#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "compile.h" #include "jv.h" #include "jq.h" #include "jv_alloc.h" #include "version.h" int jq_testsuite(int argc, char* argv[]); static const char* progname; /* * For a longer help message we could use a better option parsing * strategy, one that lets stack options. */ static void usage(int code) { fprintf(stderr, "\njq - commandline JSON processor [version %s]\n", JQ_VERSION); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [file...]\n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "\tjq is a tool for processing JSON inputs, applying the\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tgiven filter to its JSON text inputs and producing the\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tfilter's results as JSON on standard output.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tThe simplest filter is ., which is the identity filter,\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tcopying jq's input to its output.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tFor more advanced filters see the jq(1) manpage (\"man jq\")\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tand/or http://stedolan.github.com/jq\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tSome of the options include:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t -h\t\tthis message;\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t -c\t\tcompact instead of pretty-printed output;\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t -n\t\tuse `null` as the single input value;\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t -i\t\tedit the [first] file in-place;\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t -s\t\tread (slurp) all inputs into an array; apply filter to it;\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t -r\t\toutput raw strings, not JSON texts;\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t -R\t\tread raw strings, not JSON texts;\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t --arg a v\tset variable $a to value ;\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t --argfile a f\tset variable $a to JSON texts read from ;\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tSee the manpage for more options.\n"); exit(code); } static void die() { fprintf(stderr, "Use %s --help for help with command-line options,\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "or see the jq manpage, or online docs at http://stedolan.github.com/jq\n"); exit(2); } static int isoptish(const char* text) { return text[0] == '-' && (text[1] == '-' || isalpha(text[1])); } static int isoption(const char* text, char shortopt, const char* longopt, size_t *short_opts) { if (text[0] != '-' || text[1] == '-') *short_opts = 0; if (text[0] != '-') return 0; // check long option if (text[1] == '-' && !strcmp(text+2, longopt)) return 1; else if (text[1] == '-') return 0; // must be short option; check it and... if (!shortopt) return 0; if (strchr(text, shortopt) != NULL) { (*short_opts)++; // ...count it (for option stacking) return 1; } return 0; } enum { SLURP = 1, RAW_INPUT = 2, PROVIDE_NULL = 4, RAW_OUTPUT = 8, COMPACT_OUTPUT = 16, ASCII_OUTPUT = 32, COLOUR_OUTPUT = 64, NO_COLOUR_OUTPUT = 128, SORTED_OUTPUT = 256, FROM_FILE = 512, RAW_NO_LF = 1024, UNBUFFERED_OUTPUT = 2048, EXIT_STATUS = 4096, IN_PLACE = 8192, /* debugging only */ DUMP_DISASM = 16384, }; static int options = 0; static int process(jq_state *jq, jv value, int flags) { int ret = 14; // No valid results && -e -> exit(4) jq_start(jq, value, flags); jv result; while (jv_is_valid(result = jq_next(jq))) { if ((options & RAW_OUTPUT) && jv_get_kind(result) == JV_KIND_STRING) { fwrite(jv_string_value(result), 1, jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(result)), stdout); ret = 0; jv_free(result); } else { int dumpopts; /* Disable colour by default on Windows builds as Windows terminals tend not to display it correctly */ #ifdef WIN32 dumpopts = 0; #else dumpopts = isatty(fileno(stdout)) ? JV_PRINT_COLOUR : 0; #endif if (options & SORTED_OUTPUT) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_SORTED; if (!(options & COMPACT_OUTPUT)) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_PRETTY; if (options & ASCII_OUTPUT) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_ASCII; if (options & COLOUR_OUTPUT) dumpopts |= JV_PRINT_COLOUR; if (options & NO_COLOUR_OUTPUT) dumpopts &= ~JV_PRINT_COLOUR; if (jv_get_kind(result) == JV_KIND_FALSE || jv_get_kind(result) == JV_KIND_NULL) ret = 11; else ret = 0; jv_dump(result, dumpopts); } if (!