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Hyperglass supports caching the application's responses for a configurable period of time to reduce the number of lookups passed back to routers for repetitive/common lookups. By default, all application responses (including error messages), are cached for 2 minutes in the local file system.
Hyperglass uses Flask-Caching, which is able to use a wide variety of cache storage backends (Filesystem, Redis, Memcached, etc.). By default, Hyperglass uses the Filesystem method, and stores the cached data in hyperglass/hyperglass/.flask_cache
The cache list little more than a key value store. Hyperglass uses a stringified combination of router/location name, command used, and query type as a key, and the output as a value. If a lookup matching the exact key is found, the cached value will be returned. If not, a standard lookup is performed (and that data is subsequently cached).