#! bash oh-my-bash.module _omb_module_require lib:omb-deprecate _omb_module_require lib:omb-prompt-colors CLOCK_CHAR_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX='' CLOCK_CHAR_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='' CLOCK_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX='' CLOCK_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='' THEME_PROMPT_HOST='\H' SCM_CHECK=${SCM_CHECK:=true} SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY=' ✗' SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN=' ✓' SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' |' SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='|' SCM_THEME_BRANCH_PREFIX='' SCM_THEME_TAG_PREFIX='tag:' SCM_THEME_DETACHED_PREFIX='detached:' SCM_THEME_BRANCH_TRACK_PREFIX=' → ' SCM_THEME_BRANCH_GONE_PREFIX=' ⇢ ' SCM_THEME_CURRENT_USER_PREFFIX=' ☺︎ ' SCM_THEME_CURRENT_USER_SUFFIX='' SCM_THEME_CHAR_PREFIX='' SCM_THEME_CHAR_SUFFIX='' THEME_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_CHECK=${THEME_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_CHECK:=true} SCM_GIT_SHOW_DETAILS=${SCM_GIT_SHOW_DETAILS:=true} SCM_GIT_SHOW_REMOTE_INFO=${SCM_GIT_SHOW_REMOTE_INFO:=auto} SCM_GIT_DISABLE_UNTRACKED_DIRTY=${SCM_GIT_DISABLE_UNTRACKED_DIRTY:=false} SCM_GIT_IGNORE_UNTRACKED=${SCM_GIT_IGNORE_UNTRACKED:=false} SCM_GIT_SHOW_CURRENT_USER=${SCM_GIT_SHOW_CURRENT_USER:=false} SCM_GIT_SHOW_MINIMAL_INFO=${SCM_GIT_SHOW_MINIMAL_INFO:=false} SCM_GIT='git' SCM_GIT_CHAR='±' SCM_GIT_DETACHED_CHAR='⌿' SCM_GIT_AHEAD_CHAR="↑" SCM_GIT_BEHIND_CHAR="↓" SCM_GIT_UNTRACKED_CHAR="?:" SCM_GIT_UNSTAGED_CHAR="U:" SCM_GIT_STAGED_CHAR="S:" SCM_HG='hg' SCM_HG_CHAR='☿' SCM_SVN='svn' SCM_SVN_CHAR='⑆' SCM_NONE='NONE' SCM_NONE_CHAR='○' THEME_SHOW_USER_HOST=${THEME_SHOW_USER_HOST:=false} USER_HOST_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX='' USER_HOST_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='' # #new # OMB_PROMPT_RBFU_FORMAT=' |%s|' # OMB_PROMPT_RBENV_FORMAT=' |%s|' # OMB_PROMPT_RVM_FORMAT=' |%s|' # OMB_PROMPT_CHRUBY_FORMAT=' |%s|' # deprecate RBFU_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' |' RBFU_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='|' RBENV_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' |' RBENV_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='|' RVM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' |' RVM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='|' CHRUBY_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' |' CHRUBY_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='|' # # new # OMB_PROMPT_VIRTUALENV_FORMAT=' |%s|' # OMB_PROMPT_CONDAENV_FORMAT=' |%s|' # OMB_PROMPT_CONDAENV_USE_BASENAME=true # OMB_PROMPT_PYTHON_VERSION_FORMAT=' |%s|' # OMB_PROMPT_SHOW_PYTHON_VENV=true # deprecate VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' |' VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='|' CONDAENV_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' |' CONDAENV_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='|' PYTHON_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' |' PYTHON_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='|' ## @fn _omb_prompt_format var value fmt_prefix[:deprecated] ## @param[in] var ## @param[in] value ## @param[in] fmt_prefix ## @param[in,opt] deprecated ## @var[out] $var function _omb_prompt_format { local __format=${3%%:*}_FORMAT; __format=${!