

Shorted aliases for most used Debian specific commands. To activate it, add debian to plugins(...) in your .bashrc file:

plugins=(... debian)

Basic Commands

Alias Command
apup sudo apt update
apug sudo apt upgrade
apuu sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
apfu sudo apt full-upgrade
apin sudo apt install
apri sudo apt install --reinstall
aprm sudo apt remove
apur sudo apt purge
apse apt search
apdl apt-get download

APT Maintainance & Diagnostic Commands

Alias Command
apar sudo apt autoremove
apcl sudo apt-get autoclean
apesr sudo apt edit-sources
apsh apt show
aphst cat /var/log/apt/history.log | less
drcf sudo dpkg-reconfigure

APT Source & Building Commands

Alias Command
apsc apt-get source
apbd sudo apt build-deb

Debian's update-* commands

Alias Command
upgrb sudo update-grub
uirfs sudo update-initramfs -u


Alias Command Description
dbl docker build Build an image from a Dockerfile
dcin docker container inspect Display detailed information on one or more containers
dcls docker container ls List all the running docker containers
dclsa docker container ls -a List all running and stopped containers
dib docker image build Build an image from a Dockerfile (same as docker build)
dii docker image inspect Display detailed information on one or more images
dils docker image ls List docker images
dipu docker image push Push an image or repository to a remote registry
dirm docker image rm Remove one or more images
dit docker image tag Add a name and tag to a particular image
dlo docker container logs Fetch the logs of a docker container
dnc docker network create Create a new network
dncn docker network connect Connect a container to a network
dndcn docker network disconnect Disconnect a container from a network
dni docker network inspect Return information about one or more networks
dnls docker network ls List all networks the engine daemon knows about, including those spanning multiple hosts
dnrm docker network rm Remove one or more networks
dpo docker container port List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
dpu docker pull Pull an image or a repository from a registry
dr docker container run Create a new container and start it using the specified command
drit docker container run -it Create a new container and start it in an interactive shell
drm docker container rm Remove the specified container(s)
drm! docker container rm -f Force the removal of a running container (uses SIGKILL)
dst docker container start Start one or more stopped containers
drs docker container restart Restart one or more containersa
dsta docker stop $(docker ps -q) Stop all running containers
dstp docker container stop Stop one or more running containers
dtop docker top Display the running processes of a container
dvi docker volume inspect Display detailed information about one or more volumes
dvls docker volume ls List all the volumes known to docker
dvprune docker volume prune Cleanup dangling volumes
dxc docker container exec Run a new command in a running container
dxcit docker container exec -it Run a new command in a running container in an interactive shell


This plugin provides the set of aliases that can be used to control package managers. Here is the list of the supported aliases for each package manager. You can find the details of each alias in the source package-manager.aliases.bash.

  • emerge (Portage Enoch Merge) ... em, es, esync, eb, er, emfu, ecd, ecp, elip
  • cave (Paludis Cave) ... cave, cr, cui, cs, cli
  • apt (Advanced Packaging Tool) ... apt, aptfu, apti, apts, aptr, aptar, aptli
  • dpkg (Debian Package) ... dpkg
  • nala (Nala APT Wrapper) ... nala, nalaf, nalau, nalafu, nalai, nalar, nalaa, nalah, nalal, nalas, nalav

The command to use to call these package manager can be specified in the variable OMB_ALIAS_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUDO. By default, sudo is used when the current use is not root and the command sudo is available.

# Use sudo to run the package manager

# Do not use sudo but directly run the package manager

Emerge Package Manager

Alias Command Description
em sudo emerge Emerge is the definitive command-line interface to the Portage system.
es sudo emerge --search Searches for matches of the supplied string in the ebuild repository.
esync sudo emerge --sync Updates repositories, for which auto-sync, sync-type and sync-uri attributes are set in repos.conf.
eb sudo ebuild An ebuild must be, at a minimum, a valid Portage package directory name without a version or category, such as portage or python.
er sudo emerge -c Cleans the system by removing packages that are not associated with explicitly merged packages.
emfu sudo emerge --sync && sudo emerge -uDN @world Emerge update & upgrade system.
eu sudo emerge -uDN @world Emerge upgrade system.
ei sudo emerge --info Emerge display information.
ep sudo emerge -p Emerge display what would have been installed.
e1 sudo emerge -1 Emerge merge without adding the packages to the world file.
ecp sudo eclean-pkg -d Cleans binary packages.
elip sudo eix-installed -a Lists all installed programs.
ecd sudo eclean-dist -d Cleans repository source files.
eq sudo equery Package query tool.
ers sudo emerge -c (Deprecated, retained for backward compatibility. Use er instead.)

Paludis Package Manager (cave)

Alias Command Description
cave sudo cave The Other Package Manager.
cr sudo cave resolve Solve the dependencies and print out the results. Pass the -x option to actually install the package.
cui sudo cave uninstall Uninstall a package.
cs sudo cave show Show the dependencies of a package.
cli sudo cave list List all available Packages.

APT Package Manager

Alias Command Description
apt sudo apt Advanced Packaging Tool.
aptfu sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y Automatically update package lists, fully upgrade all packages, and remove any orphaned packages.
apti sudo apt install -y Performs the requested action on one or more packages specified via regex(7), glob(7) or exact match.
apts sudo apt-cache search Search can be used to search for the given regex(7) term(s) in the list of available packages and display matches.
aptr sudo apt remove -y Performs the requested action on one or more packages specified via regex(7), glob(7) or exact match.
aptar sudo apt autoremove -y Remove packages that were automatically installed for dependencies but are now no longer needed.
aptli sudo apt list List is somewhat similar to dpkg-query --list in that it can display a list of packages satisfying certain criteria.

Debian Package Manager (dpkg)

Alias Command Description
dpkg sudo dpkg Package manager for Debian.

Nala Package Manager

Alias Command Description
nala sudo nala Nala is a prettier front-end for libapt-pkg, doubles as --help.
nalaf sudo nala fetch Fetch fast mirrors to improve download speed.
nalau sudo nala update Update the list of available packages.
nalafu sudo nala upgrade -y The equivalent of apt update && apt full-upgrade --auto-remove.
nalai sudo nala install -y Takes multiple packages as arguments and will install all of them.
nalar sudo nala remove -y Remove or purge packages that are no longer needed.
nalaa sudo nala autoremove -y Automatically remove or purge any packages that are no longer needed.
nalah sudo nala history Nala history with no subcommands will show a summary of all transactions made.
nalal sudo nala list List all packages or only packages based on the provided name, glob or regex. By default will only glob.
nalas sudo nala search Search package names and descriptions using a word, regex or glob.
nalav sudo nala show Show information about a package such as the name, version, dependencies etc.


Alias Command
t terraform
tinit terraform init
tplan terraform plan
tapply terraform apply
tfmt terraform fmt