#!/usr/bin/env bash # Bail out early if non-interactive # # Note: We cannot produce any error messages here because, in some systems, # /etc/gdm3/Xsession sources ~/.profile and checks stderr. If there is any # stderr ourputs, it refuses to start the session. case $- in *i*) ;; *) return;; esac if [ ! -n "${BASH_VERSION-}" ]; then printf '%s\n' 'oh-my-bash: This is not a Bash. Use OMB with Bash 3.2 or higher.' >&2 return 1 fi _omb_bash_version=$((BASH_VERSINFO[0] * 10000 + BASH_VERSINFO[1] * 100 + BASH_VERSINFO[2])) if ((_omb_bash_version < 30200)); then printf '%s\n' "oh-my-bash: OMB does not support this version of Bash ($BASH_VERSION)" >&2 printf '%s\n' "oh-my-bash: Use OMB with Bash 3.2 or higher" >&2 return 1 fi OMB_VERSINFO=(1 0 0 0 master noarch) OMB_VERSION="${OMB_VERSINFO[0]}.${OMB_VERSINFO[1]}.${OMB_VERSINFO[2]}(${OMB_VERSINFO[3]})-${OMB_VERSINFO[4]} (${OMB_VERSINFO[5]})" _omb_version=$((OMB_VERSINFO[0] * 10000 + OMB_VERSINFO[1] * 100 + OMB_VERSINFO[2])) # Check for updates on initial load... if [[ $DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE != true ]]; then source "$OSH"/tools/check_for_upgrade.sh fi # Initializes Oh My Bash # Set OSH_CUSTOM to the path where your custom config files # and plugins exists, or else we will use the default custom/ : "${OSH_CUSTOM:=$OSH/custom}" # Set OSH_CACHE_DIR to the path where cache files should be created # or else we will use the default cache/ : "${OSH_CACHE_DIR:=$OSH/cache}" _omb_module_loaded= _omb_module_require() { local status=0 local -a files=() while (($#)); do local type=lib name=$1; shift [[ $name == *:* ]] && type=${name%%:*} name=${name#*:} name=${name%.bash} name=${name%.sh} [[ ' '$_omb_module_loaded' ' == *" $type:$name "* ]] && continue _omb_module_loaded="$_omb_module_loaded $type:$name" local -a locations=() case $type in lib) locations=({"$OSH_CUSTOM","$OSH"}/lib/"$name".{bash,sh}) ;; plugin) locations=({"$OSH_CUSTOM","$OSH"}/plugins/"$name"/"$name".plugin.{bash,sh}) ;; alias) locations=({"$OSH_CUSTOM","$OSH"}/aliases/"$name".aliases.{bash,sh}) ;; completion) locations=({"$OSH_CUSTOM","$OSH"}/completions/"$name".completion.{bash,sh}) ;; theme) locations=({"$OSH_CUSTOM"{,/themes},"$OSH"/themes}/"$name"/"$name".theme.{bash,sh}) ;; *) echo "oh-my-bash (module_require): unknown module type '$type'." >&2 status=2 continue ;; esac local path for path in "${locations[@]}"; do if [[ -f $path ]]; then files+=("$path") continue 2 fi done echo "oh-my-bash (module_require): module '$type:$name' not found." >&2 status=127 done if ((status==0)); then local path for path in "${files[@]}"; do source "$path" || status=$? done fi return "$status" } _omb_module_require_lib() { _omb_module_require "${@/#/lib:}"; } _omb_module_require_plugin() { _omb_module_require "${@/#/plugin:}"; } _omb_module_require_alias() { _omb_module_require "${@/#/alias:}"; } _omb_module_require_completion() { _omb_module_require "${@/#/completion:}"; } _omb_module_require_theme() { _omb_module_require "${@/#/theme:}"; } # Load all of the config files in ~/.oh-my-bash/lib that end in .sh # TIP: Add files you don't want in git to .gitignore _omb_module_require_lib utils _omb_module_require_lib omb-deprecate _omb_util_glob_expand _omb_init_files '{"$OSH","$OSH_CUSTOM"}/lib/*.{bash,sh}' _omb_init_files=("${_omb_init_files[@]##*/}") _omb_init_files=("${_omb_init_files[@]%.bash}") _omb_init_files=("${_omb_init_files[@]%.sh}") _omb_module_require_lib "${_omb_init_files[@]}" unset -v _omb_init_files # Figure out the SHORT hostname if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]]; then # macOS's $HOST changes with dhcp, etc. Use ComputerName if possible. SHORT_HOST=$(scutil --get ComputerName 2>/dev/null) || SHORT_HOST=${HOST/.*/} else SHORT_HOST=${HOST/.*/} fi # Load all of the plugins that were defined in ~/.bashrc _omb_module_require_plugin "${plugins[@]}" # Load all of the aliases that were defined in ~/.bashrc _omb_module_require_alias "${aliases[@]}" # Load all of the completions that were defined in ~/.bashrc _omb_module_require_completion "${completions[@]}" # Load all of your custom configurations from custom/ _omb_util_glob_expand _omb_init_files '"$OSH_CUSTOM"/*.{sh,bash}' for _omb_init_file in "${_omb_init_files[@]}"; do [[ -f $_omb_init_file ]] && source "$_omb_init_file" done unset -v _omb_init_files _omb_init_file # Load colors first so they can be use in base theme source "${OSH}/themes/colours.theme.sh" source "${OSH}/themes/base.theme.sh" # Load the theme if [[ $OSH_THEME == random ]]; then _omb_util_glob_expand _omb_init_files '"$OSH"/themes/*/*.theme.sh' if ((${#_omb_init_files[@]})); then _omb_init_file=${_omb_init_files[RANDOM%${#_omb_init_files[@]}]} source "$_omb_init_file" echo "[oh-my-bash] Random theme '$_omb_init_file' loaded..." fi unset -v _omb_init_files _omb_init_file elif [[ $OSH_THEME ]]; then _omb_module_require_theme "$OSH_THEME" fi if [[ $PROMPT ]]; then export PS1="\["$PROMPT"\]" fi if ! _omb_util_command_exists '__git_ps1' ; then source "$OSH/tools/git-prompt.sh" fi # Adding Support for other OSes [ -s /usr/bin/gloobus-preview ] && PREVIEW="gloobus-preview" || [ -s /Applications/Preview.app ] && PREVIEW="/Applications/Preview.app" || PREVIEW="less"