"fpath" array is the feature of Zsh, to which there are no equivalent
in Bash. Also, the current initialization code for "fpath" is broken;
$fpath is not expanded to the array elements but to the 0-th element
in Bash, so that only the last two paths are retained in the "fpath"
array. Actually, oh-my-bash currently does not have any "fpath"
functions, so we can just safely remove the initialization code for
In case that some external scripts use the existing functions for
"fpath" initialization, we move the functions to
* OMB - Major Refactor
- Aliases and completions now works like plugins (need to enabled in .bashrc)
- Removed the compatible check in spectrum.sh, OMB now works with Bash v3.x like the old days.
- Removed core plugin, added those bash functions into base.sh and load during startup.
- Updated OSH template for new installations
- Added history config and few other stuff from #17
@TODO: Added a shell script to update old version of .bashrc to new one.
* Fixed ShellCheck issues
* Fixed ShellCheck issues