2022-07-14 06:04:13 +09:00

vagrant plugin


The vagrant plugin adds several useful aliases for vagrant commands and aliases.

To use them, add vagrant to the plugins array of your bashrc file:

plugins=(... vagrant)


Command Description
va command vagrant
vaver Show the vagrant version in this host
vaconf command vagrant ssh-config
vastat command vagrant global-status
vacheck command vagrant validate
vaport command vagrant port
vapvm command vagrant plugin install *[ virtualbox | libvirt ]*
vapi command vagrant plugin install *[ package ]*
vapr command vagrant plugin uninstall *[ package ]*
vau command vagrant up *[ virtualbox | libvirt ]*
vah command vagrant halt
vat command vagrant destroy -f
vai command vagrant init -m *[ centos/7 ]*
varel command vagrant reload
vassh command vagrant ssh *[ machine1 ]*
vaba command vagrant box add
vabr command vagrant box remove
vabl command vagrant box list