* Add option to authenticate user independtly of OU * Set config option in webui * Compatibility with bind username option * ran ./lnms translation:generate * update doc
20 KiB
source: Extensions/Authentication.md path: blob/master/doc/
Authentication modules
LibreNMS supports multiple authentication modules along with Two Factor Auth. Here we will provide configuration details for these modules.
Available authentication modules
MySQL: mysql
Active Directory: active_directory
LDAP: ldap
Radius: radius
HTTP Auth: http-auth, ad_authorization, ldap_authorization
Single Sign-on: sso
⚠️ When enabling a new authentication module, the local users will no longer be available to log in.
Enable authentication module
To enable a particular authentication module you need to set this up in config.php. Please note that only ONE module can be enabled. LibreNMS doesn't support multiple authentication mechanism at the same time.
$config['auth_mechanism'] = "mysql";
User levels and User account type
1: Normal User: You will need to assign device / port permissions for users at this level.
5: Global Read: Read only Administrator.
10: Administrator: This is a global read/write admin account.
11: Demo Account: Provides full read/write with certain restrictions (i.e can't delete devices).
Note Oxidized configs can often contain sensitive data. Because of that only Administrator account type can see configs.
Note for SELinux users
When using SELinux on the LibreNMS server, you need to allow Apache (httpd) to connect LDAP/Active Directory server, this is disabled by default. You can use SELinux Booleans to allow network access to LDAP resources with this command:
setsebool -P httpd_can_connect_ldap=1
Testing authentication
You can test authentication with this script:
Enable debug output to troubleshoot issues
MySQL Authentication
Config option: mysql
This is default option with LibreNMS so you should have already have the configuration setup.
$config['db_host'] = "HOSTNAME";
$config['db_user'] = "DBUSER";
$config['db_pass'] = "DBPASS";
$config['db_name'] = "DBNAME";
Active Directory Authentication
Config option: active_directory
Install php_ldap or php7.0-ldap, making sure to install the same version as PHP.
If you have issues with secure LDAP try setting
to 0
, this will ignore
certificate errors.
Require actual membership of the configured groups
If you set $config['auth_ad_require_groupmembership']
to 1, the
authenticated user has to be a member of the specific group.
Otherwise all users can authenticate, and will be either level 0 or
you may set $config['auth_ad_global_read']
to 1 and all users will
have read only access unless otherwise specified.
Old account cleanup
Cleanup of old accounts is done by checking the authlog. You will need to set the number of days when old accounts will be purged AUTOMATICALLY by daily.sh.
Please ensure that you set the $config['authlog_purge'] value to be greater than $config['active_directory']['users_purge'] otherwise old users won't be removed.
Sample configuration
$config['auth_mechanism'] = 'active_directory';
$config['auth_ad_url'] = 'ldaps://server.example.com'; // Set server(s), space separated. Prefix with ldaps:// for ssl
$config['auth_ad_domain'] = 'example.com';
$config['auth_ad_base_dn'] = 'dc=example,dc=com'; // groups and users must be under this dn
$config['auth_ad_check_certificates'] = true; // require a valid ssl certificate
$config['auth_ad_binduser'] = 'examplebinduser'; // bind user (non-admin)
$config['auth_ad_bindpassword'] = 'examplepassword'; // bind password
$config['auth_ad_timeout'] = 5; // time to wait before giving up (or trying the next server)
$config['auth_ad_debug'] = false; // enable for verbose debug messages
$config['active_directory']['users_purge'] = 30; // purge users who haven't logged in for 30 days.
$config['auth_ad_require_groupmembership'] = true; // false: allow all users to auth level 0
$config['auth_ad_groups']['ad-admingroup']['level'] = 10; // set the "AD AdminGroup" group to admin level
$config['auth_ad_groups']['ad-usergroup']['level'] = 5; // set the "AD UserGroup" group to global read only level
Replace ad-admingroup
with your Active Directory admin-user group
and ad-usergroup
with your standard user group. It is highly
suggested to create a bind user, otherwise "remember me", alerting
users, and the API will not work.