__format-} if [[ ! $__format ]]; then local __prefix=${3#*:}_PREFIX; __prefix=${!__prefix-} # deprecate name local __suffix=${3#*:}_SUFFIX; __suffix=${!__suffix-} # deprecate name __format=${__prefix//'%'/'%%'}%s${__suffix//'%'/'%%'} fi printf -v "$1" "$__format" "$2" } function _omb_prompt_git { command git "$@" } function scm { if [[ "$SCM_CHECK" = false ]]; then SCM=$SCM_NONE elif [[ -f .git/HEAD ]]; then SCM=$SCM_GIT elif _omb_util_binary_exists git && [[ -n "$(_omb_prompt_git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null)" ]]; then SCM=$SCM_GIT elif [[ -d .hg ]]; then SCM=$SCM_HG elif _omb_util_binary_exists hg && [[ -n "$(command hg root 2> /dev/null)" ]]; then SCM=$SCM_HG elif [[ -d .svn ]]; then SCM=$SCM_SVN else SCM=$SCM_NONE fi } function scm_prompt_char { if [[ -z $SCM ]]; then scm; fi if [[ $SCM == $SCM_GIT ]]; then SCM_CHAR=$SCM_GIT_CHAR elif [[ $SCM == $SCM_HG ]]; then SCM_CHAR=$SCM_HG_CHAR elif [[ $SCM == $SCM_SVN ]]; then SCM_CHAR=$SCM_SVN_CHAR else SCM_CHAR=$SCM_NONE_CHAR fi } function scm_prompt_vars { scm scm_prompt_char SCM_DIRTY=0 SCM_STATE='' [[ $SCM == $SCM_GIT ]] && git_prompt_vars && return [[ $SCM == $SCM_HG ]] && hg_prompt_vars && return [[ $SCM == $SCM_SVN ]] && svn_prompt_vars && return } function scm_prompt_info { scm scm_prompt_char scm_prompt_info_common } function scm_prompt_char_info { scm_prompt_char echo -ne "${SCM_THEME_CHAR_PREFIX}${SCM_CHAR}${SCM_THEME_CHAR_SUFFIX}" scm_prompt_info_common } function scm_prompt_info_common { SCM_DIRTY=0 SCM_STATE='' if [[ ${SCM} == ${SCM_GIT} ]]; then if [[ ${SCM_GIT_SHOW_MINIMAL_INFO} == true ]]; then # user requests minimal git status information git_prompt_minimal_info else # more detailed git status git_prompt_info fi return fi # TODO: consider adding minimal status information for hg and svn [[ ${SCM} == ${SCM_HG} ]] && hg_prompt_info && return [[ ${SCM} == ${SCM_SVN} ]] && svn_prompt_info && return } # This is added to address bash shell interpolation vulnerability described # here: https://github.com/njhartwell/pw3nage function git_clean_branch { local unsafe_ref=$(_omb_prompt_git symbolic-ref -q HEAD 2> /dev/null) local stripped_ref=${unsafe_ref##refs/heads/} local clean_ref=${stripped_ref//[\$\`\\]/-} clean_ref=${clean_ref//[^[:print:]]/-} # strip escape sequences, etc. echo $clean_ref } function git_prompt_minimal_info { local ref local status local git_status_flags=('--porcelain') SCM_STATE=${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN} if [[ "$(_omb_prompt_git config --get bash-it.hide-status)" != "1" ]]; then # Get the branch reference ref=$(git_clean_branch) || \ ref=$(_omb_prompt_git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return 0 SCM_BRANCH=${SCM_THEME_BRANCH_PREFIX}${ref} # Get the status [[ "${SCM_GIT_IGNORE_UNTRACKED}" = "true" ]] && git_status_flags+='-untracked-files=no' status=$(_omb_prompt_git status ${git_status_flags} 2> /dev/null | tail -n1) if [[ -n ${status} ]]; then SCM_DIRTY=1 SCM_STATE=${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY} fi # Output the git prompt SCM_PREFIX=${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX} SCM_SUFFIX=${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX} echo -e "${SCM_PREFIX}${SCM_BRANCH}${SCM_STATE}${SCM_SUFFIX}" fi } function git_status_summary { awk ' BEGIN { untracked=0; unstaged=0; staged=0; } { if (!after_first && $0 ~ /^##.+/) { print $0 seen_header = 1 } else if ($0 ~ /^\?\? .+/) { untracked += 1 } else { if ($0 ~ /^.[^ ] .