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### Discover BGP peers on Cisco devices
echo("BGP Sessions : ");
$as_cmd = $config['snmpwalk'] . " -CI -Oqvn -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c" . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " ";
$as_cmd .= ".";
$bgpLocalAs = trim(shell_exec($as_cmd));
if($bgpLocalAs) {
echo("AS$bgpLocalAs ");
if($bgpLocalAs != $device['bgpLocalAs']) { mysql_query("UPDATE devices SET bgpLocalAs = '$bgpLocalAs' WHERE device_id = '".$device['device_id']."'"); echo("Updated AS\n"); }
$peers_cmd = $config['snmpwalk'] . " -CI -Oq -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c" . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'].":".$device['port'] . " ";
$peers_cmd .= "BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerRemoteAs";
$peers = trim(str_replace("BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerRemoteAs.", "", `$peers_cmd`));
foreach (explode("\n", $peers) as $peer) {
if($peer) {
list($peer_ip, $peer_as) = split(" ", $peer);
$peerlist[] = $device['device_id'] ." $peer_ip";
$astext = trim(str_replace("\"", "", shell_exec("/usr/bin/dig +short AS$peer_as.asn.cymru.com TXT | cut -d '|' -f 5 | sed s/\\\"//g")));
#echo(str_pad($peer_ip, 32). str_pad($astext, 32) . " $peer_as ");
if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = '$peer_ip'"),0) < '1') {
$add = mysql_query("INSERT INTO bgpPeers (`device_id`, `bgpPeerIdentifier`, `bgpPeerRemoteAS`) VALUES ('".$device['device_id']."','$peer_ip','$peer_as')");
} else {
$update = mysql_query("UPDATE `bgpPeers` SET astext = '$astext' WHERE `device_id` = '".$device['device_id']."' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = '$peer_ip'");
} # If Peer
} # Foreach
} else { echo("No BGP on host"); } # End if
## Delete removed peers
$sql = "SELECT * FROM bgpPeers AS B, devices AS D WHERE B.device_id = D.device_id AND D.device_id = '".$device['device_id']."'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($entry = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($peerlist) && !$exists) {
$checkme = $entry['device_id'] . " " . $entry['bgpPeerIdentifier'];
if ($peerlist[$i] == $checkme) { $exists = 1; }
if(!$exists) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM bgpPeers WHERE bgpPeer_id = '" . $entry['bgpPeer_id'] . "'");