2015-10-12 22:37:34 +00:00

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LibreNMS has an easy to use IRC-Interface for basic tasks like viewing last log-entry, current device/port status and such.

By default the IRC-Bot will not start when executed and will return an error until at least $config['irc_host'] and $config['irc_port'] has been specified inside config.php.

If no channel has been specified with $config['irc_chan'], ##librenms will be used. The default Nick for the bot is LibreNMS.

The Bot will reply the same way it's being called. If you send it the commands via Query, it will respond in the Query. If you send the commands via a Channel, then it will respond in the Channel.

Configuration & Defaults

Option Default-Value Notes
$config['irc_alert'] false Optional; Enables Alerting-Socket. EXPERIMENTAL
$config['irc_alert_chan'] false Optional; Multiple channels can be defined as Array or delimited with ,. EXPERIMENTAL
$config['irc_alert_utf8'] false Optional; Enables use of strikethrough in alerts via UTF-8 encoded characters. Might cause trouble for some clients.
$config['irc_authtime'] 3 Optional; Defines how long in Hours an auth-session is valid.
$config['irc_chan'] ##librenms Optional; Multiple channels can be defined as Array or delimited with ,. Passwords are defined after a space-character.
$config['irc_debug'] false Optional; Enables debug output (Wall of text)
$config['irc_external'] Optional; Array or , delimited string with commands to include from includes/ircbot/*.inc.php
$config['irc_host'] Required; Domain or IP to connect. If it's an IPv6 Address, embed it in []. (Example: [::1])
$config['irc_maxretry'] 5 Optional; How many connection attempts should be made before giving up
$config['irc_nick'] LibreNMS Optional;
$config['irc_pass'] Optional; This sends the IRC-PASS Sequence to IRC-Servers that require Password on Connect
$config['irc_port'] 6667 Required; To enable SSL append a + before the Port. (Example: +6697)


Command Description
.auth <User/Token> If <user>: Request an Auth-Token. If <token>: Authenticate session.
.device <hostname> Prints basic information about given hostname.
.down List hostnames that are down, if any.
.help List available commands.
.join <channel> Joins <channel> if user has admin-level.
.listdevices Lists the hostnames of all known devices.
.log [<N>] Prints N lines or last line of the eventlog.
.port <hostname> <ifname> Prints Port-related informations from ifname on given hostname.
.quit Disconnect from IRC and exit.
.reload Reload configuration.
.status <type> Prints status informations for given type. Type can be devices, services, ports. Shorthands are: dev,srv,prt
.version Prints $this->config['project_name_version'].

( _/!_ All commands are case-insensitive but their arguments are case-sensitive)


Server examples:

Unencrypted Connection to irc.freenode.org:

   $config['irc_host'] = "irc.freenode.org";
   $config['irc_port'] = 6667;

SSL-Encrypted Connection to irc.freenode.org:

   $config['irc_host'] = "irc.freenode.org";
   $config['irc_port'] = "+6697";

SSL-Encrypted Connection to irc.localdomain with Server-Password and odd port:

   $config['irc_host'] = "irc.localdomain";
   $config['irc_port'] = "+12345";
   $config['irc_pass'] = "Super Secret Passphrase123";

Channel notations:

Channels can be defined using Array-Notation like:

   $config['irc_chan'][] = "#librenms";
   $config['irc_chan'][] = "#otherchan";
   $config['irc_chan'][] = "#noc";

Or using a single string using , as delimiter between various channels:

   $config['irc_chan'] = "#librenms,#otherchan,#noc";


The bot is coded in a unified way. This makes writing extensions by far less painfull. Simply add your command to the $config['irc_external'] directive and create a file called includes/ircbot/command.inc.php containing your code. The string behind the call of .command is passed as $params. The user who requested something is accessable via $this->user. Send your reply/ies via $this->respond($string).

A more detailed documentation of the functions and variables available for extensions can be found at IRC-Bot Extensions;

Confused? Here an Echo-Example:

File: config.php

   $config['irc_external'][] = "echo";

File: includes/ircbot/echo.inc.php

   //Prefix everything with `You said: '...'`  and return what was sent.
   if( $this->user['name'] != "root" ) {
      return $this->respond("You said: '".$params."'");
   } else {
      return $this->respond("root shouldn't be online so late!");