The issue here lies with how we query the cache to get the ips addresses
configured on the macvlan. A few months ago we added support for link scope
addresses in the cache, since the kernel may add it's own link addresse to
some interfaces we need to filter them out when querying the cache (because
we just want to get the list of IPs managed by ifupdown2). To perform this
filtering we need to look at the current user configuration (/e/n/i) but we
also need to look at past configuration. To perform this filtering we need
to provide the API LinkUtils:get_running_addrs a special parameter for
address-virtual (we need an ifaceobj).
$ ifquery -a
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto vlan1000
iface vlan1000
address fc00:10::2/64
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:01 fc00:10::1/64 fe80::1/64
address-virtual-ipv6-addrgen off
vlan-id 1000
vlan-raw-device bridge
vrf blue
auto bridge
iface bridge
bridge-ports swp1
auto blue
iface blue
vrf-table auto
$ ifreload -a
$ echo $?
$ ifquery -a -c
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp [pass]
auto vlan1000
iface vlan1000 [pass]
vlan-raw-device bridge [pass]
vlan-id 1000 [pass]
vrf blue [pass]
address [pass]
address fc00:10::2/64 [pass]
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:01 fc00:10::1/64 fe80::1/64 [pass]
address-virtual-ipv6-addrgen off [pass]
auto bridge
iface bridge [pass]
bridge-ports swp1 [pass]
auto blue
iface blue [pass]
vrf-table 1001 [pass]
$ ifquery -r vlan1000
auto vlan1000
iface vlan1000
vlan-id 1000
vlan-protocol 802.1Q
vlan-raw-device bridge
address fc00:10::2/64
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:01 fe80::1/64 fc00:10::1/64
address-virtual-ipv6-addrgen off
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
--syntax-check was failing because "none" was missing in the validvals list for bridge-ports
Reported-by: Alexandre Derumier <>
before the patch we can see that ifreload is displaying an error
with the example config
$ ifquery -a
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto swp1
iface swp1
vrf blue
link-down yes
auto blue
iface blue
vrf-table auto
$ ifreload -a
error: eth0: vrf blue not around, skipping vrf config
$ echo $?
$ # applying patch
$ ifreload -a
$ echo $?
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
ifquery may fail on the following exception:
File "/usr/share/ifupdown2/addons/", line 709, in _query_check_l2protocol_tunnel_lldp
return ifla_brport_group_mask & 0x4000
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'NoneType' and 'int'
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
mstpctl might return an empty result on: mstpctl showportdetail bridge json
the cache is not filled with an empty dict so next cache lookup will be a
cache miss and therefore, ifupdown2 thinks we need to fill the cache with fresh
data and will execute showportdetail again (resulting in calling mstpctl cmd
sometime 5 or 6 times in a row).
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
The minimum IPv6 MTU (ipv6 stack should handle at minmum this size)
is 1280 bytes. If you set the MTU below that then you can't really
have ipv6 addrconf follows the MTU changes and if it sees change
below 1280 then it disables ipv6 on the iface
$ ifquery swp1
auto swp1
iface swp1
mtu 420
$ ifreload -a
error: swp1: cmd '/bin/ip -force -batch - [link set dev swp1 down
link set dev swp1 addrgenmode eui64
link set dev swp1 up
]' failed: returned 1 (RTNETLINK answers: Address family not supported by protocol
Command failed -:2
Reviewed-by: Roopa Prabhu <>
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
The building instruction didn't mention that users should checkout the master-next branch and build from it. This branch contains the lastest ifupdown2 version
[13:09:20] root:~ # ifquery -a
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto vlan1903
iface vlan1903
vlan-id 1903
vlan-raw-device bridge
ipv6-addrgen no
address-virtual-ipv6-addrgen no
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:a3 2a06:c01:1:1903::1/64 fe80::1/64
auto bridge
iface bridge
bridge-ports swp1
[13:09:25] root:~ # ifup -a -v
info: loading builtin modules from ['/usr/share/ifupdown2/addons']
info: executing /var/lib/ifupdown2/hooks/
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.bridge.bridge-allow-multiple-vlans
info: executing /bin/pidof mstpd
info: executing /bin/ip rule show
info: executing /bin/ip -6 rule show
info: address: using default mtu 1500
info: 'link_master_slave' is set. slave admin state changes will be delayed till the masters admin state change.
info: processing interfaces file /etc/network/interfaces
info: lo: running ops ...
info: netlink: ip link show
info: netlink: ip addr show
info: executing /bin/ip addr help
info: address metric support: KO
info: lo: netlink: ip link set dev lo up
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/mpls/conf/lo/input'
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/lo/forwarding'
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/forwarding'
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/lo/accept_local'
info: executing /bin/systemctl is-enabled vxrd.service
info: eth0: running ops ...
info: executing /sbin/ethtool eth0
info: reading '/sys/class/net/eth0/speed'
info: reading '/sys/class/net/eth0/duplex'
info: eth0: netlink: ip link set dev eth0 up
info: dhclient4 already running on eth0. Not restarting.
