331 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Add Laravel to LibreNMS (#8318) * Add Laravel to LibreNMS. * Try to set permissions during initial install and first composer update to Laravel. * Fix composer.lock Fix missing db config keys * Start building v1 layout Port ajax_setresolution, inject csrf into jquery ajax calls Layout works, building menu Partially done. * Fix device group list remove stupid count relationships * Print messages for common boot errors. Don't log to laravel.log file. Log to error_log until booted, then librenms.log * Fix up some issues with Config loading Start of custom directives * Custom blade directives: config, notconfig, admin * Preflight checks Only load config files once. * Update the composer.lock for php 5.6 * Menu through routing * Start of alert menu * Better alert scopes * reduce cruft in models * Alerting menu more or less working :D * Fix style * Improved preflight * Fix chicken-eggs! * Remove examples * Better alert_rule status queries Debugbar * fix app.env check * User Menu * Settings bar (dropped refresh) Search JS * Toastr messages * Rename preflight * Use hasAccess(User) on most models. Add port counts * Missed a Preflight -> Checks rename * Fix some formatting * Boot Eloquent outside of Laravel Use Eloquent for Config and Plugins so we don't have to connect with dbFacile inside Laravel. Move locate_binary() into Config class * Config WIP * Try to fix a lot of config loading issues. * Improve menu for non-admins removing unneeded menus url() for all in menu * Only use eloquent if it exists * Include APP_URL in initial .env settings * Implement Legacy User Provider * Helper class for using Eloquent outside of Laravel. Allows access to DB style queries too and checking the connection status. * Fix up tests * Fix device groups query * Checking Travis * copy config.test.php earlier * dbFacile check config before connecting Don't use exception to check if eloquent is connected, it gets grabbed by the exception handler. Ignore missing config.php error. * Fix config load with database is not migrated yet. * Remove Config::load() from early boot. * Use laravel config settings to init db (this prefers .env settings) Fix bgp vars not set in menu add _ide_helper.php to .gitignore * Restrict dependencies to versions that support php 5.6 * Update ConfigTest * Fix a couple of installation issues * Add unique NODE_ID to .env * Correct handling of title image * Fix database config not loading. Thanks @laf * Don't prepend / * add class_exists checks for development service providers * Fix config value casting * Don't use functions that may not exist * Update dbFacile.php * d_echo may not be defined when Config used called. * Add SELinux configuration steps More detailed permissions check. Check all and give complete corrective commands in one step. * Ignore node_modules directory * Re-add accidetal removal
2018-05-09 08:05:17 -05:00
| Console Routes
| This file is where you may define all of your Closure based console
| commands. Each Closure is bound to a command instance allowing a
| simple approach to interacting with each command's IO methods.
use App\Models\Device;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\HostUnreachableException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
{old hostname : ' . __('The existing hostname, IP, or device id') . '}
{new hostname : ' . __('The new hostname or IP') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
(new Process([
$this->argument('old hostname'),
$this->argument('new hostname'),
})->purpose(__('Rename a device, this can be used to change the hostname or IP of a device'));
{device spec : Hostname or IP to add}
{--v1 : ' . __('Use SNMP v1') . '}
{--v2c : ' . __('Use SNMP v2c') . '}
{--v3 : ' . __('Use SNMP v3') . '}
{--f|force : ' . __('Just add the device, do not make any safety checks') . '}
{--g|group= : ' . __('Poller group (for distributed polling)') . '}
{--b|ping-fallback : ' . __('Add the device as ping only if it does not respond to SNMP') . '}
{--p|port-association-mode=ifIndex : ' . __('Sets how ports are mapped :modes, ifName is suggested for Linux/Unix', ['modes' => '[ifIndex, ifName, ifDescr, ifAlias]']) . '}
{--c|community= : ' . __('SNMP v1 or v2 community') . '}
{--t|transport=udp : ' . __('Transport to connect to the device') . ' [udp, udp6, tcp, tcp6]}
{--r|port=161 : ' . __('SNMP transport port') . '}
{--u|security-name=root : ' . __('SNMPv3 security username') . '}
{--A|auth-password= : ' . __('SNMPv3 authentication password') . '}
{--a|auth-protocol=md5 : ' . __('SNMPv3 authentication protocol') . ' [md5, sha, sha-512, sha-384, sha-256, sha-224]}
{--x|privacy-protocol=aes : ' . __('SNMPv3 privacy protocol') . ' [des, aes]}
{--X|privacy-password= : ' . __('SNMPv3 privacy password') . '}
{--P|ping-only : ' . __('Add a ping only device') . '}
{--o|os=ping : ' . __('Ping only: specify OS') . '}
{--w|hardware= : ' . __('Ping only: specify hardware') . '}
{--s|sysName= : ' . __('Ping only: specify sysName') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
// Value Checks
if (! in_array($this->option('port-association-mode'), ['ifIndex', 'ifName', 'ifDescr', 'ifAlias'])) {
$this->error(__('Invalid port association mode'));
if (! in_array($this->option('transport'), ['udp', 'udp6', 'tcp', 'tcp6'])) {
$this->error(__('Invalid SNMP transport'));
if (! in_array($this->option('auth-protocol'), ['md5', 'sha', 'sha-512', 'sha-384', 'sha-256', 'sha-224'])) {
$this->error(__('Invalid authentication protocol'));
if (! in_array($this->option('privacy-protocol'), ['des', 'aes'])) {
$this->error(__('Invalid privacy protocol'));
$port = (int) $this->option('port');
if ($port < 1 || $port > 65535) {
$this->error(__('Port should be 1-65535'));
// build additional
$additional = [
'os' => $this->option('os'),
'hardware' => $this->option('hardware'),
'sysName' => $this->option('sysName'),
if ($this->option('ping-only')) {
$additional['snmp_disable'] = 1;
} elseif ($this->option('ping-fallback')) {
$additional['ping_fallback'] = 1;
if ($this->option('community')) {
$community_config = \LibreNMS\Config::get('snmp.community');
