* docs: added how to graph interface added to the dashboard doc * images for port graph * Update Dashboards.md
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source: Extensions/Dashboards.md
Create customised dashboards in LibreNMS per user. You can share dashboards with other users. You can also make a custom dashboard and default it for all users in LibreNMS.
LibreNMS has a whole list of Widgets to select from.
- Alerts Widget: Displays all alert notifications.
- Availability Map: Displays all devices with colored tiles, green up, yellow for warning (device has been restarted in last 24 hours),red for down. You can also list all services and ignored/disabled devcies in this widget.
- Componet Status: List all componets Ok state, Warning state, Critical state.
- Device Summary horizontal: List device totals, up, down, ignored, disabled. Same for ports and services.
- Device Summary vertical: List device totals, up, down, ignored, disabled. Same for ports and services.
- Eventlog: Displays all events with your devices and LibreNMS.
- External Image: can be used to show external images on your dashboard. Or images from inside LibreNMS.
- Globe Map: Will display map of the globe.
- Graph: Can be used to display graphs from devices.
- Graylog: Displays all Graylog's syslog entries.
- Notes: use for html tags, embed links and external web pages. Or just notes in general.
- Syslog: Displays all syslog entries.
- Top Devices: By Traffic, or Uptime, or Response time, or Poller Duration, or Procssor load, or Memory Usage.
- Top Interfaces: Lists top interfaces by traffic utilization.
- Worldmap: displays all your devices locations. From syslocation or from override sysLocation.
Dashboard Permissions
- Private: Sets the dashabord to only the user that created the dashboard can view and edit.
- Shared Read: Sets the dashboard to allow other users to view the dashboard, but cant make changes to the dashboard.
- Shared: Allows all users to view the dashboard and make changes.
Setting a global default dashboard
Step 1: Set the dashboard to either shared read or shared, depending on what you want the users access to change. Step 2: Then go to Settings -> WebUI settings -> Dashboard Settings and set the global default dashboard.
Setting embeded webpage
Using the Notes Widget.
<iframe src="url/" width="1200" height="800">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
Note you may need to play with the width and height and also size your widget properly.
needs to be URL to webpage your linking to.
Also some web pages may not support html embeded or iframe.
How to create ports graph
In the dashboard, you want to create an interface graph select the widget called "Graph"
Note: you can map the port by description or the alias or by port id. You will need to know this in order to map the port to the graph.