# -*- mode: bash -*- # This is combination of works from two different people which I combined for my requirement. # Original PS1 was from reddit user /u/Allevil669 which I found in thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1z33lj/linux_users_whats_your_favourite_bash_prompt/ # I used that PS1 to the bash-it theme 'morris', and customized it to my liking. All credits to /u/Allevil669 and morris. # # prompt theming _omb_module_require plugin:battery function prompt_command() { local status=$? # added TITLEBAR for updating the tab and window titles with the pwd local TITLEBAR case $TERM in xterm* | screen) TITLEBAR=$'\1\e]0;'$USER@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}$'\e\\\2' ;; *) TITLEBAR= ;; esac local SC if ((status == 0)); then SC="$cyan-$bold_green(${green}^_^$bold_green)"; else SC="$cyan-$bold_green(${red}T_T$bold_green)"; fi local BC=$(battery_percentage) [[ $BC == no && $BC == -1 ]] && BC= BC=${BC:+${cyan}-${green}($BC%)} PS1=$TITLEBAR"\n${cyan}┌─${bold_white}[\u@\h]${cyan}─${bold_yellow}(\w)$(scm_prompt_info)\n${cyan}└─${bold_green}[\A]$SC$BC${cyan}-${bold_cyan}[${green}${bold_green}\$${bold_cyan}]${green} " } # scm theming SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY=" ${red}✗" SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN=" ${bold_green}✓" SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX="${bold_cyan}(" SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX="${bold_cyan})${reset_color}" _omb_util_add_prompt_command prompt_command