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/mpls/conf/eth0/input'
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/forwarding'
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/forwarding'
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/accept_local'
info: swp1: running ops ...
info: executing /sbin/ethtool swp1
info: reading '/sys/class/net/swp1/speed'
info: reading '/sys/class/net/swp1/duplex'
info: executing /sbin/ethtool -s swp1 speed 1000 duplex full
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/mpls/conf/swp1/input'
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/swp1/accept_local'
info: bridge: running ops ...
info: bridge: netlink: ip link add bridge type bridge
info: bridge: apply bridge settings
info: bridge: set bridge-ageing 1800
info: bridge: set bridge-hashel 4096
info: bridge: set bridge-hashmax 4096
info: bridge: set bridge-mcstats on
info: reading '/sys/class/net/bridge/bridge/stp_state'
info: bridge: stp state reset, reapplying port settings
info: bridge: netlink: ip link set bridge type bridge with attributes
info: writing '1' to file /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/swp1/disable_ipv6
info: executing /bin/ip -force -batch - [link set dev swp1 master bridge
addr flush dev swp1
info: bridge: applying bridge port configuration: ['swp1']
info: bridge: swp1: set bridge-portprios 8
info: swp1: netlink: ip link set dev swp1: bridge slave attributes
info: executing /sbin/brctl showmcqv4src bridge
info: bridge: applying bridge configuration specific to ports
info: bridge: processing bridge config for port swp1
info: swp1: netlink: ip link set dev swp1 up
info: bridge: setting bridge mac to port swp1 mac
info: executing /bin/ip link set dev bridge address 90:e2:ba:2c:b1:96
info: executing /sbin/mstpctl showportdetail bridge json
info: executing /sbin/mstpctl showbridge json bridge
info: bridge: applying mstp configuration specific to ports
info: bridge: processing mstp config for port swp1
info: bridge: netlink: ip link set dev bridge up
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/mpls/conf/bridge/input'
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv4.conf.bridge.forwarding
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv6.conf.bridge.forwarding
info: executing /bin/ip -force -batch - [link set dev bridge down
link set dev bridge addrgenmode eui64
link set dev bridge up
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/bridge/accept_local'
info: vlan1903: running ops ...
info: vlan1903: netlink: ip link add link bridge name vlan1903 type vlan id 1903 protocol 802.1q
info: vlan1903: netlink: ip link set dev vlan1903 up
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/mpls/conf/vlan1903/input'
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/vlan1903/forwarding'
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/vlan1903/forwarding'
info: executing /bin/ip -force -batch - [link set dev vlan1903 down
link set dev vlan1903 addrgenmode none
link set dev vlan1903 up
info: vlan1903: netlink: ip link add link vlan1903 name vlan1903-v0 type macvlan mode private
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv6.conf.vlan1903-v0.accept_dad
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv6.conf.vlan1903-v0.accept_dad=0
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv6.conf.vlan1903-v0.dad_transmits
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv6.conf.vlan1903-v0.dad_transmits=0
info: executing /bin/ip -force -batch - [link set dev vlan1903-v0 addrgenmode none
link set dev vlan1903-v0 down
link set dev vlan1903-v0 address 00:00:5e:00:01:a3
link set dev vlan1903-v0 up
addr add 2a06:c01:1:1903::1/64 dev vlan1903-v0
addr add fe80::1/64 dev vlan1903-v0
addr add dev vlan1903-v0
route del 2a06:c01:1:1903::/64 dev vlan1903-v0
route del fe80::/64 dev vlan1903-v0
route add 2a06:c01:1:1903::/64 dev vlan1903-v0 proto kernel metric 9999
route add fe80::/64 dev vlan1903-v0 proto kernel metric 9999
info: reading '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/vlan1903/accept_local'
[13:09:29] root:~ #
[13:09:30] root:~ #
[13:09:30] root:~ # ifquery -a -c
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp [pass]
auto vlan1903
iface vlan1903 [pass]
vlan-raw-device bridge [pass]
vlan-id 1903 [pass]
ipv6-addrgen no [pass]
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:a3 2a06:c01:1:1903::1/64 fe80::1/64 [pass]
