Jellyfrog 50c8033099 Laravel 8.x Shift (#12235)
* Shift HTTP kernel and middleware

* Shift service providers

* Shift console routes

* Shift to class based factories

* Namespace seeders

* Shift PSR-4 autoloading

* Default config files

In an effort to make upgrading the constantly changing config files
easier, Shift defaulted them. This allows you to review the commit
diff for once for customizations when you are done Shifting.

Moving forward, consider using ENV variables or create a separate
config file to allow the core config files to remain as default
as possible.

* Shift Laravel dependencies

* Shift return type of base TestCase methods

From the [PHPUnit 8 release notes][1], the `TestCase` methods below now declare a `void` return type:

- `setUpBeforeClass()`
- `setUp()`
- `assertPreConditions()`
- `assertPostConditions()`
- `tearDown()`
- `tearDownAfterClass()`
- `onNotSuccessfulTest()`


* Shift cleanup

* console routes

* composer update

* factories

* phpunit

* bootstrap pagination

* model factory

* wip

* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12236)

* wip

* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12238)

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12240)

* wip

* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#12242)

* composer update

* Bump to PHP 7.3 minimum

Co-authored-by: Laravel Shift <>
2020-11-03 10:18:31 -06:00

331 lines
12 KiB

| Console Routes
| This file is where you may define all of your Closure based console
| commands. Each Closure is bound to a command instance allowing a
| simple approach to interacting with each command's IO methods.
use App\Models\Device;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\HostUnreachableException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
{old hostname : ' . __('The existing hostname, IP, or device id') . '}
{new hostname : ' . __('The new hostname or IP') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
(new Process([
$this->argument('old hostname'),
$this->argument('new hostname'),
})->purpose(__('Rename a device, this can be used to change the hostname or IP of a device'));
{device spec : Hostname or IP to add}
{--v1 : ' . __('Use SNMP v1') . '}
{--v2c : ' . __('Use SNMP v2c') . '}
{--v3 : ' . __('Use SNMP v3') . '}
{--f|force : ' . __('Just add the device, do not make any safety checks') . '}
{--g|group= : ' . __('Poller group (for distributed polling)') . '}
{--b|ping-fallback : ' . __('Add the device as ping only if it does not respond to SNMP') . '}
{--p|port-association-mode=ifIndex : ' . __('Sets how ports are mapped :modes, ifName is suggested for Linux/Unix', ['modes' => '[ifIndex, ifName, ifDescr, ifAlias]']) . '}
{--c|community= : ' . __('SNMP v1 or v2 community') . '}
{--t|transport=udp : ' . __('Transport to connect to the device') . ' [udp, udp6, tcp, tcp6]}
{--r|port=161 : ' . __('SNMP transport port') . '}
{--u|security-name=root : ' . __('SNMPv3 security username') . '}
{--A|auth-password= : ' . __('SNMPv3 authentication password') . '}
{--a|auth-protocol=md5 : ' . __('SNMPv3 authentication protocol') . ' [md5, sha, sha-512, sha-384, sha-256, sha-224]}
{--x|privacy-protocol=aes : ' . __('SNMPv3 privacy protocol') . ' [des, aes]}
{--X|privacy-password= : ' . __('SNMPv3 privacy password') . '}
{--P|ping-only : ' . __('Add a ping only device') . '}
{--o|os=ping : ' . __('Ping only: specify OS') . '}
{--w|hardware= : ' . __('Ping only: specify hardware') . '}
{--s|sysName= : ' . __('Ping only: specify sysName') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
// Value Checks
if (! in_array($this->option('port-association-mode'), ['ifIndex', 'ifName', 'ifDescr', 'ifAlias'])) {
$this->error(__('Invalid port association mode'));
if (! in_array($this->option('transport'), ['udp', 'udp6', 'tcp', 'tcp6'])) {
$this->error(__('Invalid SNMP transport'));
if (! in_array($this->option('auth-protocol'), ['md5', 'sha', 'sha-512', 'sha-384', 'sha-256', 'sha-224'])) {
$this->error(__('Invalid authentication protocol'));
if (! in_array($this->option('privacy-protocol'), ['des', 'aes'])) {
$this->error(__('Invalid privacy protocol'));
$port = (int) $this->option('port');
if ($port < 1 || $port > 65535) {
$this->error(__('Port should be 1-65535'));
// build additional
$additional = [
'os' => $this->option('os'),
'hardware' => $this->option('hardware'),
'sysName' => $this->option('sysName'),
if ($this->option('ping-only')) {
$additional['snmp_disable'] = 1;
} elseif ($this->option('ping-fallback')) {
$additional['ping_fallback'] = 1;
if ($this->option('community')) {
$community_config = \LibreNMS\Config::get('');
array_unshift($community_config, $this->option('community'));
\LibreNMS\Config::set('', $community_config);
$auth = $this->option('auth-password');
$priv = $this->option('privacy-password');
$v3_config = \LibreNMS\Config::get('snmp.v3');
array_unshift($v3_config, [
'authlevel' => ($auth ? 'auth' : 'noAuth') . (($priv && $auth) ? 'Priv' : 'NoPriv'),
'authname' => $this->option('security-name'),
'authpass' => $this->option('auth-password'),
'authalgo' => $this->option('auth-protocol'),
'cryptopass' => $this->option('privacy-password'),
'cryptoalgo' => $this->option('privacy-protocol'),
\LibreNMS\Config::set('snmp.v3', $v3_config);
try {
$init_modules = [];
include base_path('includes/init.php');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
global $verbose;
