- checks have been removed to in favor of conditional plugin loading
- .gitignore has been updated to ignore .tmp files
- main README has been updated to reflect conditional plugin loading
- tmux-autoattach plugin README has been updated to reflect
conditional plugin loading options
Accept just a bookmark name as a short form of the '-g' option. If just
one arg is supplied, and it doesn't start with a dash, then it is assumed
to be a bookmark name and _goto_bookmark is called. [ bm BOOKMARK_NAME ]
Add a -h option to print usage info with same behavior as supplying no args
Add echoing an error message if an unrecognized option is given, followed
by usage info
Augment usage info to reflect these changes and update README.md
* OMB - Major Refactor
- Aliases and completions now works like plugins (need to enabled in .bashrc)
- Removed the compatible check in spectrum.sh, OMB now works with Bash v3.x like the old days.
- Removed core plugin, added those bash functions into base.sh and load during startup.
- Updated OSH template for new installations
- Added history config and few other stuff from #17
@TODO: Added a shell script to update old version of .bashrc to new one.
* Fixed ShellCheck issues
* Fixed ShellCheck issues
- Fixed LSCOLORS from theme-and-appearance.sh
- Fixed ii() command in core plugin
- Stop using .bashrc as Oh-My-Bash profile, use .bash_profile instead
- Automate backport new version for old version users
- Added .editorconfig for future contribution