array_unshift($community_config, $this->option('community'));
\LibreNMS\Config::set('snmp.community', $community_config);
$auth = $this->option('auth-password');
$priv = $this->option('privacy-password');
$v3_config = \LibreNMS\Config::get('snmp.v3');
array_unshift($v3_config, [
'authlevel' => ($auth ? 'auth' : 'noAuth') . (($priv && $auth) ? 'Priv' : 'NoPriv'),
'authname' => $this->option('security-name'),
'authpass' => $this->option('auth-password'),
'authalgo' => $this->option('auth-protocol'),
'cryptopass' => $this->option('privacy-password'),
'cryptoalgo' => $this->option('privacy-protocol'),
\LibreNMS\Config::set('snmp.v3', $v3_config);
try {
$init_modules = [];
include base_path('includes/init.php');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
global $verbose;
$verbose = true;
$device_id = addHost(
$this->argument('device spec'),
$this->option('v3') ? 'v3' : ($this->option('v2c') ? 'v2c' : ($this->option('v1') ? 'v1' : '')),
$hostname = Device::where('device_id', $device_id)->value('hostname');
$this->info("Added device $hostname ($device_id)");
return 0;
} catch (HostUnreachableException $e) {
$this->error($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $e->getReasons()));
return 1;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 3;
})->purpose('Add a new device');
{device spec : ' . __('Hostname, IP, or device id to remove') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
(new Process([
$this->argument('device spec'),
})->purpose('Remove a device');
Artisan::command('update', function () {
(new Process([base_path('daily.sh')]))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Update LibreNMS and run maintenance routines'));
{groups?* : ' . __('Optional List of distributed poller groups to poll') . '}
', function () {
// PingCheck::dispatch(new PingCheck($this->argument('groups')));
$command = [base_path('ping.php')];
if ($this->argument('groups')) {
$command[] = '-g';
$command[] = implode(',', $this->argument('groups'));
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Check if devices are up or down via icmp'));
{device spec : ' . __('Device spec to discover: device_id, hostname, wildcard, odd, even, all, new') . '}
{--o|os= : ' . __('Only devices with the specified operating system') . '}
{--t|type= : ' . __('Only devices with the specified type') . '}
{--m|modules= : ' . __('Specify single module to be run. Comma separate modules, submodules may be added with /') . '}
', function () {
$command = [base_path('discovery.php'), '-h', $this->argument('device spec')];
if ($this->option('os')) {
$command[] = '-o';
$command[] = $this->option('os');
if ($this->option('type')) {
$command[] = '-t';
$command[] = $this->option('type');
if ($this->option('modules')) {
$command[] = '-m';
$command[] = $this->option('modules');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Discover information about existing devices, defines what will be polled'));
{device spec : ' . __('Device spec to poll: device_id, hostname, wildcard, odd, even, all') . '}
{--m|modules= : ' . __('Specify single module to be run. Comma separate modules, submodules may be added with /') . '}
{--x|no-data : ' . __('Do not update datastores (RRD, InfluxDB, etc)') . '}
', function () {
$command = [base_path('poller.php'), '-h', $this->argument('device spec')];
if ($this->option('no-data')) {
array_push($command, '-r', '-f', '-p');
if ($this->option('modules')) {
$command[] = '-m';
$command[] = $this->option('modules');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Poll data from devices as defined by discovery'));
Artisan::command('poller:alerts', function () {
$command = [base_path('alerts.php')];
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Check for any pending alerts and deliver them via defined transports'));
{bill id? : ' . __('The bill id to poll') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
$command = [base_path('poll-billing.php')];
if ($this->argument('bill id')) {
$command[] = '-b';
$command[] = $this->argument('bill id');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Collect billing data'));
{device spec : ' . __('Device spec to poll: device_id, hostname, wildcard, all') . '}
{--x|no-data : ' . __('Do not update datastores (RRD, InfluxDB, etc)') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
$command = [base_path('check-services.php')];
if ($this->option('no-data')) {
array_push($command, '-r', '-f', '-p');
if ($this->argument('device spec') !== 'all') {
$command[] = '-h';
$command[] = $this->argument('device spec');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Update LibreNMS and run maintenance routines'));
{--c|clear-history : ' . __('Delete all billing history') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
$command = [base_path('billing-calculate.php')];
if ($this->option('clear-history')) {
$command[] = '-r';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Run billing calculations'));
{network?* : ' . __('CIDR notation network(s) to scan, can be ommited if \'nets\' config is set') . '}
{--P|ping-only : ' . __('Add the device as a ping only device if it replies to ping but not SNMP') . '}
{--t|threads=32 : ' . __('How many IPs to scan at a time, more will increase the scan speed, but could overload your system') . '}
{--l|legend : ' . __('Print the legend') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
$command = [base_path('snmp-scan.py')];
if (empty($this->argument('network')) && ! Config::has('nets')) {
$this->error(__('Network is required if \'nets\' is not set in the config'));
return 1;
if ($this->option('ping-only')) {
$command[] = '-P';
$command[] = '-t';
$command[] = $this->option('threads');
if ($this->option('legend')) {
$command[] = '-l';
$verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity();
if ($verbosity >= 64) {
$command[] = '-v';
if ($verbosity >= 128) {
$command[] = '-v';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
$command = array_merge($command, $this->argument('network'));
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Scan the network for hosts and try to add them to LibreNMS'));