(options & RAW_NO_LF)) printf("\n"); if (options & UNBUFFERED_OUTPUT) fflush(stdout); } if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(result))) { // Uncaught jq exception jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(jv_copy(result)); if (jv_get_kind(msg) == JV_KIND_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "jq: error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); } else { msg = jv_dump_string(msg, 0); fprintf(stderr, "jq: error (not a string): %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); } jv_free(msg); } jv_free(result); return ret; } FILE* current_input; const char** input_filenames = NULL; int ninput_files; int next_input_idx; static int read_more(char* buf, size_t size, int* islast) { while (!current_input || feof(current_input)) { if (current_input) { fclose(current_input); current_input = 0; } if (next_input_idx == ninput_files) { assert(*islast == 1); return 0; } *islast = 0; if (!strcmp(input_filenames[next_input_idx], "-")) { current_input = stdin; } else { current_input = fopen(input_filenames[next_input_idx], "r"); } if (!current_input) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", progname, input_filenames[next_input_idx], strerror(errno)); } next_input_idx++; } if (!fgets(buf, size, current_input)) buf[0] = 0; if (!current_input || feof(current_input)) *islast = 1; return 1; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { jq_state *jq = NULL; int ret = 0; int compiled = 0; char *t = NULL; if (argc) progname = argv[0]; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--run-tests")) { return jq_testsuite(argc, argv); } jq = jq_init(); if (jq == NULL) { perror("malloc"); ret = 2; goto out; } const char* program = 0; input_filenames = jv_mem_alloc(sizeof(const char*) * argc); ninput_files = 0; int further_args_are_files = 0; int jq_flags = 0; size_t short_opts = 0; jv program_arguments = jv_array(); jv lib_search_paths = jv_array(); for (int i=1; i= argc - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "-L takes a parameter: (e.g. -L /search/path or -L/search/path)\n"); die(); } else { lib_search_paths = jv_array_append(lib_search_paths, jv_string(argv[i+1])); i++; } continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 's', "slurp", &short_opts)) { options |= SLURP; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'r', "raw-output", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'c', "compact-output", &short_opts)) { options |= COMPACT_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'C', "color-output", &short_opts)) { options |= COLOUR_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'M', "monochrome-output", &short_opts)) { options |= NO_COLOUR_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'a', "ascii-output", &short_opts)) { options |= ASCII_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "unbuffered", &short_opts)) { options |= UNBUFFERED_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'S', "sort-keys", &short_opts)) { options |= SORTED_OUTPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'R', "raw-input", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_INPUT; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'n', "null-input", &short_opts)) { options |= PROVIDE_NULL; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'f', "from-file", &short_opts)) { options |= FROM_FILE; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'j', "join-output", &short_opts)) { options |= RAW_OUTPUT | RAW_NO_LF; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'i', "in-place", &short_opts)) { options |= IN_PLACE; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'e', "exit-status", &short_opts)) { options |= EXIT_STATUS; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "arg", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --arg takes two parameters (e.g. -a varname value)\n", progname); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), jv_string(argv[i+2])); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "argfile", &short_opts)) { if (i >= argc - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --argfile takes two parameters (e.g. -a varname filename)\n", progname); die(); } jv arg = jv_object(); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("name"), jv_string(argv[i+1])); jv data = jv_load_file(argv[i+2], 0); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad JSON in --argfile %s %s: %s\n", progname, argv[i+1], argv[i+2], jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); ret = 2; goto out; } if (jv_get_kind(data) == JV_KIND_ARRAY && jv_array_length(jv_copy(data)) == 1) data = jv_array_get(data, 0); arg = jv_object_set(arg, jv_string("value"), data); program_arguments = jv_array_append(program_arguments, arg); i += 2; // skip the next two arguments if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-dump-disasm", &short_opts)) { options |= DUMP_DISASM; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 