* Add auth_ad_(group|user)_filter options * use global * Fix some AD annoyances Use the power of the LDAP filter to minimize the number of queries and hopefully help performance in get_userlist, change semantics of auth_ad_(user|group)_filter in $config to be anded with samaccountname=USERNAME. * remove unused variable * update documentation * Update Authentication.md
9.0 KiB
source: Extensions/Authentication.md
Authentication modules
LibreNMS supports multiple authentication modules along with Two Factor Auth. Here we will provide configuration details for these modules.
Available authentication modules
MySQL: mysql
LDAP: ldap
Active Directory: active_directory
HTTP Auth: http-auth
Radius: radius
User levels
1: Normal User. You will need to assign device / port permissions for users at this level.
5: Global Read.
10: This is a global read/write admin account
11: Demo Account. Provides full read/write with certain restrictions (i.e can't delete devices).
Enable authentication module
To enable a particular authentication module you need to set this up in config.php.
$config['auth_mechanism'] = "mysql";
Note for SELinux users
When using SELinux on the LibreNMS server, you need to allow Apache (httpd) to connect LDAP/Active Directory server, this is disabled by default. You can use SELinux Booleans to allow network access to LDAP resources with this command:
setsebool -P httpd_can_connect_ldap=1
MySQL Authentication
Config option: mysql
This is default option with LibreNMS so you should have already got the configuration setup.
$config['db_host'] = "HOSTNAME";
$config['db_user'] = "DBUSER";
$config['db_pass'] = "DBPASS";
$config['db_name'] = "DBNAME";
HTTP Authentication
Config option: http-auth
LibreNMS will expect the user to have authenticated via your webservice already. At this stage it will need to assign a userlevel for that user which is done in one of two ways:
A user exists in MySQL still where the usernames match up.
A global guest user (which still needs to be added into MySQL:
$config['http_auth_guest'] = "guest";
This will then assign the userlevel for guest to all authenticated users.
LDAP Authentication
Config option: ldap
This one is a little more complicated :)
First of all, install php-ldap for CentOS/RHEL or php5-ldap for Ubuntu/Debian.
$config['auth_ldap_version'] = 3; # v2 or v3
$config['auth_ldap_server'] = "ldap.example.com";
$config['auth_ldap_port'] = 389;
$config['auth_ldap_prefix'] = "uid=";
$config['auth_ldap_suffix'] = ",ou=People,dc=example,dc=com";
$config['auth_ldap_group'] = "cn=groupname,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com";
$config['auth_ldap_groupbase'] = "ou=group,dc=example,dc=com";
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['admin']['level'] = 10;
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['pfy']['level'] = 7;
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['support']['level'] = 1;
$config['auth_ldap_groupmemberattr'] = "memberUid";
Typically auth_ldap_suffix, auth_ldap_group, auth_ldap_groupbase, auth_ldap_groups are what's required to be configured.
An example config setup for use with Jumpcloud LDAP as a service is:
$config['auth_mechanism'] = "ldap"; # default, other options: ldap, http-auth
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['librenms']['level'] = 10;
$config['auth_ldap_version'] = 3; # v2 or v3
$config['auth_ldap_server'] = "ldap.jumpcloud.com";
$config['auth_ldap_port'] = 389;
$config['auth_ldap_prefix'] = "uid=";
$config['auth_ldap_suffix'] = ",ou=Users,o={id},dc=jumpcloud,dc=com";
$config['auth_ldap_groupbase'] = "cn=librenms,ou=Users,o={id},dc=jumpcloud,dc=com";
$config['auth_ldap_groupmemberattr'] = "memberUid";
Replace {id} with the unique ID provided by Jumpcloud.
HTTP Authentication / LDAP Authorization
Config option: ldap-authorization
This module is a combination of http-auth and ldap
LibreNMS will expect the user to have authenticated via your webservice already (e.g. using Kerberos Authentication in Apache) but will use LDAP to determine and assign the userlevel of a user. The userlevel will be calculated by using LDAP group membership information as the ldap module does.
The configuration is the same as for the ldap module with one extra option: auth_ldap_cache_ttl. This option allows to control how long user information (user_exists, userid, userlevel) are cached within the PHP Session. The default value is 300 seconds. To disabled this caching (highly discourage) set this option to 0.