+/) { unstaged += 1 } if ($0 ~ /^[^ ]. .+/) { staged += 1 } } after_first = 1 } END { if (!seen_header) { print } print untracked "\t" unstaged "\t" staged }' } function git_prompt_vars { local details='' local git_status_flags='' [[ "$(command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2> /dev/null)" == "true" ]] || return 1 SCM_STATE=${GIT_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN} if [[ "$(_omb_prompt_git config --get bash-it.hide-status)" != "1" ]]; then [[ "${SCM_GIT_IGNORE_UNTRACKED}" = "true" ]] && git_status_flags='-uno' local status_lines=$((_omb_prompt_git status --porcelain ${git_status_flags} -b 2> /dev/null || _omb_prompt_git status --porcelain ${git_status_flags} 2> /dev/null) | git_status_summary) local status=$(awk 'NR==1' <<< "$status_lines") local counts=$(awk 'NR==2' <<< "$status_lines") IFS=$'\t' read -r untracked_count unstaged_count staged_count <<< "$counts" if [[ "${untracked_count}" -gt 0 || "${unstaged_count}" -gt 0 || "${staged_count}" -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ "${SCM_GIT_SHOW_DETAILS}" = "true" ]]; then [[ "${staged_count}" -gt 0 ]] && details+=" ${SCM_GIT_STAGED_CHAR}${staged_count}" && SCM_DIRTY=3 [[ "${unstaged_count}" -gt 0 ]] && details+=" ${SCM_GIT_UNSTAGED_CHAR}${unstaged_count}" && SCM_DIRTY=2 [[ "${untracked_count}" -gt 0 ]] && details+=" ${SCM_GIT_UNTRACKED_CHAR}${untracked_count}" && [[ "$SCM_GIT_DISABLE_UNTRACKED_DIRTY" != "true" ]] && SCM_DIRTY=1 fi [[ "$SCM_GIT_DISABLE_UNTRACKED_DIRTY" != "true" || "${unstaged_count}" -gt 0 || "${staged_count}" -gt 0 ]] && SCM_STATE=${GIT_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY} fi fi [[ "${SCM_GIT_SHOW_CURRENT_USER}" == "true" ]] && details+="$(git_user_info)" SCM_CHANGE=$(_omb_prompt_git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) local ref=$(git_clean_branch) if [[ -n "$ref" ]]; then SCM_BRANCH="${SCM_THEME_BRANCH_PREFIX}${ref}" local tracking_info="$(grep -- "${SCM_BRANCH}\.\.\." <<< "${status}")" if [[ -n "${tracking_info}" ]]; then [[ "${tracking_info}" =~ .+\[gone\]$ ]] && local branch_gone="true" tracking_info=${tracking_info#\#\# ${SCM_BRANCH}...} tracking_info=${tracking_info% [*} local remote_name=${tracking_info%%/*} local remote_branch=${tracking_info#${remote_name}/} local remote_info="" local num_remotes=$(_omb_prompt_git remote | wc -l 2> /dev/null) [[ "${SCM_BRANCH}" = "${remote_branch}" ]] && local same_branch_name=true if ([[ "${SCM_GIT_SHOW_REMOTE_INFO}" = "auto" ]] && [[ "${num_remotes}" -ge 2 ]]) || [[ "${SCM_GIT_SHOW_REMOTE_INFO}" = "true" ]]; then remote_info="${remote_name}" [[ "${same_branch_name}" != "true" ]] && remote_info+="/${remote_branch}" elif [[ ${same_branch_name} != "true" ]]; then remote_info="${remote_branch}" fi if [[ -n "${remote_info}" ]];then if [[ "${branch_gone}" = "true" ]]; then SCM_BRANCH+="${SCM_THEME_BRANCH_GONE_PREFIX}${remote_info}" else SCM_BRANCH+="${SCM_THEME_BRANCH_TRACK_PREFIX}${remote_info}" fi fi fi SCM_GIT_DETACHED="false" else local detached_prefix="" ref=$(_omb_prompt_git describe --tags --exact-match 2> /dev/null) if [[ -n "$ref" ]]; then detached_prefix=${SCM_THEME_TAG_PREFIX} else ref=$(_omb_prompt_git describe --contains --all HEAD 2> /dev/null) ref=${ref#remotes/} [[ -z "$ref" ]] && ref=${SCM_CHANGE} detached_prefix=${SCM_THEME_DETACHED_PREFIX} fi SCM_BRANCH=${detached_prefix}${ref} SCM_GIT_DETACHED="true" fi local ahead_re='.+ahead ([0-9]+).+' local behind_re='.+behind ([0-9]+).