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synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
* Handle more signals * Flush buffers before exiting process This ensures log messages aren't lost * Restart process before jobs have finished If there is a very log running job it can cause service restart to take over 5 minutes. We tweak the order of things to make sure that running processes continue, but nothing more is scheduled. The worst case impact is that a pollling/discovery job gets scheduled twice, but this should not be a big issue - this should only occur at most once per day. * Remove python 3.8 feature * Ensure that processes from the previous invocation are reaped * Correct typo's * Attach subprocess descriptors to /dev/null Occasionally, PHP would throw a fit and crash when its stdout went away. To avoid this, we attach stdout to devnull. This means we lost output of daily.sh - but this is already recorded in $LOGDIR/daily.log * Don't immediately schedule long running jobs To avoid the situation where the maintenance reload happens or a sighup, then a second long running job is immediately started, we wait (`last_[poll/discovery]_timetaken` * 1.25) seconds before scheduling any jobs. * Add `psutil` to requirements * Add support for "systemctl reload" to the unit files * Add a fallback for systems that don't have psutil * Reduce CPU load when psutil is not installed * Don't avoid double polling by extending the timeout This shouldn't happen due to locks * Remove fallback option * Remove extra variable * Fix issue introduced during rebase * Fix issue introduced when fixing issue introduced during rebase * Make psutil optional
428 lines
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428 lines
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import os
import subprocess
import threading
import timeit
from collections import deque
from logging import critical, info, debug, exception
from math import ceil
from queue import Queue
from time import time
from .service import Service, ServiceConfig
from .queuemanager import QueueManager, TimedQueueManager, BillingQueueManager, PingQueueManager, ServicesQueueManager, \
AlertQueueManager, PollerQueueManager, DiscoveryQueueManager
def normalize_wait(seconds):
return ceil(seconds - (time() % seconds))
def call_script(script, args=()):
Run a LibreNMS script. Captures all output and throws an exception if a non-zero
status is returned. Blocks parent signals (like SIGINT and SIGTERM).
:param script: the name of the executable relative to the base directory
:param args: a tuple of arguments to send to the command
:returns the output of the command
if script.endswith('.php'):
# save calling the sh process
base = ('/usr/bin/env', 'php')
base = ()
base_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/..")
cmd = base + ("{}/{}".format(base_dir, script),) + tuple(map(str, args))
debug("Running {}".format(cmd))
# preexec_fn=os.setsid here keeps process signals from propagating (close_fds=True is default)
return subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, preexec_fn=os.setsid, close_fds=True)
class DB:
def __init__(self, config, auto_connect=True):
Simple DB wrapper
:param config: The poller config object
self.config = config
self._db = {}
if auto_connect:
def connect(self):
import pymysql
info("Using pure python SQL client")
except ImportError:
info("Using other SQL client")
import MySQLdb
except ImportError:
critical("ERROR: missing a mysql python module")
critical("Install either 'PyMySQL' or 'mysqlclient' from your OS software repository or from PyPI")
args = {
'host': self.config.db_host,
'port': self.config.db_port,
'user': self.config.db_user,
'passwd': self.config.db_pass,
'db': self.config.db_name
if self.config.db_socket:
args['unix_socket'] = self.config.db_socket
conn = MySQLdb.connect(**args)
self._db[threading.get_ident()] = conn
except Exception as e:
critical("ERROR: Could not connect to MySQL database! {}".format(e))
def db_conn(self):
Refers to a database connection via thread identifier
:return: database connection handle
# Does a connection exist for this thread
if threading.get_ident() not in self._db.keys():
return self._db[threading.get_ident()]
def query(self, query, args=None):
Open a cursor, fetch the query with args, close the cursor and return it.
:rtype: MySQLdb.Cursor
:param query:
:param args:
:return: the cursor with results
cursor = self.db_conn().cursor()
cursor.execute(query, args)
return cursor
except Exception as e:
critical("DB Connection exception {}".format(e))
def close(self):
Close the connection owned by this thread.
conn = self._db.pop(threading.get_ident(), None)
if conn:
class RecurringTimer:
def __init__(self, duration, target, thread_name=None):
self.duration = duration
self.target = target
self._timer_thread = None
self._thread_name = thread_name
self._event = threading.Event()
def _loop(self):
while not self._event.is_set():
if not self._event.is_set():
def start(self):
self._timer_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._loop)
if self._thread_name:
self._timer_thread.name = self._thread_name
def stop(self):
class Lock:
""" Base lock class this is not thread safe"""
def __init__(self):
self._locks = {} # store a tuple (owner, expiration)
def lock(self, name, owner, expiration, allow_owner_relock=False):
Obtain the named lock.
:param allow_owner_relock:
:param name: str the name of the lock
:param owner: str a unique name for the locking node
:param expiration: int in seconds
if (
(name not in self._locks) or # lock doesn't exist
(allow_owner_relock and self._locks.get(name, [None])[0] == owner) or # owner has permission
time() > self._locks[name][1] # lock has expired
self._locks[name] = (owner, expiration + time())
return self._locks[name][0] == owner
return False
def unlock(self, name, owner):
Release the named lock.
:param name: str the name of the lock
:param owner: str a unique name for the locking node
if (name in self._locks) and self._locks[name][0] == owner:
self._locks.pop(name, None)
return True
return False
def check_lock(self, name):
lock = self._locks.get(name, None)
if lock:
return lock[1] > time()
return False
def print_locks(self):
class ThreadingLock(Lock):
"""A subclass of Lock that uses thread-safe locking"""
def __init__(self):
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def lock(self, name, owner, expiration, allow_owner_relock=False):
Obtain the named lock.
