# hub tab-completion script for bash. # This script complements the completion script that ships with git. # If there is no git tab completion, but we have the _completion loader try to load it if ! declare -F _git > /dev/null && declare -F _completion_loader > /dev/null; then _completion_loader git fi # Check that git tab completion is available if declare -F _git > /dev/null; then # Duplicate and rename the 'list_all_commands' function eval "$(declare -f __git_list_all_commands | \ sed 's/__git_list_all_commands/__git_list_all_commands_without_hub/')" # Wrap the 'list_all_commands' function with extra hub commands __git_list_all_commands() { cat <<-EOF alias pull-request fork create browse compare ci-status EOF __git_list_all_commands_without_hub } # Ensure cached commands are cleared __git_all_commands="" ########################## # hub command completions ########################## # hub alias [-s] [SHELL] _git_alias() { local i c=2 s=-s sh shells="bash zsh sh ksh csh fish" while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do i="${words[c]}" case "$i" in -s) unset s ;; *) for sh in $shells; do if [ "$sh" = "$i" ]; then unset shells break fi done ;; esac ((c++)) done __gitcomp "$s $shells" } # hub browse [-u] [--|[USER/]REPOSITORY] [SUBPAGE] _git_browse() { local i c=2 u=-u repo subpage local subpages_="commits issues tree wiki pulls branches stargazers contributors network network/ graphs graphs/" local subpages_network="members" local subpages_graphs="commit-activity code-frequency punch-card" while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do i="${words[c]}" case "$i" in -u) unset u ;; *) if [ -z "$repo" ]; then repo=$i else subpage=$i fi ;; esac ((c++)) done if [ -z "$repo" ]; then __gitcomp "$u -- $(__hub_github_repos '\p')" elif [ -z "$subpage" ]; then case "$cur" in */*) local pfx="${cur%/*}" cur_="${cur#*/}" local subpages_var="subpages_$pfx" __gitcomp "${!subpages_var}" "$pfx/" "$cur_" ;; *) __gitcomp "$u ${subpages_}" ;; esac else __gitcomp "$u" fi } # hub compare [-u] [USER[/REPOSITORY]] [[START...]END] _git_compare() { local i c=$((cword - 1)) u=-u user remote owner repo arg_repo rev while [ $c -gt 1 ]; do i="${words[c]}" case "$i" in -u) unset u ;; *) if [ -z "$rev" ]; then # Even though the logic below is able to complete both user/repo # and revision in the right place, when there is only one argument # (other than -u) in the command, that argument will be taken as # revision. For example: # $ hub compare -u upstream # > https://github.com/USER/REPO/compare/upstream if __hub_github_repos '\p' | grep -Eqx "^$i(/[^/]+)?"; then arg_repo=$i else rev=$i fi elif [ -z "$arg_repo" ]; then arg_repo=$i fi ;; esac ((c--)) done # Here we want to find out the git remote name of user/repo, in order to # generate an appropriate revision list if [ -z "$arg_repo" ]; then user=$(__hub_github_user) if [ -z "$user" ]; then for i in $(__hub_github_repos); do remote=${i%%:*} repo=${i#*:} if [ "$remote" = origin ]; then break fi done else for i in $(__hub_github_repos); do remote=${i%%:*} repo=${i#*:} owner=${repo%%/*} if [ "$user" = "$owner" ]; then break fi done fi else for i in $(__hub_github_repos); do remote=${i%%:*} repo=${i#*:} owner=${repo%%/*} case "$arg_repo" in "$repo"|"$owner") break ;; esac done fi local pfx cur_="$cur" case "$cur_" in *..*) pfx="${cur_%%..*}..." cur_="${cur_##*..