+' [[ "${status}" =~ ${ahead_re} ]] && SCM_BRANCH+=" ${SCM_GIT_AHEAD_CHAR}${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" [[ "${status}" =~ ${behind_re} ]] && SCM_BRANCH+=" ${SCM_GIT_BEHIND_CHAR}${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" local stash_count="$(_omb_prompt_git stash list 2> /dev/null | wc -l | tr -d ' ')" [[ "${stash_count}" -gt 0 ]] && SCM_BRANCH+=" {${stash_count}}" SCM_BRANCH+=${details} SCM_PREFIX=${GIT_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX} SCM_SUFFIX=${GIT_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX} } function svn_prompt_vars { if [[ -n $(command svn status 2> /dev/null) ]]; then SCM_DIRTY=1 SCM_STATE=${SVN_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY} else SCM_DIRTY=0 SCM_STATE=${SVN_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN} fi SCM_PREFIX=${SVN_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX} SCM_SUFFIX=${SVN_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX} SCM_BRANCH=$(command svn info 2> /dev/null | awk -F/ '/^URL:/ { for (i=0; i<=NF; i++) { if ($i == "branches" || $i == "tags" ) { print $(i+1); break }; if ($i == "trunk") { print $i; break } } }') || return SCM_CHANGE=$(command svn info 2> /dev/null | sed -ne 's#^Revision: ##p' ) } # this functions returns absolute location of .hg directory if one exists # It starts in the current directory and moves its way up until it hits /. # If we get to / then no Mercurial repository was found. # Example: # - lets say we cd into ~/Projects/Foo/Bar # - .hg is located in ~/Projects/Foo/.hg # - get_hg_root starts at ~/Projects/Foo/Bar and sees that there is no .hg directory, so then it goes into ~/Projects/Foo function get_hg_root { local CURRENT_DIR=$PWD while [ "$CURRENT_DIR" != "/" ]; do if [ -d "$CURRENT_DIR/.hg" ]; then echo "$CURRENT_DIR/.hg" return fi CURRENT_DIR=$(dirname "$CURRENT_DIR") done } function hg_prompt_vars { if [[ -n $(command hg status 2> /dev/null) ]]; then SCM_DIRTY=1 SCM_STATE=${HG_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY} else SCM_DIRTY=0 SCM_STATE=${HG_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN} fi SCM_PREFIX=${HG_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX} SCM_SUFFIX=${HG_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX} HG_ROOT=$(get_hg_root) if [ -f "$HG_ROOT/branch" ]; then # Mercurial holds it's current branch in .hg/branch file SCM_BRANCH=$(cat "$HG_ROOT/branch") else SCM_BRANCH=$(command hg summary 2> /dev/null | grep branch: | awk '{print $2}') fi if [ -f "$HG_ROOT/dirstate" ]; then # Mercurial holds various information about the working directory in .hg/dirstate file. More on http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/DirState SCM_CHANGE=$(hexdump -n 10 -e '1/1 "%02x"' "$HG_ROOT/dirstate" | cut -c-12) else SCM_CHANGE=$(command hg summary 2> /dev/null | grep parent: | awk '{print $2}') fi } function _omb_prompt_get_rbfu { rbfu=$RBFU_RUBY_VERSION [[ $rbfu ]] || return 1 _omb_prompt_format rbfu "$rbfu" OMB_PROMPT_RBFU:RBFU_THEME_PROMPT } function _omb_prompt_get_rbenv { rbenv= _omb_util_command_exists rbenv || return 1 rbenv=$(rbenv version-name) rbenv commands | command grep -q gemset && gemset=$(rbenv gemset active 2> /dev/null) && rbenv="$rbenv@${gemset%% *}" [[ $rbenv != system ]] || return 1 _omb_prompt_format rbenv "$rbenv" OMB_PROMPT_RBENV:RBENV_THEME_PROMPT } function _omb_prompt_get_rvm { rvm= if _omb_util_command_exists rvm-prompt; then