Active Directory redundancy
You can set two Active Directory servers by editing the
like this example:
$config['auth_ad_url'] = "ldaps://dc1.example.com ldaps://dc2.example.com";
Active Directory LDAP filters
You can add an LDAP filter to be ANDed with the builtin user filter ((sAMAccountName=$username)
The defaults are:
$config['auth_ad_user_filter'] = "(objectclass=user)";
$config['auth_ad_group_filter'] = "(objectclass=group)";
This yields (&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName=$username))
for the
user filter and (&(objectclass=group)(sAMAccountName=$group))
the group filter.
LDAP Authentication
Config option: ldap
Install php_ldap or php7.0-ldap, making sure to install the same version as PHP.
Standard config
$config['auth_mechanism'] = 'ldap';
$config['auth_ldap_server'] = 'ldap.example.com'; // Set server(s), space separated. Prefix with ldaps:// for ssl
$config['auth_ldap_suffix'] = ',ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'; // appended to usernames
$config['auth_ldap_groupbase'] = 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'; // all groups must be inside this
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['admin']['level'] = 10; // set admin group to admin level
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['pfy']['level'] = 5; // set pfy group to global read only level
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['support']['level'] = 1; // set support group as a normal user
Additional options (usually not needed)
$config['auth_ldap_version'] = 3; # v2 or v3
$config['auth_ldap_port'] = 389; // 389 or 636 for ssl
$config['auth_ldap_starttls'] = True; // Enable TLS on port 389
$config['auth_ldap_prefix'] = 'uid='; // prepended to usernames
$config['auth_ldap_group'] = 'cn=groupname,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'; // generic group with level 0
$config['auth_ldap_groupmemberattr'] = 'memberUid'; // attribute to use to see if a user is a member of a group
$config['auth_ldap_uid_attribute'] = 'uidnumber'; // attribute for unique id
$config['auth_ldap_debug'] = false; // enable for verbose debug messages
$config['auth_ldap_userdn'] = true; // Uses a users full DN as the value of the member attribute in a group instead of member: username. (it’s member: uid=username,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com)
$config['auth_ldap_userlist_filter'] = 'service=informatique'; // Replace 'service=informatique' by your ldap filter to limit the number of responses if you have an ldap directory with thousand of users
$config['auth_ldap_wildcard_ou'] = false; // Search for user matching user name independently of OU set in auth_ldap_suffix. Useful if your users are in different OU. Bind username, if set, still user auth_ldap_suffix
LDAP bind user (optional)
If your ldap server does not allow anonymous bind, it is highly suggested to create a bind user, otherwise "remember me", alerting users, and the API will not work.
$config['auth_ldap_binduser'] = 'ldapbind'; // will use auth_ldap_prefix and auth_ldap_suffix
#$config['auth_ldap_binddn'] = 'CN=John.Smith,CN=Users,DC=MyDomain,DC=com'; // overrides binduser
$config['auth_ldap_bindpassword'] = 'password';
LDAP server redundancy
You can set two LDAP servers by editing the
like this example:
$config['auth_ldap_server'] = "ldaps://dir1.example.com ldaps://dir2.example.com";
An example config setup for use with Jumpcloud LDAP as a service is:
$config['auth_mechanism'] = "ldap";
$config['auth_ldap_version'] = 3;
$config['auth_ldap_server'] = "ldap.jumpcloud.com"; #Set to ldaps://ldap.jumpcloud.com to enable LDAPS
$config['auth_ldap_port'] = 389; #Set to 636 if using LDAPS
$config['auth_ldap_prefix'] = "uid=";
$config['auth_ldap_suffix'] = ",ou=Users,o={id},dc=jumpcloud,dc=com";
$config['auth_ldap_groupbase'] = "ou=Users,o={id},dc=jumpcloud,dc=com";
$config['auth_ldap_groupmemberattr'] = "member";
$config['auth_ldap_groups'] = ['{group}' => ['level' => 10],];
$config['auth_ldap_userdn'] = true;
Replace {id} with the unique ID provided by Jumpcloud. Replace {group} with the unique group name created in Jumpcloud. This field is case sensitive.
Note: If you have multiple user groups to define individual access
levels replace the $config['auth_ldap_groups']
line with the
$config['auth_ldap_groups'] = [
'{admin_group}' => ['level' => 10],
'{global_readonly_group}' => ['level' => 5],
Radius Authentication
Please note that a mysql user is created for each user the logs in
successfully. User level 1 is assigned to those accounts so you will
then need to assign the relevant permissions unless you set
to be something other than 1.
