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synced 2024-05-11 05:55:19 +00:00
old chain: R3 / ISRG Root X1 new chain: E1 / ISRG Root X2 No user interaction or migration is required for existing installations as we install 'E1' and 'ISRG Root X2' for some time already.
1.7 KiB
1.7 KiB
Initial commands
⚠️ Warning: These command are inteneded for initial setup. If you are not aware of the procedure please follow the long way in detail.
Run the complete base installation:
/tool/fetch "https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/plain/certs/E1.pem" dst-path="letsencrypt-E1.pem" as-value;
:delay 1s;
/certificate/import file-name=letsencrypt-E1.pem passphrase="";
:if ([ :len [ /certificate/find where fingerprint="46494e30379059df18be52124305e606fc59070e5b21076ce113954b60517cda" or fingerprint="69729b8e15a86efc177a57afb7171dfc64add28c2fca8cf1507e34453ccb1470" ] ] != 2) do={
:error "Something is wrong with your certificates!";
/file/remove "letsencrypt-E1.pem";
:delay 1s;
:foreach Script in={ "global-config"; "global-config-overlay"; "global-functions" } do={
/system/script/add name=$Script source=([ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl ("https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/plain/" . $Script . ".rsc") output=user as-value]->"data");
/system/script { run global-config; run global-functions; };
/system/scheduler/add name="global-scripts" start-time=startup on-event="/system/script { run global-config; run global-functions; }";
:global CertificateNameByCN;
$CertificateNameByCN "E1";
$CertificateNameByCN "ISRG Root X2";
Then continue setup with scheduled automatic updates or editing configuration.