address-virtual-ipv6-addrgen no [pass]
auto bridge
iface bridge [pass]
bridge-ports swp1 [pass]
[13:09:33] root:~ #
[13:09:35] root:~ #
[13:09:35] root:~ # ifquery -a -r
auto vlan1903-v0
iface vlan1903-v0
ipv6-addrgen off
address 2a06:c01:1:1903::1/64
auto vlan1903
iface vlan1903
vlan-id 1903
vlan-protocol 802.1Q
vlan-raw-device bridge
ipv6-addrgen off
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:a3
address-virtual-ipv6-addrgen off
auto bridge
iface bridge
bridge-vlan-stats off
bridge-mcstats 1
bridge-ports swp1
bridge-stp yes
mstpctl-portp2p swp1=auto
mstpctl-treeportcost swp1=20000
mstpctl-portautoedge swp1=yes
auto swp1
iface swp1
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
mtu 65536
[13:09:38] root:~ # ip -d link show vlan1903
20: vlan1903@bridge: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default
link/ether 90:e2:ba:2c:b1:96 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff promiscuity 1
vlan protocol 802.1Q id 1903 <REORDER_HDR> addrgenmode none
[13:09:50] root:~ # ip -d link show vlan1903-v0
21: vlan1903-v0@vlan1903: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default
link/ether 00:00:5e:00:01:a3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff promiscuity 0
macvlan mode private addrgenmode none
[13:09:53] root:~ #
[13:09:56] root:~ # ip link set dev vlan1903-v0 addrgenmode eui64
[13:10:23] root:~ # ifquery -a -c
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp [pass]
auto vlan1903
iface vlan1903 [fail]
vlan-raw-device bridge [pass]
vlan-id 1903 [pass]
ipv6-addrgen no [pass]
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:a3 2a06:c01:1:1903::1/64 fe80::1/64 [pass]
address-virtual-ipv6-addrgen no [fail]
auto bridge
iface bridge [pass]
bridge-ports swp1 [pass]
[13:10:29] root:~ # ifquery -a -r
auto vlan1903-v0
iface vlan1903-v0
address 2a06:c01:1:1903::1/64
auto vlan1903
iface vlan1903
vlan-id 1903
vlan-protocol 802.1Q
vlan-raw-device bridge
ipv6-addrgen off
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:a3
address-virtual-ipv6-addrgen on
auto bridge
iface bridge
bridge-vlan-stats off
bridge-mcstats 1
bridge-ports swp1
bridge-stp yes
mstpctl-portp2p swp1=auto
mstpctl-treeportcost swp1=20000
mstpctl-portautoedge swp1=yes
auto swp1
iface swp1
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
mtu 65536
[13:10:33] root:~ #
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
This patch mostly adds support for IFLA_INET6_ADDR_GEN_MODE
nlmanager doesn't support multiple kernel version all the
other attributes like IFLA_INET6_CONF are based on DEVCONF_MAX
from _UAPI_IPV6_H.
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
When setting addrgenmode it is necessary to flap the macvlan
device. After flapping the device we also need to re-add all
the user configuration. The best way to add the user config
is to flush our internal address cache.
[10:12:10] root:~ # ifquery vlan1000
auto vlan1000
iface vlan1000
address fc00:10::1/64
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:01 fc00:10::1/64 fe80::1/64
vlan-id 1000
vlan-raw-device bridge
[10:12:15] root:~ # ifup -a
[10:12:24] root:~ # echo $?
[10:12:26] root:~ # ifquery vlan1000 -c
auto vlan1000
iface vlan1000 [pass]
vlan-raw-device bridge [pass]
vlan-id 1000 [pass]
address [pass]
address fc00:10::1/64 [pass]
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:01 fc00:10::1/64 fe80::1/64 [pass]
[10:12:30] root:~ # ip -6 -o addr show vlan1000-v0
48: vlan1000-v0 inet6 fc00:10::1/64 scope global \ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
48: vlan1000-v0 inet6 fe80::200:5eff:fe00:101/64 scope link \ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
48: vlan1000-v0 inet6 fe80::1/64 scope link \ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
[10:12:33] root:~ #
[10:12:34] root:~ #
[10:12:34] root:~ # ifquery vlan1000
auto vlan1000
iface vlan1000
address fc00:10::1/64
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:01 fc00:10::1/64 fe80::1/64
address-virtual-ipv6-addrgen off
vlan-id 1000
vlan-raw-device bridge
[10:12:39] root:~ #
[10:12:41] root:~ # ifreload -a -d
debug: vlan1000: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: vlan1000-v0: reset address cache <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< without this reset ifupdown2 would be in a broken state
info: vlan1000: checking route entry ...
