit immediately instead of continuing to the next input. @emanuele6 #2667 - Fix issue converting string to number after previous convert error. @thalman #2400 - Make 0 divided by 0 result in NaN consistently. @itchyny #2253 - Fix issue representing large numbers on some platforms causing invalid JSON output. @itchyny #2661 - Fix deletion using assigning empty against arrays. @itchyny #2133 ```sh # now this works as expected, filter out all values over 2 by assigning empty $ jq -c '(.[] | select(. >= 2)) |= empty' <<< '[1,5,3,0,7]' [1,0] ``` - Fix `stderr/0` to output raw without any decoration. @itchyny #2751 - Fix `nth/2` to emit empty on index out of range. @itchyny #2674 - Fix `implode` to not assert and instead replace invalid unicode codepoints. @wader #2646 - Simpler and faster `transpose`. @pkoppstein #2758 - Allow keywords to be used as binding name in more places. @emanuele6 #2681 - Allow using `nan` as NaN in JSON. @emanuele6 #2712 - Fix indices/1 and rindex/1 in case of overlapping matches in strings. @emanuele6 #2718 - Enable `significand/0`, `gamma/0` and `drem/2` on macOS. @itchyny #2756 #2775 - Fix segfault when using libjq and threads. @thalman #2546 # Previous releases Release history * jq version 1.6 was released on Fri Nov 2 2018 * jq version 1.5 was released on Sat Aug 15 2015 * jq version 1.4 was released on Mon Jun 9 2014 * jq version 1.3 was released on Sun May 19 2013 * jq version 1.2 was released on Thu Dec 20 2012 * jq version 1.1 was released on Sun Oct 21 2012 * jq version 1.0 was released on Sun Oct 21 2012 New features in 1.6 since 1.5: - Destructuring Alternation - New Builtins: - builtins/0 - stderr/0 - halt/0, halt_error/1 - isempty/1 - walk/1 - utf8bytelength/1 - localtime/0, strflocaltime/1 - SQL-style builtins - and more! - Add support for ASAN and UBSAN - Make it easier to use jq with shebangs (8f6f28c) - Add $ENV builtin variable to access environment - Add JQ_COLORS env var for configuring the output colors New features in 1.5 since 1.4: - regular expressions (with Oniguruma) - a library/module system - many new builtins - datetime builtins - math builtins - regexp-related builtins - stream-related builtins (e.g., all/1, any/1) - minimal I/O builtins (`inputs`, `debug`) - new syntactic features, including: - destructuring (`. as [$first, $second] | ...`) - try/catch, generalized `?` operator, and label/break - `foreach` - multiple definitions of a function with different numbers of arguments - command-line arguments - --join-lines / -j for raw output - --argjson and --slurpfile - --tab and --indent - --stream (streaming JSON parser) - --seq (RFC7464 JSON text sequence) - --run-tests improvements - optimizations: - tail-call optimization - reduce and foreach no longer leak a reference to . New features in 1.4 since 1.3: - command-line arguments - jq --arg-file variable file - jq --unbuffered - jq -e / --exit-status (set exit status based on outputs) - jq -S / --sort-keys (now jq no longer sorts object keys by default - syntax - .. -> like // in XPath (recursive traversal) - question mark (e.g., .a?) to suppress errors - ."foo" syntax (equivalent to .["foo"]) - better error handling for .foo - added % operator (modulo) - allow negation without requiring extra parenthesis - more function arguments (up to six) - filters: - any, all - iterables, arrays, objects, scalars, nulls, booleans, numbers, strings, values - string built-ins: - split - join (join an array of strings with a given separator string) - ltrimstr, rtrimstr - startswith, endswith - explode, implode - fromjson, tojson - index, rindex, indices - math functions - floor, sqrt, cbrt, etcetera (depends on what's available from libm) - libjq -- a C API interface to jq's JSON representation and for running jq programs from C applications