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synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
* Update librenms_logo_light.svg Corrected an issue with the "i" being invisible in certain scenarios on certain (Chromium version 77) browsers, see https://community.librenms.org/t/librenms-svg-logo-issue-in-some-zooms/9640/4. The issue seems to be that "i" was a separate clip-path from the "L bre". * Update librenms_logo_blue.svg Corrected an issue with the "i" being invisible in certain scenarios on certain (Chromium version 77) browsers, see https://community.librenms.org/t/librenms-svg-logo-issue-in-some-zooms/9640/4. The issue seems to be that "i" was a separate clip-path from the "L bre". * Update librenms_logo_mono.svg Corrected an issue with the "i" being invisible in certain scenarios on certain (Chromium version 77) browsers, see https://community.librenms.org/t/librenms-svg-logo-issue-in-some-zooms/9640/4. The issue seems to be that "i" was a separate clip-path from the "L bre". * Update librenms_logo_dark.svg Corrected an issue with the "i" being invisible in certain scenarios on certain (Chromium version 77) browsers, see https://community.librenms.org/t/librenms-svg-logo-issue-in-some-zooms/9640/4. The issue seems to be that "i" was a separate clip-path from the "L bre".
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