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synced 2024-05-11 05:55:39 +00:00
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101 lines
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module Lexer where
import Control.Monad.Error
%wrapper "monadUserState"
$digit = 0-9
$alpha = [a-zA-Z_]
@reserved = "."|"["|"]"|","|":"|"("|")"|"{"|"}"|"|"|"=="|"+"
@ident = $alpha [$alpha $digit]*
@string = \" ($printable)* \"
tokens :-
<0> $white+ ;
<0> @reserved { tok TRes }
<0> @ident { tok TIdent }
<0> $digit+ { tok $ TInt . read }
<0> \" { enterString }
<string> \" { leaveString }
<string> ($printable # [\"\\]) { pushString id }
<string> \\ [\"\\\/] { pushString (drop 1) }
<string> \\ [nrt] { pushString (escape . drop 1) }
--<string> \\ 'u' [0-9a-fA-F]{4}
-- { pushString (parseUnicode . drop 2) }
-- @string { \s -> TString $ init $ tail s}
escape :: String -> String
escape "r" = "\r"
escape "n" = "\n"
escape "t" = "\t"
getState :: Alex AlexState
getState = Alex $ \s -> Right (s, s)
getUserState :: Alex AlexUserState
getUserState = liftM alex_ust getState
setUserState :: AlexUserState -> Alex ()
setUserState s' = Alex $ \s -> Right (s{alex_ust = s'}, ())
alexEOF = return $ Nothing
enterString input len = do
setUserState []
alexSetStartCode string
skip input len
pushString f i@(p, _, s) len = do
buf <- getUserState
setUserState (buf ++ [f $ take len s])
skip i len
leaveString input len = do
s <- getUserState
alexSetStartCode 0
return $ Just $ TString $ concat s
tok f (p,_,s) len = return $ Just $ f (take len s)
data Token = TRes String | TString String | TIdent String | TInt Int
instance Show Token where
show (TRes t) = "token " ++ t
show (TString t) = "string " ++ t
show (TIdent t) = "identifier " ++ t
show (TInt t) = "integer " ++ show t
type AlexUserState = [String]
alexInitUserState = undefined
wrapError (Alex scanner) = Alex $ \s -> case scanner s of
Left message -> Left (message ++ " at " ++ showpos (alex_pos s))
showpos (AlexPn off line col) = "line " ++ show line ++ ", column " ++ show col
x -> x
scanner = do
tok <- wrapError alexMonadScan
case tok of
Nothing -> do
s <- getState
case alex_scd s of
0 -> return []
string -> alexError "Unterminated string literal"
Just tok -> liftM (tok:) scanner
runLexer :: String -> Either String [Token]
runLexer input = runAlex input scanner
} |