#! bash oh-my-bash.module # @chopnico 2021 # # tmux-autoattach.plugin.sh # # A tmux plugin that will automatically attach itself to a bash session. [ -z "$OSH_PLUGIN_TMUX_AUTOATTACH_BEHAVIOR" ] && OSH_PLUGIN_TMUX_AUTOATTACH_BEHAVIOR="detach" # Note on the option "-As0": tmux-3.0a and before does not attach to a session # as far as the session name is not given by "-s SESSION_NAME" [1]. From # tmux-3.1, it attaches to an existing session, if any, without specifying the # session. Here, we assume the session name to be "0", which is the default # name for the first session. # # [1] https://github.com/ohmybash/oh-my-bash/pull/332 function _osh_plugin_tmux_autoattach_exit { [ -z "$TMUX" ] && tmux -2u new -As0 && exit } function _osh_plugin_tmux_autoattach_detach { [ -z "$TMUX" ] && tmux -2u new -As0 } case "$OSH_PLUGIN_TMUX_AUTOATTACH_BEHAVIOR" in "exit") _osh_plugin_tmux_autoattach_exit ;; "detach" | *) _osh_plugin_tmux_autoattach_detach ;; esac