$verbose = true;
$device_id = addHost(
$this->argument('device spec'),
$this->option('v3') ? 'v3' : ($this->option('v2c') ? 'v2c' : ($this->option('v1') ? 'v1' : '')),
$hostname = Device::where('device_id', $device_id)->value('hostname');
$this->info("Added device $hostname ($device_id)");
return 0;
} catch (HostUnreachableException $e) {
$this->error($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $e->getReasons()));
return 1;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 3;
})->purpose('Add a new device');
{device spec : ' . __('Hostname, IP, or device id to remove') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
(new Process([
$this->argument('device spec'),
})->purpose('Remove a device');
Artisan::command('update', function () {
(new Process([base_path('')]))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Update LibreNMS and run maintenance routines'));
{groups?* : ' . __('Optional List of distributed poller groups to poll') . '}
', function () {
// PingCheck::dispatch(new PingCheck($this->argument('groups')));
$command = [base_path('ping.php')];
if ($this->argument('groups')) {
$command[] = '-g';
$command[] = implode(',', $this->argument('groups'));
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Check if devices are up or down via icmp'));
{device spec : ' . __('Device spec to discover: device_id, hostname, wildcard, odd, even, all, new') . '}
{--o|os= : ' . __('Only devices with the specified operating system') . '}
{--t|type= : ' . __('Only devices with the specified type') . '}
{--m|modules= : ' . __('Specify single module to be run. Comma separate modules, submodules may be added with /') . '}
', function () {
$command = [base_path('discovery.php'), '-h', $this->argument('device spec')];
if ($this->option('os')) {
$command[] = '-o';
$command[] = $this->option('os');
if ($this->option('type')) {
$command[] = '-t';
$command[] = $this->option('type');
if ($this->option('modules')) {
$command[] = '-m';
$command[] = $this->option('modules');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Discover information about existing devices, defines what will be polled'));
{device spec : ' . __('Device spec to poll: device_id, hostname, wildcard, odd, even, all') . '}
{--m|modules= : ' . __('Specify single module to be run. Comma separate modules, submodules may be added with /') . '}
{--x|no-data : ' . __('Do not update datastores (RRD, InfluxDB, etc)') . '}
', function () {
$command = [base_path('poller.php'), '-h', $this->argument('device spec')];
if ($this->option('no-data')) {
array_push($command, '-r', '-f', '-p');
if ($this->option('modules')) {
$command[] = '-m';
$command[] = $this->option('modules');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Poll data from devices as defined by discovery'));
Artisan::command('poller:alerts', function () {
$command = [base_path('alerts.php')];
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Check for any pending alerts and deliver them via defined transports'));
{bill id? : ' . __('The bill id to poll') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
$command = [base_path('poll-billing.php')];
if ($this->argument('bill id')) {
$command[] = '-b';
$command[] = $this->argument('bill id');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Collect billing data'));
{device spec : ' . __('Device spec to poll: device_id, hostname, wildcard, all') . '}
{--x|no-data : ' . __('Do not update datastores (RRD, InfluxDB, etc)') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
$command = [base_path('check-services.php')];
if ($this->option('no-data')) {
array_push($command, '-r', '-f', '-p');
if ($this->argument('device spec') !== 'all') {
$command[] = '-h';
$command[] = $this->argument('device spec');
if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) {
$command[] = '-d';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Update LibreNMS and run maintenance routines'));
{--c|clear-history : ' . __('Delete all billing history') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
$command = [base_path('billing-calculate.php')];
if ($this->option('clear-history')) {
$command[] = '-r';
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Run billing calculations'));
{network?* : ' . __('CIDR notation network(s) to scan, can be ommited if \'nets\' config is set') . '}
{--P|ping-only : ' . __('Add the device as a ping only device if it replies to ping but not SNMP') . '}
{--t|threads=32 : ' . __('How many IPs to scan at a time, more will increase the scan speed, but could overload your system') . '}
{--l|legend : ' . __('Print the legend') . '}
', function () {
/** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */
$command = [base_path('')];
if (empty($this->argument('network')) && ! Config::has('nets')) {
$this->error(__('Network is required if \'nets\' is not set in the config'));
return 1;
if ($this->option('ping-only')) {
$command[] = '-P';
$command[] = '-t';
$command[] = $this->option('threads');
if ($this->option('legend')) {
$command[] = '-l';
$verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity();
if ($verbosity >= 64) {
$command[] = '-v';
if ($verbosity >= 128) {
$command[] = '-v';
if ($verbosity >= 256) {
$command[] = '-v';
$command = array_merge($command, $this->argument('network'));
(new Process($command))->setTty(true)->run();
})->purpose(__('Scan the network for hosts and try to add them to LibreNMS'));