rvm=$(rvm-prompt) elif _omb_util_command_exists rvm; then local rvm_current=$(rvm tools identifier) local rvm_default=$(rvm strings default) [[ $rvm_current && $rvm_default && $rvm_current != "$rvm_default" ]] || return 1 rvm=$rvm_current fi [[ $rvm ]] || return 1 _omb_prompt_format rvm "$rvm" OMB_PROMPT_RVM:RVM_THEME_PROMPT } function _omb_prompt_get_chruby { chruby= _omb_util_function_exists chruby || return 1 _omb_util_function_exists chruby_auto && chruby=$(chruby_auto) local ruby_version ruby_version=$(ruby --version | command awk '{print $1, $2;}') || return chruby | command grep -q '\*' || ruby_version="${ruby_version} (system)" _omb_prompt_format ruby_version "$ruby_version" OMB_PROMPT_CHRUBY:CHRUBY_THEME_PROMPT chruby+=$ruby_version } function _omb_prompt_get_ruby_env { local rbfu rbenv rvm chruby _omb_prompt_get_rbfu _omb_prompt_get_rbenv _omb_prompt_get_rvm _omb_prompt_get_chruby ruby_env=$rbfu$rbenv$rvm$chruby [[ $ruby_env ]] } _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_rbfu rbfu _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_rbenv rbenv _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_rvm rvm _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_chruby chruby _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_ruby_env ruby_env _omb_deprecate_function 20000 rbfu_version_prompt _omb_prompt_print_rbfu _omb_deprecate_function 20000 rbenv_version_prompt _omb_prompt_print_rbenv _omb_deprecate_function 20000 rvm_version_prompt _omb_prompt_print_rvm _omb_deprecate_function 20000 chruby_version_prompt _omb_prompt_print_chruby _omb_deprecate_function 20000 ruby_version_prompt _omb_prompt_print_ruby_env function _omb_prompt_get_virtualenv { virtualenv= [[ ${VIRTUAL_ENV-} ]] || return 1 _omb_prompt_format virtualenv "$(basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV")" OMB_PROMPT_VIRTUALENV:VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT } function _omb_prompt_get_condaenv { condaenv= [[ ${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV-} && ${CONDA_SHLVL-} != 0 ]] || return 1 condaenv=$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV if [[ ${OMB_PROMPT_CONDAENV_USE_BASENAME-} == true ]]; then condaenv=$(basename "$condaenv") fi _omb_prompt_format condaenv "$condaenv" OMB_PROMPT_CONDAENV:CONDAENV_THEME_PROMPT } function _omb_prompt_get_python_version { python_version=$(python --version 2>&1 | command awk '{print "py-"$2;}') [[ $python_version ]] || return 1 _omb_prompt_format python_version "$python_version" OMB_PROMPT_PYTHON_VERSION:PYTHON_THEME_PROMPT } function _omb_prompt_get_python_venv { python_venv= [[ ${OMB_PROMPT_SHOW_PYTHON_VENV-} == true ]] || return 1 local virtualenv condaenv _omb_prompt_get_virtualenv _omb_prompt_get_condaenv python_venv=$virtualenv$condaenv [[ $python_venv ]] } function _omb_prompt_get_python_env { local virtualenv condaenv python_version _omb_prompt_get_virtualenv _omb_prompt_get_condaenv _omb_prompt_get_python_version python_env=$virtualenv$condaenv$python_version [[ $python_env ]] } _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_virtualenv virtualenv _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_condaenv condaenv _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_python_version python_version _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_python_venv python_venv _omb_util_defun_print _omb_prompt_{print,get}_python_env python_env _omb_deprecate_function 20000 