0, "debug-trace", &short_opts)) { jq_flags |= JQ_DEBUG_TRACE; if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'h', "help", &short_opts)) { usage(0); if (!short_opts) continue; } if (isoption(argv[i], 'V', "version", &short_opts)) { printf("jq-%s\n", JQ_VERSION); ret = 0; goto out; } // check for unknown options... if this argument was a short option if (strlen(argv[i]) != short_opts + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option %s\n", progname, argv[i]); die(); } } } char *penv = getenv("JQ_LIBRARY_PATH"); if (penv) { #ifdef WIN32 #define PATH_ENV_SEPARATOR ";" #else #define PATH_ENV_SEPARATOR ":" #endif lib_search_paths = jv_array_concat(lib_search_paths,jv_string_split(jv_string(penv),jv_string(PATH_ENV_SEPARATOR))); #undef PATH_ENV_SEPARATOR } jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("LIB_DIRS"), lib_search_paths); char *origin = strdup(argv[0]); if (origin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of memory\n"); exit(1); } jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("ORIGIN"), jv_string(dirname(origin))); free(origin); if (strchr(JQ_VERSION, '-') == NULL) jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("VERSION_DIR"), jv_string(JQ_VERSION)); else jq_set_attr(jq, jv_string("VERSION_DIR"), jv_string_fmt("%.*s-master", strchr(JQ_VERSION, '-') - JQ_VERSION, JQ_VERSION)); #if (!defined(WIN32) && defined(HAVE_ISATTY)) || defined(HAVE__ISATTY) #if defined(HAVE__ISATTY) && defined(isatty) #undef isatty #define isatty _isatty #endif if (!program && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && !isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) program = "."; #endif if (!program) usage(2); if ((options & IN_PLACE)) { if (ninput_files == 0) usage(2); if (strcmp(input_filenames[0], "-") == 0) usage(2); size_t tlen = strlen(input_filenames[0]) + 7; t = jv_mem_alloc(tlen); int n = snprintf(t, tlen,"%sXXXXXX", input_filenames[0]); assert(n > 0 && (size_t)n < tlen); if (mkstemp(t) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s creating temporary file", strerror(errno)); exit(3); } if (freopen(t, "w", stdout) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s redirecting stdout to temporary file", strerror(errno)); exit(3); } } if (ninput_files == 0) current_input = stdin; if ((options & PROVIDE_NULL) && (options & (RAW_INPUT | SLURP))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: --null-input cannot be used with --raw-input or --slurp\n", progname); die(); } if (options & FROM_FILE) { jv data = jv_load_file(program, 1); if (!jv_is_valid(data)) { data = jv_invalid_get_msg(data); fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, jv_string_value(data)); jv_free(data); ret = 2; goto out; } compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, jv_string_value(data), program_arguments); jv_free(data); } else { compiled = jq_compile_args(jq, program, program_arguments); } if (!compiled){ ret = 3; goto out; } if (options & DUMP_DISASM) { jq_dump_disassembly(jq, 0); printf("\n"); } if (options & PROVIDE_NULL) { ret = process(jq, jv_null(), jq_flags); } else { jv slurped; if (options & SLURP) { if (options & RAW_INPUT) { slurped = jv_string(""); } else { slurped = jv_array(); } } struct jv_parser* parser = jv_parser_new(0); char buf[4096]; int is_last = 0; while (read_more(buf, sizeof(buf), &is_last)) { if (options & RAW_INPUT) { int len = strlen(buf); if (len > 0) { if (options & SLURP) { slurped = jv_string_concat(slurped, jv_string(buf)); } else { if (buf[len-1] == '\n') buf[len-1] = 0; ret = process(jq, jv_string(buf), jq_flags); } } } else { jv_parser_set_buf(parser, buf, strlen(buf), !is_last); jv value; while (jv_is_valid((value = jv_parser_next(parser)))) { if (options & SLURP) { slurped = jv_array_append(slurped, value); } else { ret = process(jq, value, jq_flags); } } if (jv_invalid_has_msg(jv_copy(value))) { jv msg = jv_invalid_get_msg(value); fprintf(stderr, "parse error: %s\n", jv_string_value(msg)); jv_free(msg); ret = 4; break; } else { jv_free(value); } } } jv_parser_free(parser); if (ret != 0) goto out; if (options & SLURP) { ret = process(jq, slurped, jq_flags); } } if ((options & IN_PLACE)) { FILE *devnull; #ifdef WIN32 devnull = freopen("NUL", "w+", stdout); #else devnull = freopen("/dev/null", "w+", stdout); #endif if (devnull == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s opening /dev/null\n", strerror(errno)); exit(3); } if (rename(t, input_filenames[0]) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s renaming temporary file\n", strerror(errno)); exit(3); } jv_mem_free(t); } out: jv_mem_free(input_filenames); jq_teardown(&jq); if (ret >= 10 && (options & EXIT_STATUS)) return ret - 10; if (ret >= 10) return 0; return ret; }