:param allow_owner_relock:
:param name: str the name of the lock
:param owner: str a unique name for the locking node
:param expiration: int in seconds
with self._lock:
return Lock.lock(self, name, owner, expiration, allow_owner_relock)
def unlock(self, name, owner):
Release the named lock.
:param name: str the name of the lock
:param owner: str a unique name for the locking node
with self._lock:
return Lock.unlock(self, name, owner)
def check_lock(self, name):
return Lock.check_lock(self, name)
def print_locks(self):
class RedisLock(Lock):
def __init__(self, namespace='lock', **redis_kwargs):
import redis
from redis.sentinel import Sentinel
redis_kwargs['decode_responses'] = True
if redis_kwargs.get('sentinel') and redis_kwargs.get('sentinel_service'):
sentinels = [tuple(l.split(':')) for l in redis_kwargs.pop('sentinel').split(',')]
sentinel_service = redis_kwargs.pop('sentinel_service')
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in redis_kwargs.items() if k in ["decode_responses", "password", "db", "socket_timeout"]}
self._redis = Sentinel(sentinels, **kwargs).master_for(sentinel_service)
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in redis_kwargs.items() if "sentinel" not in k}
self._redis = redis.Redis(**kwargs)
self._namespace = namespace
info("Created redis lock manager with socket_timeout of {}s".format(redis_kwargs['socket_timeout']))
def __key(self, name):
return "{}:{}".format(self._namespace, name)
def lock(self, name, owner, expiration=1, allow_owner_relock=False):
Obtain the named lock.
:param allow_owner_relock: bool
:param name: str the name of the lock
:param owner: str a unique name for the locking node
:param expiration: int in seconds, 0 expiration means forever
import redis
if int(expiration) < 1:
expiration = 1
key = self.__key(name)
non_existing = not (allow_owner_relock and self._redis.get(key) == owner)
return self._redis.set(key, owner, ex=int(expiration), nx=non_existing)
except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as e:
exception("Unable to obtain lock, local state: name: %s, owner: %s, expiration: %s, allow_owner_relock: %s",
name, owner, expiration, allow_owner_relock)
def unlock(self, name, owner):
Release the named lock.
:param name: str the name of the lock
:param owner: str a unique name for the locking node
key = self.__key(name)
if self._redis.get(key) == owner:
return True
return False
def check_lock(self, name):
return self._redis.get(self.__key(name)) is not None
def print_locks(self):
keys = self._redis.keys(self.__key('*'))
for key in keys:
print("{} locked by {}, expires in {} seconds".format(key, self._redis.get(key), self._redis.ttl(key)))
class RedisUniqueQueue(object):
def __init__(self, name, namespace='queue', **redis_kwargs):
import redis
from redis.sentinel import Sentinel
redis_kwargs['decode_responses'] = True
if redis_kwargs.get('sentinel') and redis_kwargs.get('sentinel_service'):
sentinels = [tuple(l.split(':')) for l in redis_kwargs.pop('sentinel').split(',')]
sentinel_service = redis_kwargs.pop('sentinel_service')
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in redis_kwargs.items() if k in ["decode_responses", "password", "db", "socket_timeout"]}
self._redis = Sentinel(sentinels, **kwargs).master_for(sentinel_service)
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in redis_kwargs.items() if "sentinel" not in k}
self._redis = redis.Redis(**kwargs)
self.key = "{}:{}".format(namespace, name)
info("Created redis queue with socket_timeout of {}s".format(redis_kwargs['socket_timeout']))
# clean up from previous implementations
if self._redis.type(self.key) != 'zset':
def qsize(self):
return self._redis.zcount(self.key, '-inf', '+inf')
def empty(self):
return self.qsize() == 0
def put(self, item):
self._redis.zadd(self.key, {item: time()}, nx=True)
def get(self, block=True, timeout=None):
if block:
item = self._redis.bzpopmin(self.key, timeout=timeout)
item = self._redis.zpopmin(self.key)
if item:
item = item[1]
return item
def get_nowait(self):
return self.get(False)
class UniqueQueue(Queue):
def _init(self, maxsize):
self.queue = deque()
self.setqueue = set()
def _put(self, item):
if item not in self.setqueue:
def _get(self):
item = self.queue.popleft()
return item
class PerformanceCounter(object):
This is a simple counter to record execution time and number of jobs. It's unique to each
poller instance, so does not need to be globally syncronised, just locally.
def __init__(self):
self._count = 0
self._jobs = 0
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def add(self, n):
Add n to the counter and increment the number of jobs by 1
:param n: Number to increment by
with self._lock:
self._count += n
self._jobs += 1
def split(self, precise=False):
Return the current counter value and keep going
:param precise: Whether floating point precision is desired
:return: ((INT or FLOAT), INT)
return (self._count if precise else int(self._count)), self._jobs
def reset(self, precise=False):
Return the current counter value and then zero it.
:param precise: Whether floating point precision is desired
:return: ((INT or FLOAT), INT)
with self._lock:
c = self._count
j = self._jobs
self._count = 0
self._jobs = 0
return (c if precise else int(c)), j
class TimeitContext(object):
Wrapper around timeit to allow the timing of larger blocks of code by wrapping them in "with"
def __init__(self):
self._t = timeit.default_timer()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
del self._t
def delta(self):
Calculate the elapsed time since the context was initialised
:return: FLOAT
if not self._t:
raise ArithmeticError("Timer has not been started, cannot return delta")
return timeit.default_timer() - self._t
def start(cls):
Factory method for TimeitContext
:param cls:
:return: TimeitContext
return cls()