mirror of https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo.git synced 2024-05-11 05:54:58 +00:00

Handle remove & rename source operations incrementally

This commit is contained in:
Steve Francia
2016-01-11 12:06:52 -05:00
parent e01c340915
commit 7e196a8294
3 changed files with 100 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -546,9 +546,9 @@ func buildSite(watching ...bool) (err error) {
return nil
func rebuildSite(changes map[string]bool) error {
func rebuildSite(events []fsnotify.Event) error {
startTime := time.Now()
err := mainSite.ReBuild(changes)
err := mainSite.ReBuild(events)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -585,12 +585,10 @@ func NewWatcher(port int) error {
for {
select {
case evs := <-watcher.Events:
jww.INFO.Println("File System Event:", evs)
jww.INFO.Println("Recieved System Events:", evs)
staticChanged := false
dynamicChanged := false
staticFilesChanged := make(map[string]bool)
dynamicFilesChanged := make(map[string]bool)
staticEvents := []fsnotify.Event{} //ev make(map[string]bool)
dynamicEvents := []fsnotify.Event{} //make(map[string]bool)
for _, ev := range evs {
ext := filepath.Ext(ev.Name)
@ -598,10 +596,6 @@ func NewWatcher(port int) error {
if istemp {
// renames are always followed with Create/Modify
if ev.Op&fsnotify.Rename == fsnotify.Rename {
// Write and rename operations are often followed by CHMOD.
// There may be valid use cases for rebuilding the site on CHMOD,
@ -615,27 +609,24 @@ func NewWatcher(port int) error {
isstatic := strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, helpers.GetStaticDirPath()) || (len(helpers.GetThemesDirPath()) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, helpers.GetThemesDirPath()))
staticChanged = staticChanged || isstatic
dynamicChanged = dynamicChanged || !isstatic
if isstatic {
if staticPath, err := helpers.MakeStaticPathRelative(ev.Name); err == nil {
staticFilesChanged[staticPath] = true
} else {
dynamicFilesChanged[ev.Name] = true
// add new directory to watch list
if s, err := os.Stat(ev.Name); err == nil && s.Mode().IsDir() {
if ev.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create {
isstatic := strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, helpers.GetStaticDirPath()) || (len(helpers.GetThemesDirPath()) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, helpers.GetThemesDirPath()))
if isstatic {
staticEvents = append(staticEvents, ev)
// }
} else {
dynamicEvents = append(dynamicEvents, ev)
if staticChanged {
if len(staticEvents) > 0 {
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("Static file changed, syncing\n")
if viper.GetBool("ForceSyncStatic") {
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("Syncing all static files\n")
@ -645,7 +636,6 @@ func NewWatcher(port int) error {
utils.StopOnErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("Error copying static files to %s", helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("PublishDir"))))
} else {
syncer := fsync.NewSyncer()
syncer.NoTimes = viper.GetBool("notimes")
syncer.SrcFs = hugofs.SourceFs
@ -660,24 +650,40 @@ func NewWatcher(port int) error {
staticDir := helpers.GetStaticDirPath()
themeStaticDir := helpers.GetThemesDirPath()
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("StaticDir '%s'\nThemeStaticDir '%s'\n", staticDir, themeStaticDir)
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("Syncing from: \n \tStaticDir: '%s'\n\tThemeStaticDir: '%s'\n", staticDir, themeStaticDir)
for path := range staticFilesChanged {
for _, ev := range staticEvents {
fromPath := ev.Name
var publishPath string
if strings.HasPrefix(path, staticDir) {
publishPath = filepath.Join(publishDir, strings.TrimPrefix(path, staticDir))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(path, themeStaticDir) {
publishPath = filepath.Join(publishDir, strings.TrimPrefix(path, themeStaticDir))
// If we are here we already know the event took place in a static dir
relPath, err := helpers.MakeStaticPathRelative(fromPath)
if err != nil {
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("Syncing file '%s'", path)
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
jww.INFO.Println("syncing from ", path, " to ", publishPath)
err := syncer.Sync(publishPath, path)
if err != nil {
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("Error on syncing file '%s'\n", path)
if strings.HasPrefix(fromPath, staticDir) {
publishPath = filepath.Join(publishDir, strings.TrimPrefix(fromPath, staticDir))
} else if strings.HasPrefix(relPath, themeStaticDir) {
publishPath = filepath.Join(publishDir, strings.TrimPrefix(fromPath, themeStaticDir))
jww.FEEDBACK.Println("Syncing file", relPath)
// Due to our approach of layering many directories onto one we can't accurately
// remove file not in one of the source directories.
// If a file is in the local static dir and also in the theme static dir and we remove
// it from one of those locations we expect it to still exist in the destination
// if remove or rename ignore
if ev.Op&fsnotify.Rename == fsnotify.Rename || ev.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove {
jww.INFO.Println("syncing from ", fromPath, " to ", publishPath)
if er := syncer.Sync(publishPath, fromPath); er != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Error on syncing file '%s'\n %s\n", relPath, er)
@ -686,8 +692,9 @@ func NewWatcher(port int) error {
// Will block forever trying to write to a channel that nobody is reading if livereload isn't initalized
// force refresh when more than one file
if len(staticFilesChanged) == 1 {
for path := range staticFilesChanged {
if len(staticEvents) == 1 {
for _, ev := range staticEvents {
path, _ := helpers.MakeStaticPathRelative(ev.Name)
@ -697,14 +704,12 @@ func NewWatcher(port int) error {
if dynamicChanged {
if len(dynamicEvents) >0 {
fmt.Print("\nChange detected, rebuilding site\n")
const layout = "2006-01-02 15:04 -0700"
//TODO here
// utils.CheckErr(buildSite(true))
if !BuildWatch && !viper.GetBool("DisableLiveReload") {
// Will block forever trying to write to a channel that nobody is reading if livereload isn't initalized