virtualenv_prompt _omb_prompt_print_virtualenv _omb_deprecate_function 20000 condaenv_prompt _omb_prompt_print_condaenv _omb_deprecate_function 20000 py_interp_prompt _omb_prompt_print_python_version _omb_deprecate_function 20000 python_version_prompt _omb_prompt_print_python_env function git_user_info { # support two or more initials, set by 'git pair' plugin SCM_CURRENT_USER=$(_omb_prompt_git config user.initials | sed 's% %+%') # if `user.initials` weren't set, attempt to extract initials from `user.name` [[ -z "${SCM_CURRENT_USER}" ]] && SCM_CURRENT_USER=$(printf "%s" $(for word in $(_omb_prompt_git config user.name | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'); do printf "%1.1s" $word; done)) [[ -n "${SCM_CURRENT_USER}" ]] && printf "%s" "$SCM_THEME_CURRENT_USER_PREFFIX$SCM_CURRENT_USER$SCM_THEME_CURRENT_USER_SUFFIX" } function clock_char { CLOCK_CHAR=${THEME_CLOCK_CHAR:-"⌚"} CLOCK_CHAR_COLOR=${THEME_CLOCK_CHAR_COLOR:-"$_omb_prompt_normal"} SHOW_CLOCK_CHAR=${THEME_SHOW_CLOCK_CHAR:-"true"} if [[ "${SHOW_CLOCK_CHAR}" = "true" ]]; then echo -e "${CLOCK_CHAR_COLOR}${CLOCK_CHAR_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX}${CLOCK_CHAR}${CLOCK_CHAR_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX}" fi } function clock_prompt { CLOCK_COLOR=${THEME_CLOCK_COLOR:-"$_omb_prompt_normal"} CLOCK_FORMAT=${THEME_CLOCK_FORMAT:-"%H:%M:%S"} [ -z $THEME_SHOW_CLOCK ] && THEME_SHOW_CLOCK=${THEME_CLOCK_CHECK:-"true"} SHOW_CLOCK=$THEME_SHOW_CLOCK if [[ "${SHOW_CLOCK}" = "true" ]]; then CLOCK_STRING=$(date +"${CLOCK_FORMAT}") echo -e "${CLOCK_COLOR}${CLOCK_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX}${CLOCK_STRING}${CLOCK_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX}" fi } function user_host_prompt { if [[ "${THEME_SHOW_USER_HOST}" = "true" ]]; then echo -e "${USER_HOST_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX}\u@\h${USER_HOST_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX}" fi } # backwards-compatibility function git_prompt_info { git_prompt_vars echo -e "${SCM_PREFIX}${SCM_BRANCH}${SCM_STATE}${SCM_SUFFIX}" } function svn_prompt_info { svn_prompt_vars echo -e "${SCM_PREFIX}${SCM_BRANCH}${SCM_STATE}${SCM_SUFFIX}" } function hg_prompt_info() { hg_prompt_vars echo -e "${SCM_PREFIX}${SCM_BRANCH}:${SCM_CHANGE#*:}${SCM_STATE}${SCM_SUFFIX}" } function scm_char { scm_prompt_char echo -e "${SCM_THEME_CHAR_PREFIX}${SCM_CHAR}${SCM_THEME_CHAR_SUFFIX}" } function prompt_char { scm_char } function battery_char { if [[ "${THEME_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_CHECK}" = true ]]; then echo -e "${_omb_prompt_bold_brown}$(battery_percentage)%" fi } if ! _omb_util_command_exists 'battery_charge' ; then # if user has installed battery plugin, skip this... function battery_charge (){ # no op echo -n } fi # The battery_char function depends on the presence of the battery_percentage function. # If battery_percentage is not defined, then define battery_char as a no-op. if ! _omb_util_command_exists 'battery_percentage' ; then function battery_char (){ # no op echo -n } fi function aws_profile { if [[ $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE ]]; then echo -e "${AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE}" else echo -e "default" fi } # Returns true if $1 is a shell function. _omb_deprecate_function 20000 fn_exists _omb_util_function_exists _omb_deprecate_function 20000 safe_append_prompt_command _omb_util_add_prompt_command