jQuery Mapael
jQuery Mapael is a small jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps.
For example, with Mapael, you can display a map of the world with clickable countries. You can build simple dataviz by setting some parameters in order to automatically set a color to each area of your map and generate the legend. Moreover, you can plot cities on a map with their latitude and longitude.
As Raphaël, Mapael supports Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Chrome 5.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+.
Key features
- based on jQuery and raphael.js
- Interactive. Set a link, a tooltip and some events on the areas of the map
- Plottable cities with their latitude and their longitude
- Areas and plots colorization. Mapael automatically sets a color to each area of your map and generates the legend in order to build pretty dataviz
- Easy to add new maps. Build your own maps based on SVG format
- SEO-friendly. An alternative content can be set for non-JS users and web crawlers
- Resizable Thanks to raphael.js, maps are easily resizable.
How to use Mapael
Here is the simplest example that shows how to display an empty map of the world :
<div class="map1">Alternative content</div>
JS :
$(".map1").mapael({ map : { type : "world1" } });
- Minimal example (France) - Edit in JSFiddle
- Map with some plotted cities and area labels (France) - Edit in JSFiddle
- Map with some overloaded parameters and 'onclick' callback on areas (France) - Edit in JSFiddle
- Population of France by department with a legend - Edit in JSFiddle
- Population of the 1000 more populated french cities with a legend - Edit in JSFiddle
- Map of the world with the population by country - Edit in JSFiddle
- Map of USA with some plotted cities - Edit in JSFiddle
See all these examples here.
API reference
All options are provided as an object argument of the function .fn.mapael(Object options). Some of them have a default value. If you want to redefine these default values, you can overload the variable
Parameter 'options' :
map : global options for the map
* **name :** (String) Name of the map to load
width : (Integer) Width of the map
height : (Integer) Height of the map
tooltip : (Object) options for the tooltip
* **cssClass :** (String, default value : "mapTooltip") CSS class of the tooltip container.
defaultArea : (Object) Default options for all areas of the map
* **attrs :** (Object, default value : {fill: "#343434", stroke: "#5d5d5d", stroke-width: 1, stroke-linejoin : "round"}) Default Raphael attributes for all areas. Go to the [Raphael reference](http://raphaeljs.com/reference.html#Element.attr) to view available options.
- attrsHover : (Object, default value : {fill: "#f38a03", animDuration : 300}) Raphael attributes on mouse hover for all areas. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options. You can set the animation duration with the 'animDuration' option.
- textAttrs : (Object, default value : {font-size: 15, fill:"#c7c7c7", text-anchor": "center"}) Default Raphael attributes for each text within areas. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options.
- textAttrsHover : (Object, default value : {fill:"#eaeaea", "animDuration" : 300}) Default Raphael attributes on mouse hover for each text within areas. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options. You can set the animation duration with the 'animDuration' option.
defaultPlot : (Object) Default options for all plots of the map
* **type :** (String, default value : "circle") Plot shape : 'circle' or 'square'.
- size : (Integer, default : 15) The default size of all plots.
- attrs : (Object, default value : {fill: "#0088db", stroke: "#fff", stroke-width: 0, stroke-linejoin : "round"}) Default Raphael attributes for all plots. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options.
- attrsHover : (Object, default value : {stroke-width: 3, animDuration : 300}) Raphael attributes on mouse hover for all plots. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options. You can set the animation duration with the 'animDuration' option.
- textAttrs : (Object, default value : {font-size: 15, fill:"#c7c7c7", text-anchor": "start"}) Default Raphael attributes for each text next to the plots. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options.
- textAttrsHover : (Object, default value : {fill:"#eaeaea", "animDuration" : 300}) Default Raphael attributes on mouse hover for each text next to the plots. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options. You can set the animation duration with the 'animDuration' option.