info: executing /bin/ip route get
info: netlink: ip link show dev vlan1000
info: netlink: ip link show dev vlan1000-v0
info: vlan1000-v0: netlink: ip link set dev vlan1000-v0 up
info: executing /bin/ip -force -batch - [link set dev vlan1000-v0 down
link set dev vlan1000-v0 addrgenmode none
link set dev vlan1000-v0 up
addr add dev vlan1000-v0
addr add fc00:10::1/64 dev vlan1000-v0
addr add fe80::1/64 dev vlan1000-v0
[10:12:50] root:~ #
[10:12:51] root:~ # ip -6 -o addr show vlan1000-v0
48: vlan1000-v0 inet6 fc00:10::1/64 scope global \ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
48: vlan1000-v0 inet6 fe80::1/64 scope link \ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
[10:12:53] root:~ # ifquery vlan1000 -c
auto vlan1000
iface vlan1000 [pass]
vlan-raw-device bridge [pass]
vlan-id 1000 [pass]
address [pass]
address fc00:10::1/64 [pass]
address-virtual 00:00:5e:00:01:01 fc00:10::1/64 fe80::1/64 [pass]
[10:13:03] root:~ # echo $?
[10:13:04] root:~ #
Reviewed-by: Roopa Prabhu <>
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
when handling mstpctl attribute on vlan-unaware bridges we don't
check the running configuration of the bridge ports (cache) thus
misconfiguring some attributes on brports.
We first create a traditional bridge with:
auto bridge1
iface bridge1
bridge-ports swp1 swp2
bridge-vlan-aware no
We check the setting:
$ mstpctl showportdetail bridge1 swp1 | grep edge
admin edge port no auto edge port yes
oper edge port yes topology change ack no
We then add the setting for swp1:
auto swp1
iface swp1
mstpctl-portautoedge no
We then do an ifreload -adv and we see two calls. First
info: executing /sbin/mstpctl setportautoedge bridge1 swp1 no
and then a little later
info: executing /sbin/mstpctl setportautoedge bridge1 swp1 yes
Reviewed-by: Roopa Prabhu <>
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
This check is done without too much overhead because we rarely see a stanza
with more than a handful of attributes...
$ ifquery swp1
auto swp1
iface swp1
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-stp off
$ ifup swp1 -v
info: swp1: running ops ...
warning: swp1: invalid use of bridge attribute (bridge-vlan-aware) on non-bridge stanza
warning: swp1: invalid use of bridge attribute (bridge-stp) on non-bridge stanza
Reviewed-by: Roopa Prabhu <>
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
$ ifquery -a
auto bridge
iface bridge
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-ports swp1
auto bridge.2
iface bridge.2
address-virtual 01:01:01:02:02:02
$ ifup -a
error: bridge.2: Multicast bit is set in the virtual mac address '01:01:01:02:02:02'
$ echo $?
Reviewed-by: Roopa Prabhu <>
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
this commit adds some explanation/comments in the decode function of the
AttributeMACAddress class. Some comments are moved around and placed
in the right location.
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>
This commits fixes AttributeMACAddress for GREv6.
Error message: info: netlink: link dump failed: Length of MACAddress attribute not supported: 20
Reproducible by adding a GREv6 Tunnel:
auto gre1
iface gre1 inet tunnel
mode ip6gre
local 2001:1000:1000:1000::123
endpoint 2001:1000:1000:2000::123
In netlink The IFLA_ADDRESS and IFLA_BROADCAST attributes for all interfaces has been a
6-byte MAC address. But the GRE interface uses a 4-byte IP address and GREv6 uses a 16-byte IPv6 address for this
attribute. This patch allows for decoding a 16-byte value as an IP address.
Ifupdown2 is now setting a default metric on macvlan ips. This policy will let
users disable this new default behavior. addressvirtual_with_route_metric is
boolean policy variable.
addressvirtual_with_route_metric: yes|no|on|off|1|0 (default to yes)
$ cat /var/lib/ifupdown2/policy.d/addressvirtual.json
"addressvirtual": {
"module_globals": {
"addressvirtual_with_route_metric": "no"
Reviewed-by: Roopa Prabhu <>
Signed-off-by: Julien Fortin <>