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synced 2024-05-06 15:54:50 +00:00
overhead Ticket: CM-1438 Reviewed By: Testing Done: These are executed with shell=True and python subprocess performance with shell=True sucks. This seems to have improved in python3. Will try that out next. And also plan to make this controllable via an option. This reduces time to ifup by half.
python-ifupdown2 ================ This package is a replacement for the debian ifupdown package. It is completely re-written in python. It maintains the original ifupdown pluggable architecture and extends it further. The python-ifupdown2 package provides the infrastructure for parsing /etc/network/interfaces file, loading, scheduling and state management of interfaces. It dynamically loads python modules from /usr/share/ifupdownmodules (provided by the python-ifupdown2-addons package). To remain compatible with other packages that depend on ifupdown, it also executes scripts under /etc/network/. To make the transition smoother, a python module under /usr/share/ifupdownmodules will override a script by the same name under /etc/network/. It publishes an interface object which is passed to all loadble python modules (more details about the interface object is available in the python docs). pluggable python modules: ========================= Unlike original ifupdown, all interface configuration is moved to external python modules. That includes inet, inet6 and dhcp configurations. It expects a few things from the pluggable modules: - the module should implement a class by the same name - the interface object (class iface) and the operation to be performed is passed to the modules - the python class should provide a few methods: - run() : method to configure the interface. - get_ops() : must return a list of operations it supports. eg: 'pre-up', 'post-down' - get_dependent_ifacenames() : must return a list of interfaces the interface is dependent on. This is used to build the dependency list for sorting and executing interfaces in parallel. install instructions ==================== - remove existing ifupdown package dpkg -r ifupdown - download python-ifupdown2*.deb's and install - or apt-get from testing repo apt-get install python-ifupdown2 apt-get install python-ifupdown2-addons - or install from deb dpkg -i python-ifupdown2-<ver>.deb dpkg -i python-ifupdown2-addons-<ver>.deb extra packages to use addional packages: ====================================== To use templates install python-mako (from wheezy): apt-get install python-mako To generate dot files install python-gvgen (from wheezy): apt-get install python-gvgen