legend : (Object). Legend options
* **area :** (Object). Options for the areas legend. * **cssClass :** (String, default value : "mapLegend") CSS class of the container for the areas legend. * **display :** (Boolean, default value : false) Display the legend. * **marginLeft :** (Integer, default value : 15) Margin left for each line of the legend. * **marginLeftTitle :** (Integer, default value : 5) Margin left for title of the legend. * **marginLeftLabel :** (Integer, default value : 10) Margin left for the label of each slice. * **marginBottom :** (Integer, default value : 15) Margin bottom under each line of the legend. * **titleAttrs : **(Object, default value : {"font-size" : 18, fill : "#343434", "text-anchor" : "start"}) Raphael attributes for the title of the legend. Go to the [Raphael reference](http://raphaeljs.com/reference.html#Element.attr) to view available options. * **labelAttrs : **(Object, default value : {"font-size" : 15, fill : "#343434", "text-anchor" : "start"}) Raphael attributes for the labels of each slice. Go to the [Raphael reference](http://raphaeljs.com/reference.html#Element.attr) to view available options. * **slices :**(Array, default : []) Array of slice options. For each slice, options are provided as an object : * **min :** (Float) The minimal value of the slice * **max :** (Float) The maximal value of the slice * **attrs :** (Object) Raphael attributes for all areas affected by the slice. Go to the [Raphael reference](http://raphaeljs.com/reference.html#Element.attr) to view available options. These attributes overload the default attributes from the 'defaultArea' options. * **label :** (String) The label of the slice for the legend.
plot : (Object). Options for the plots legend.
* **cssClass :** (String, default value : "mapLegend") CSS class of the container for the areas legend.
display : (Boolean, default value : false) Display the legend.
marginLeft : (Integer, default value : 15) Margin left for each line of the legend.
marginLeftTitle : (Integer, default value : 5) Margin left for title of the legend.
marginLeftLabel : (Integer, default value : 10) Margin left for the label of each slice.
marginBottom : (Integer, default value : 15) Margin bottom under each line of the legend.
**titleAttrs : **(Object, default value : {"font-size" : 18, fill : "#343434", "text-anchor" : "start"}) Raphael attributes for the title of the legend. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options.
**labelAttrs : **(Object, default value : {"font-size" : 15, fill : "#343434", "text-anchor" : "start"}) Raphael attributes for the labels of each slice. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options.
slices : (Array, default : []) Array of options for each slice. For each slice, options are provided as an object :
* **size :** (Integer) Size of the plot
- type : (String) Shape of the plot : 'circle' or 'square'
- min : (Float) The minimal value of the slice
- max : (Float) The maximal value of the slice
- attrs : (Object) Raphael attributes for all plots affected by the slice. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options. These attributes overload the default attributes from the 'defaultPlot' options.
- label : (String) The label of the slice for the legend.
areas : (Object, default : []) List of specific options for each area. For each area (identified with a string in the JS file of the map), options are provided as an object :
* **value :** (Float) Value associated with the area for the legend.
attrs : (Object) Raphael attributes for the area. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options. These attributes overload the default attributes from the 'defaultArea' options.
tooltip : (Object) Options for the tooltip
* **content :** (String) Tooltip content to display on mouse hover
plots : (Array, default : []) Array of specific options for each plot. For each plot, options are provided as an object :
* **type :** (String) Type of the plot : 'square' or 'circle'
size : (Integer) Size of the plot
value : (Float) Value associated with the plot in order to get the size, attrs and type from the legend options.
latitude : (Float) latitude of the plot
longitude : (Float) longitude of the plot
attrs : (Object) Raphael attributes for the plot. Go to the Raphael reference to view available options. These attributes overload the default attributes from the 'defaultPlot' options.
tooltip : (Object) Options for the tooltip
* **content :** (String) Tooltip content to display on mouse hover
How to add new maps ?
Maps for the world, France and USA countries are available with Mapael. It's easy to create new maps, so feel free to add new ones.
The first step is to retrieve the SVG file of the wanted map. You can find this kind of resources on Natural Earth Data or Wikimedia Commons. Then, you have to create a new JS file from this template :
(function($) { $.extend(true, $.fn.mapael, { maps :{ yourMapName : { width : 600, height : 500, getCoords : function (lat, lon) { // Convert latitude,longitude to x,y here return {x : 1, y : 1}; } elems : { // List of SVG paths for building the map } } } } ); })(jQuery);
You have to set the default width and height of your map. If you want to plot cities, you will have to customize the getCoords() function that takes as arguments a latitude and a longitude, and returns x,y coordinates depending on the map projection (mercator, miller, ...).
Then, the last step is to open the SVG image with a text editor and copy the paths definitions into the "elems" parameter.
In order to use your new map, you need to load the JS file, and set 'yourMapName' for the Mapael 'name' parameter.
Known issues
There is two known issues that affect Mapael. They affect the map display on Internet Explorer 6/7/8 when the parameter 'transform' is used and when the map is resized. More information :
jQuery Mapael is licensed under the MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)