mirror of https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox.git synced 2024-05-10 07:54:54 +00:00
Robert Ellegate 30ef4b208c Replacing references to digitalocean org
2019-07-10 09:23:43 -04:00

31 lines
2.6 KiB

# NetBox Development
NetBox is maintained as a [GitHub project](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox) under the Apache 2 license. Users are encouraged to submit GitHub issues for feature requests and bug reports, however we are very selective about pull requests. Please see the `CONTRIBUTING` guide for more direction on contributing to NetBox.
## Communication
Communication among developers should always occur via public channels:
* [GitHub issues](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues) - All feature requests, bug reports, and other substantial changes to the code base **must** be documented in an issue.
* [The mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/netbox-discuss) - The preferred forum for general discussion and support issues. Ideal for shaping a feature request prior to submitting an issue.
* [#netbox on NetworkToCode](http://slack.networktocode.com/) - Good for quick chats. Avoid any discussion that might need to be referenced later on, as the chat history is not retained long.
## Governance
NetBox follows the [benevolent dictator](http://oss-watch.ac.uk/resources/benevolentdictatorgovernancemodel) model of governance, with [Jeremy Stretch](https://github.com/jeremystretch) ultimately responsible for all changes to the code base. While community contributions are welcomed and encouraged, the lead maintainer's primary role is to ensure the project's long-term maintainability and continued focus on its primary functions (in other words, avoid scope creep).
## Project Structure
All development of the current NetBox release occurs in the `develop` branch; releases are packaged from the `master` branch. The `master` branch should _always_ represent the current stable release in its entirety, such that installing NetBox by either downloading a packaged release or cloning the `master` branch provides the same code base.
NetBox components are arranged into functional subsections called _apps_ (a carryover from Django verancular). Each app holds the models, views, and templates relevant to a particular function:
* `circuits`: Communications circuits and providers (not to be confused with power circuits)
* `dcim`: Datacenter infrastructure management (sites, racks, and devices)
* `extras`: Additional features not considered part of the core data model
* `ipam`: IP address management (VRFs, prefixes, IP addresses, and VLANs)
* `secrets`: Encrypted storage of sensitive data (e.g. login credentials)
* `tenancy`: Tenants (such as customers) to which NetBox objects may be assigned
* `utilities`: Resources which are not user-facing (extendable classes, etc.)
* `virtualization`: Virtual machines and clusters