headline: Download jq body: - text: | jq is written in C and has no runtime dependencies, so it should be possible to build it for nearly any platform. Prebuilt binaries are available for Linux, OS X and Windows. The binaries should just run, but on OS X and Linux you may need to make them executable first using `chmod +x jq`. jq is licensed under the MIT license. For all of the gory details, read the file `COPYING` in the source distribution. ### Linux * jq 1.4 binaries for [64-bit](linux64/jq) or [32-bit](linux32/jq) systems. * jq 1.3 binaries for [64-bit](linux64/jq-1.3/jq) or [32-bit](linux32/jq-1.3/jq) systems. * For Arch users, a PKGBUILD for jq-1.1 is in the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=63849), as well as a PKGBUILD for the HEAD of master ([jq-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=63850)). You can install them using [Yaourt](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Yaourt) or manually by following instructions on [Arch Linux's Wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_UseRepository). * jq 1.4 is [in Debian](http://packages.debian.org/jq) ### OS X * `brew install jq` using [homebrew](http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/) * Or, grab prebuilt jq 1.4 [64-bit binaries](osx64/jq) or [32-bit binaries](osx32/jq) * Or, grab prebuilt jq 1.3 [64-bit binaries](osx64/jq-1.3/jq) or [32-bit binaries](osx32/jq-1.3/jq) ### Solaris 11 * jq 1.4 executables for [64-bit](solaris11-64/jq) or [32-bit](solaris11-32/jq) ### Windows * jq 1.4 executables for [64-bit](win64/jq.exe) or [32-bit](win32/jq.exe) * jq 1.3 executables for [64-bit](win64/jq-1.3/jq.exe) or [32-bit](win32/jq-1.3/jq.exe) ### From source on Linux, OS X, Cygwin, and other POSIX-like operating systems * [Source tarball for jq $JQ_VERSION](source/jq-$JQ_VERSION.tar.gz) You can build it using the usual `./configure && make && sudo make install` rigmarole. If you're interested in using the lastest development version, try: git clone https://github.com/stedolan/jq.git cd jq autoreconf -i ./configure make sudo make install To build it from a git clone, you'll need to install a few packages first: * [Flex](http://www.gnu.org/software/flex/) * [Bison](http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/) * [GCC](http://gcc.gnu.org) * [Make](http://www.gnu.org/software/make) * [Autotools](http://www.gnu.org/software/automake) For Linux systems, these will all be in your system's package manager, and if you do development on the machine they're most likely already installed. On OS X, these are all included in Apple's command line tools, which can be installed from [Xcode](http://developer.apple.com/technologies/tools/). However, you may find that you need a newer version of Bison than the one provided by Apple. This can be found in [Homebrew](http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/) or [MacPorts](http://macports.org/). `flex` and `bison` are used to generate the lexer and parser for jq, and some python scripts generate the UTF8 encoding tables needed for JSON parsing. #### Building the documentation jq's documentation is compiled into static HTML using [Bonsai](http://www.tinytree.info). To view the documentation locally, run `rake serve` (or `bundle exec rake serve`) from the docs/ subdirectory. To build the docs just `rake build` from the docs subdirectory. You'll need a few Ruby dependencies, which can be installed by following the instructions in `docs/README.md`. The man page is built by `make jq.1`, or just `make`, also from the YAML docs, and you'll still need the Ruby dependencies to build the manpage.