$config['auth_ldap_cache_ttl'] = 300;
Active Directory Authentication
Config option: active_directory
This is similar to LDAP Authentication. Install php_ldap for CentOS/RHEL or php5-ldap for Debian/Ubuntu.
If you have issues with secure LDAP try setting $config['auth_ad_check_certificates']
to 0
Require actual membership of the configured groups
If you set $config['auth_ad_require_groupmembership']
to 1, the authenticated user has to be a member of the specific group. Otherwise all users can authenticate, but are limited to user level 0 and only have access to shared dashboards.
Cleanup of old accounts is done using the authlog. You will need to set the cleanup date for when old accounts will be purged which will happen AUTOMATICALLY. Please ensure that you set the $config['authlog_purge'] value to be greater than $config['active_directory]['users_purge'] otherwise old users won't be removed.
Sample configuration
$config['auth_ad_url'] = "ldaps://<your-domain.controll.er>";
$config['auth_ad_domain'] = "<your-domain.com>";
$config['auth_ad_base_dn'] = "<dc=your-domain,dc=com>";
$config['auth_ad_check_certificates'] = true; // require a valid ssl certificate
$config['auth_ad_debug'] = false; // enable for verbose debug messages
$config['active_directory']['users_purge'] = 30; // purge users who haven't logged in for 30 days.
$config['auth_ad_require_groupmembership'] = false; // require users to be members of a group listed below
$config['auth_ad_groups']['<ad-admingroup>']['level'] = 10;
$config['auth_ad_groups']['<ad-usergroup>']['level'] = 7;
Replace <ad-admingroup>
with your Active Directory admin-user group and <ad-usergroup>
with your standard user group.
Active Directory redundancy
You can set two Active Directory servers by editing the $config['auth_ad_url']
like this example:
$config['auth_ad_url'] = "ldaps://dc1.example.com ldaps://dc2.example.com";
Active Directory LDAP filters
You can add an LDAP filter to be ANDed with the builtin user filter ((sAMAccountName=$username)
The defaults are:
$config['auth_ad_user_filter'] = "(objectclass=user)";
$config['auth_ad_group_filter'] = "(objectclass=group)";
This yields (&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName=$username))
for the user filter and (&(objectclass=group)(sAMAccountName=$group))
for the group filter.
Radius Authentication
Please note that a mysql user is created for each user the logs in successfully. User level 1 is assigned to those accounts so you will then need to assign the relevant permissions unless you set $config['radius']['userlevel']
to be something other than 1.
Cleanup of old accounts is done using the authlog. You will need to set the cleanup date for when old accounts will be purged which will happen AUTOMATICALLY. Please ensure that you set the $config['authlog_purge'] value to be greater than $config['radius']['users_purge'] otherwise old users won't be removed.
$config['radius']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
$config['radius']['port'] = '1812';
$config['radius']['secret'] = 'testing123';
$config['radius']['timeout'] = 3;
$config['radius']['users_purge'] = 14;//Purge users who haven't logged in for 14 days.
$config['radius']['default_level'] = 1;//Set the default user level when automatically creating a user.
HTTP Authentication / AD Authorization
Config option: ad-authorization
This module is a combination of http-auth and active_directory
LibreNMS will expect the user to have authenticated via your webservice already (e.g. using Kerberos Authentication in Apache) but will use Active Directory lookups to determine and assign the userlevel of a user. The userlevel will be calculated by using AD group membership information as the active_directory module does.
The configuration is the same as for the active_directory module with two extra, optional options: auth_ad_binduser and auth_ad_bindpassword. These should be set to a AD user with read capabilities in your AD Domain in order to be able to perform searches. If these options are omitted, the module will attempt an anonymous bind (which then of course must be allowed by your Active Directory server(s)).
There is also one extra option for controlling user information caching: auth_ldap_cache_ttl. This option allows to control how long user information (user_exists, userid, userlevel) are cached within the PHP Session. The default value is 300 seconds. To disable this caching (highly discourage) set this option to 0.
$config['auth_ad_binduser'] = "ad_binduser";
$config['auth_ad_bindpassword'] = "ad_bindpassword";
$config['auth_ldap_cache_ttl'] = 300;