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synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
* Split install steps into git clone and composer install This gives the admin a little more knowledge about how to maintain the system, showing them composer_wrapper.php and su - librenms They will get errors if composer_wrapper doesn't work because of a proxy or no internet connection We lose stats on packagist.org (https://packagist.org/packages/librenms/librenms/stats) If we wanted to keep stats, we could use: ``` COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER=1 composer create-project --no-dev --no-install --keep-vcs librenms/librenms librenms dev-master ``` not sure that is worth it. * fix composer_wrapper.php path
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source: Installation/index.md path: blob/master/doc/
Installing LibreNMS
An official LibreNMS docker image based on Alpine Linux and Nginx is available on DockerHub and Quay. Documentation can be found on the Github repository.
We have some pre-built VirtualBox images you can use to get started:
If you want to install manually then we have some documentation which should make it easy.
Please note the minimum supported PHP version is 7.1.3
Old Install Docs
These install docs are no longer updated and may result in an unsuccessful install.