#!/bin/sh set -e if which valgrind > /dev/null; then VALGRIND='valgrind --error-exitcode=1 --leak-check=full --suppressions=tests/onig.supp' Q=-q else VALGRIND= Q= fi cat $@ | $VALGRIND $Q ./jq --run-tests d= trap '[ -n "$d" ] && rm -rf "$d"' EXIT d=`mktemp -d -t || true` if [ -z "$d" ]; then echo "Your OS does not support mktemp(1) -d" 1>&2 exit 0 fi cat > "$d/.jq" < "$d/a.jq" < "$d/b.jq" < "$d/c.jq" < "$d/syntaxerror.jq" <&2 exit 1 fi if [ `HOME=$d $VALGRIND $Q ./jq --debug-dump-disasm -n fg | grep '^[a-z]' | wc -l` -gt 3 ]; then echo "Binding too many defs into program" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if ! $VALGRIND $Q ./jq -ner -L $d 'import a as foo; import b as bar; import a as foobar; def fooa: foo::a; [fooa, bar::a, bar::b, foo::a, foobar::a] | . == ["a","b","c","a","a"]' > /dev/null; then echo "Module system appears to be broken" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if ! $VALGRIND $Q ./jq -ner -L $d 'import c as foo; [foo::a, foo::c] | . == [0,"ac"]' > /dev/null; then echo "Module system appears to be broken" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if $VALGRIND ./jq -ner -L $d 'import syntaxerror; .' > $d/out 2>&1; then echo "Module system appears to be broken" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ -n "$VALGRIND" ] && ! grep 'ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts' $d/out > /dev/null; then echo "Module system has memory errors when modules have syntax errors" 1>&2 cat $d/out exit 1 fi if ! grep '^error: syntax error,' $d/out > /dev/null; then echo "Module system not detecting syntax errors in modules correctly" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if $VALGRIND ./jq -ner -L $d '%::wat' > $d/out 2>&1 || ! grep '^error: syntax error,' $d/out > /dev/null; then echo "Syntax errors not detected?" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ -n "$VALGRIND" ] && ! grep 'ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts' $d/out > /dev/null; then echo "Memory errors when programs have syntax errors" 1>&2 cat $d/out exit 1 fi