}" __gitcomp_nl "$(__hub_revlist $remote)" "$pfx" "$cur_" ;; *) if [ -z "${arg_repo}${rev}" ]; then __gitcomp "$u $(__hub_github_repos '\o\n\p') $(__hub_revlist $remote)" elif [ -z "$rev" ]; then __gitcomp "$u $(__hub_revlist $remote)" else __gitcomp "$u" fi ;; esac } # hub create [NAME] [-p] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-h HOMEPAGE] _git_create() { local i c=2 name repo flags="-p -d -h" while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do i="${words[c]}" case "$i" in -d|-h) ((c++)) flags=${flags/$i/} ;; -p) flags=${flags/$i/} ;; *) name=$i ;; esac ((c++)) done if [ -z "$name" ]; then repo=$(basename "$(pwd)") fi case "$prev" in -d|-h) COMPREPLY=() ;; -p|*) __gitcomp "$repo $flags" ;; esac } # hub fork [--no-remote] _git_fork() { local i c=2 remote=yes while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do i="${words[c]}" case "$i" in --no-remote) unset remote ;; esac ((c++)) done if [ -n "$remote" ]; then __gitcomp "--no-remote" fi } # hub pull-request [-f] [-m |-F |-i |] [-b ] [-h ] [-a ] [-M ] [-l ] _git_pull_request() { local i c=2 flags="-f -m -F -i -b -h -a -M -l" while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do i="${words[c]}" case "$i" in -m|-F|-i|-b|-h|-a|-M|-l) ((c++)) flags=${flags/$i/} ;; -f) flags=${flags/$i/} ;; esac ((c++)) done case "$prev" in -i) COMPREPLY=() ;; -b|-h|-a|-M|-l) # (Doesn't seem to need this...) # Uncomment the following line when 'owner/repo:[TAB]' misbehaved #_get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur __gitcomp_nl "$(__hub_heads)" # __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur" ;; -F) COMPREPLY=( "$cur"* ) ;; -f|*) __gitcomp "$flags" ;; esac } ################### # Helper functions ################### # __hub_github_user [HOST] # Return $GITHUB_USER or the default github user defined in hub config # HOST - Host to be looked-up in hub config. Default is "github.com" __hub_github_user() { if [ -n "$GITHUB_USER" ]; then echo $GITHUB_USER return fi local line h k v host=${1:-github.com} config=${HUB_CONFIG:-~/.config/hub} if [ -f "$config" ]; then while read line; do if [ "$line" = "---" ]; then continue fi k=${line%%:*} v=${line#*:} if [ -z "$v" ]; then if [ "$h" = "$host" ]; then break fi h=$k continue fi k=${k#* } v=${v#* } if [ "$h" = "$host" ] && [ "$k" = "user" ]; then echo "$v" break fi done < "$config" fi } # __hub_github_repos [FORMAT] # List all github hosted repository # FORMAT - Format string contains multiple of these: # \m remote # \p owner/repo # \o owner # escaped characters (\n, \t ...etc) work # If omitted, prints all github repos in the format of "remote:owner/repo" __hub_github_repos() { local f format=$1 if [ -z "$(__gitdir)" ]; then return fi if [ -z "$format" ]; then format='\1:\2' else format=${format//\m/\1} format=${format//\p/\2} format=${format//\o/\3} fi command git config --get-regexp 'remote\.[^.]*\.url' | grep -E ' ((https?|git)://|git@)github\.com[:/][^:/]+/[^/]+$' | sed -E 's#^remote\.([^.]+)\.url +.+[:/](([^/]+)/[^.]+)(\.git)?$#'"$format"'#' } # __hub_heads # List all local "branch", and remote "owner/repo:branch" __hub_heads() { local i remote repo branch dir=$(__gitdir) if [ -d "$dir" ]; then command git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' \ "refs/heads/" for i in $(__hub_github_repos); do remote=${i%%:*} repo=${i#*:} command git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' \ "refs/remotes/${remote}/" | while read branch; do echo "${repo}:${branch#${remote}/}" done done fi } # __hub_revlist [REMOTE] # List all tags, and branches under REMOTE, without the "remote/" prefix # REMOTE - Remote name to search branches from. Default is "origin" __hub_revlist() { local i remote=${1:-origin} dir=$(__gitdir) if [ -d "$dir" ]; then command git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' \ "refs/remotes/${remote}/" | while read i; do echo "${i#${remote}/}" done command git --git-dir="$dir" for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' \ "refs/tags/" fi } # Enable completion for hub even when not using the alias complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _git hub 2>/dev/null \ || complete -o default -o nospace -F _git hub fi