$config['radius']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
$config['radius']['port'] = '1812';
$config['radius']['secret'] = 'testing123';
$config['radius']['timeout'] = 3;
$config['radius']['users_purge'] = 14;//Purge users who haven't logged in for 14 days.
$config['radius']['default_level'] = 1;//Set the default user level when automatically creating a user.
Old account cleanup
Cleanup of old accounts is done by checking the authlog. You will need to set the number of days when old accounts will be purged AUTOMATICALLY by daily.sh.
Please ensure that you set the $config['authlog_purge'] value to be greater than $config['radius']['users_purge'] otherwise old users won't be removed.
HTTP Authentication
Config option: http-auth
LibreNMS will expect the user to have authenticated via your webservice already. At this stage it will need to assign a userlevel for that user which is done in one of two ways:
A user exists in MySQL still where the usernames match up.
A global guest user (which still needs to be added into MySQL:
$config['http_auth_guest'] = "guest";
This will then assign the userlevel for guest to all authenticated users.
HTTP Authentication / AD Authorization
Config option: ad-authorization
This module is a combination of http-auth and active_directory
LibreNMS will expect the user to have authenticated via your webservice already (e.g. using Kerberos Authentication in Apache) but will use Active Directory lookups to determine and assign the userlevel of a user. The userlevel will be calculated by using AD group membership information as the active_directory module does.
The configuration is the same as for the active_directory module with two extra, optional options: auth_ad_binduser and auth_ad_bindpassword. These should be set to a AD user with read capabilities in your AD Domain in order to be able to perform searches. If these options are omitted, the module will attempt an anonymous bind (which then of course must be allowed by your Active Directory server(s)).
There is also one extra option for controlling user information caching: auth_ldap_cache_ttl. This option allows to control how long user information (user_exists, userid, userlevel) are cached within the PHP Session. The default value is 300 seconds. To disable this caching (highly discourage) set this option to 0.
$config['auth_ad_binduser'] = "ad_binduser";
$config['auth_ad_bindpassword'] = "ad_bindpassword";
$config['auth_ldap_cache_ttl'] = 300;
HTTP Authentication / LDAP Authorization
Config option: ldap-authorization
This module is a combination of http-auth and ldap
LibreNMS will expect the user to have authenticated via your webservice already (e.g. using Kerberos Authentication in Apache) but will use LDAP to determine and assign the userlevel of a user. The userlevel will be calculated by using LDAP group membership information as the ldap module does.
The configuration is the same as for the ldap module with one extra option: auth_ldap_cache_ttl. This option allows to control how long user information (user_exists, userid, userlevel) are cached within the PHP Session. The default value is 300 seconds. To disabled this caching (highly discourage) set this option to 0.
$config['auth_ldap_cache_ttl'] = 300;
View/embedded graphs without being logged into LibreNMS
$config['allow_unauth_graphs_cidr'] = array('');
$config['allow_unauth_graphs'] = true;
Single Sign-on
The single sign-on mechanism is used to integrate with third party authentication providers that are managed outside of LibreNMS - such as ADFS, Shibboleth, EZProxy, BeyondCorp, and others. A large number of these methods use SAML the module has been written assuming the use of SAML, and therefore these instructions contain some SAML terminology, but it should be possible to use any software that works in a similar way.
In order to make use of the single sign-on module, you need to have an Identity Provider up and running, and know how to configure your Relying Party to pass attributes to LibreNMS via header injection or environment variables. Setting these up is outside of the scope of this documentation.
As this module deals with authentication, it is extremely careful about validating the configuration - if it finds that certain values in the configuration are not set, it will reject access rather than try and guess.
Basic Configuration
To get up and running, all you need to do is configure the following values:
$config['auth_mechanism'] = "sso";
$config['sso']['mode'] = "env";
$config['sso']['group_strategy'] = "static";
$config['sso']['static_level'] = 10;
This, along with the defaults, sets up a basic Single Sign-on setup that:
- Reads values from environment variables
- Automatically creates users when they're first seen
- Authomatically updates users with new values
- Gives everyone privilege level 10
This happens to mimic the behaviour of http-auth, so if this is the kind of setup you want, you're probably better of just going and using that mechanism.
If there is a proxy involved (e.g. EZProxy, Azure AD Application Proxy, NGINX, mod_proxy) it's essential that you have some means in place to prevent headers being injected between the proxy and the end user, and also prevent end users from contacting LibreNMS directly.