View File

@ -112,20 +112,20 @@ type Pages []*Page
// }
//func (ps Pages) FindPageByFilePath(inPath string) *Page {
// for _, x := range ps {
// if x.Source.LogicalName() == inPath {
// return x
// }
// }
// return nil
func (ps Pages) FindPagePosByFilePath(inPath string) int {
for i, x := range ps {
if x.Source.Path() == inPath {
return i
return -1
// FindPagePos Given a page, it will find the position in Pages
// will return -1 if not found
func (ps Pages) FindPagePos(page *Page) int {
for i, x := range ps {
if x.Source.LogicalName() == page.Source.LogicalName() {
if x.Source.Path() == page.Source.Path() {
return i

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import (
jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
var _ = transform.AbsURL
@ -426,28 +427,29 @@ func (s *Site) Build() (err error) {
return nil
func (s *Site) ReBuild(changed map[string]bool) error {
func (s *Site) ReBuild(events []fsnotify.Event) error {
s.timerStep("initialize rebuild")
// First we need to determine what changed
sourceChanged := []string{}
tmplChanged := []string{}
dataChanged := []string{}
sourceChanged := []fsnotify.Event{}
tmplChanged := []fsnotify.Event{}
dataChanged := []fsnotify.Event{}
var err error
for f := range changed {
for _, ev := range events {
// Need to re-read source
if strings.HasPrefix(f, s.absContentDir()) {
fmt.Println("Source changed", f)
sourceChanged = append(sourceChanged, f)
if strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, s.absContentDir()) {
fmt.Println("Source changed", ev)
sourceChanged = append(sourceChanged, ev)
if strings.HasPrefix(f, s.absLayoutDir()) || strings.HasPrefix(f, s.absThemeDir()) {
fmt.Println("Template changed", f)
tmplChanged = append(tmplChanged, f)
if strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, s.absLayoutDir()) || strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, s.absThemeDir()) {
fmt.Println("Template changed", ev)
tmplChanged = append(tmplChanged, ev)
if strings.HasPrefix(f, s.absDataDir()) {
fmt.Println("Data changed", f)
dataChanged = append(dataChanged, f)
if strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, s.absDataDir()) {
fmt.Println("Data changed", ev)
dataChanged = append(dataChanged,ev)
@ -497,8 +499,15 @@ func (s *Site) ReBuild(changed map[string]bool) error {
go incrementalReadCollator(s, readResults, pageChan, fileConvChan, coordinator, errs)
go converterCollator(s, convertResults, errs)
for _, x := range sourceChanged {
file, err := s.ReReadFile(x)
for _, ev := range sourceChanged {
if ev.Op&fsnotify.Rename == fsnotify.Rename || ev.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove {
//remove the file & a create will follow
path, _ := helpers.GetRelativePath(ev.Name, s.absContentDir())
file, err := s.ReReadFile(ev.Name)
if err != nil {
errs <- err
@ -540,7 +549,6 @@ func (s *Site) ReBuild(changed map[string]bool) error {
if err = s.Render(); err != nil {
// Better reporting when the template is missing (commit 2bbecc7b)
jww.ERROR.Printf("Error rendering site: %s", err)
jww.ERROR.Printf("Available templates:")
var keys []string
for _, template := range s.Tmpl.Templates() {
@ -1005,6 +1013,23 @@ func (s *Site) AddPage(page *Page) {
func (s *Site) RemovePageByPath(path string) {
if i := s.Pages.FindPagePosByFilePath(path); i >= 0 {
page := s.Pages[i]
if page.IsDraft() {
if page.IsFuture() {
s.Pages = append(s.Pages[:i], s.Pages[i+1:]...)
func (s *Site) RemovePage(page *Page) {
if i := s.Pages.FindPagePos(page); i >= 0 {
if page.IsDraft() {