#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################---Description---################################### # # # Summary : A collection of handy utilities and functions for bash # # Support : destro.nnt@gmail.com # # Created date : Mar 18,2017 # # Latest Modified date : Mar 18,2017 # # # ################################################################################ ############################---Usage---######################################### # source ~/path/to/directory/utils.sh ########################## Styled text output ################################## # e_header "I am a sample script" # e_success "I am a success message" # e_error "I am an error message" # e_warning "I am a warning message" # e_underline "I am underlined text" # e_bold "I am bold text" # e_note "I am a note" ################# Performing simple Yes/No confirmations ####################### # seek_confirmation "Do you want to print a success message?" # if is_confirmed; then # e_success "Here is a success message" # else # e_error "You did not ask for a success message" # fi ############ Testing if packages, apps, gems, etc. are installed ############### # if type_exists 'git'; then # e_success "Git good to go" # else # e_error "Git should be installed. It isn't. Aborting." # exit 1 # fi # if is_os "darwin"; then # e_success "You are on a mac" # else # e_error "You are not on a mac" # exit 1 # fi ##################### Sending notifications to Pushover ######################## # pushover "We just finished performing a lengthy task." ############################### Comparing A List ############################### # recipes=( # A-random-package # bash # Another-random-package # git # ) # list="$(to_install "${recipes[*]}" "$(brew list)")" # if [[ "$list" ]]; then # for item in ${list[@]} # do # echo "$item is not on the list" # done # else # e_arrow "Nothing to install. You've already got them all." # fi ################################################################################ # # Set Colors # # Use colors, but only if connected to a terminal, and that terminal # supports them. if which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then ncolors=$(tput colors) fi if [ -t 1 ] && [ -n "$ncolors" ] && [ "$ncolors" -ge 8 ]; then bold="$(tput bold)" underline=$(tput sgr 0 1) reset="$(tput sgr0)" red="$(tput setaf 1)" green="$(tput setaf 2)" yellow="$(tput setaf 3)" blue="$(tput setaf 4)" purple=$(tput setaf 171) tan=$(tput setaf 3) else bold="" underline="" reset="" red="" green="" yellow="" blue="" purple="" tan="" fi # # Headers and Logging # e_header() { printf "\n${bold}${purple}========== %s ==========${reset}\n" "$@" } e_arrow() { printf "➜ %s\n" "$@" } e_success() { printf "${green}✔ %s${reset}\n" "$@" } e_error() { printf "${red}✖ %s${reset}\n" "$@" } e_warning() { printf "${tan}➜ %s${reset}\n" "$@" } e_underline() { printf "${underline}${bold}%s${reset}\n" "$@" } e_bold() { printf "${bold}%s${reset}\n" "$@" } e_note() { printf "${underline}${bold}${blue}Note:${reset} ${blue}%s${reset}\n" "$@" } # # USAGE FOR SEEKING CONFIRMATION # seek_confirmation "Ask a question" # Credit: https://github.com/kevva/dotfiles # # if is_confirmed; then # some action # else # some other action # fi # seek_confirmation() { printf "\n${bold}%s${reset}" "$@" read -p " (y/n) " -n 1 printf "\n" } # Test whether the result of an 'ask' is a confirmation is_confirmed() { if [[ "$REPLY" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then return 0 fi return 1 } # # Test whether a command exists # $1 = cmd to test # Usage: # if type_exists 'git'; then # some action # else # some other action # fi # type_exists() { if [ "$(type -P "$1")" ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } # # Test which OS the user runs # $1 = OS to test # Usage: if is_os 'darwin'; then # is_os() { if [[ "${OSTYPE}" == $1* ]]; then return 0 fi return 1 } # # Pushover Notifications # Usage: pushover "Title Goes Here" "Message Goes Here" # Credit: http://ryonsherman.blogspot.com/2012/10/shell-script-to-send-pushover.html # pushover () { PUSHOVERURL="https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json" API_KEY=$PUSHOVER_API_KEY USER_KEY=$PUSHOVER_USER_KEY DEVICE=$PUSHOVER_DEVICE TITLE="${1}" MESSAGE="${2}" curl \ -F "token=${API_KEY}" \ -F "user=${USER_KEY}" \ -F "device=${DEVICE}" \ -F "title=${TITLE}" \ -F "message=${MESSAGE}" \ "${PUSHOVERURL}" > /dev/null 2>&1 }