This should also apply to user connections to the proxy itself - the proxy must not be allowed to blindly pass through HTTP headers. mod_security should be considered a minimum, with a full WAF being strongly recommended. This advice applies to the IDP too.
The mechanism includes very basic protection, in the form of an IP whitelist with should contain the source addresses of your proxies:
$config['sso']['trusted_proxies'] = ['', '::1/128', '', '2001:DB8::'];
This configuration item should contain an array with a list of IP addresses or CIDR prefixes that are allowed to connect to LibreNMS and supply environment variables or headers.
Advanced Configuration Options
User Attribute
If for some reason your relying party doesn't store the username in REMOTE_USER, you can override this choice.
$config['sso']['user_attr'] = 'HTTP_UID';
Note that the user lookup is a little special - normally headers are prefixed with HTTP_, however this is not the case for remote user - it's a special case. If you're using something different you need to figure out of the HTTP_ prefix is required or not yourself.
Automatic User Create/Update
These are enabled by default:
$config['sso']['create_users'] = true;
$config['sso']['update_users'] = true;
If these are not enabled, user logins will be (somewhat silently) rejected unless an administrator has created the account in advance. Note that in the case of SAML federations, unless release of the users true identity has been negotiated with the IDP, the username (probably ePTID) is not likely to be predicable.
If the attributes are being populated, you can instruct the mechanism to add additional information to the user's database entry:
$config['sso']['email_attr'] = "mail";
$config['sso']['realname_attr'] = "displayName";
$config['sso']['descr_attr'] = "unscoped-affiliation
Group Strategies
As used above, static gives every single user the same privilege level. If you're working with a small team, or don't need access control, this is probably suitable.
$config['sso']['group_strategy'] = "attribute";
$config['sso']['level_attr'] = "entitlement";
If your Relying Party is capable of calculating the necessary privilege level, you can configure the module to read the privilege number straight from an attribute. sso_level_attr should contain the name of the attribute that the Relying Party exposes to LibreNMS - as long as sso_mode is correctly set, the mechanism should find the value.
Group Map
This is the most flexible (and complex) way of assigning privileges.
$config['sso']['group_strategy'] = "map";
$config['sso']['group_attr'] = "member";
$config['sso']['group_level_map'] = ['librenms-admins' => 10, 'librenms-readers' => 1, 'librenms-billingcontacts' => 5];
$config['sso']['group_delimiter'] = ';';
The mechanism expects to find a delimited list of groups within the attribute that sso_group_attr points to. This should be an associative array of group name keys, with privilege levels as values. The mechanism will scan the list and find the highest privilege level that the user is entitled to, and assign that value to the user.
This format may be specific to Shibboleth; other relying party software may need changes to the mechanism (e.g. mod_auth_mellon may create pseudo arrays).
There is an optional value for sites with large numbers of groups:
$config['sso']['group_filter'] = "/librenms-(.*)/i";
This filter causes the mechanism to only consider groups matching a regular expression.
Logout Behaviour
LibreNMS has no capability to log out a user authenticated via Single Sign-On - that responsability falls to the Relying Party.
If your Relying Party has a magic URL that needs to be called to end a session, you can configure LibreNMS to direct the user to it:
$config['post_logout_action'] = '/Shibboleth.sso/Logout';
This option functions independantly of the Single Sign-on mechanism.
Complete Configuration
This configuration works on my deployment with a Shibboleth relying party, injecting environment variables, with the IDP supplying a list of groups.
$config['auth_mechanism'] = 'sso';
$config['auth_logout_handler'] = '/Shibboleth.sso/Logout';
$config['sso']['mode'] = 'env';
$config['sso']['create_users'] = true;
$config['sso']['update_users'] = true;
$config['sso']['realname_attr'] = 'displayName';
$config['sso']['email_attr'] = 'mail';
$config['sso']['group_strategy'] = 'map';
$config['sso']['group_attr'] = 'member';
$config['sso']['group_filter'] = '/(librenms-.*)/i';
$config['sso']['group_delimiter'] = ';';
$config['sso']['group_level_map'] = ['librenms-demo' => 11, 'librenms-globaladmin' => 10, 'librenms-globalread' => 5, 'librenms-lowpriv'=> 1];