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# Custom Fields
NetBox administrators can extend NetBox's built-in data model by adding custom fields to most object types. See the [custom fields documentation](../../customization/custom-fields.md) for more information.
## Fields
### Model(s)
Select the NetBox object type or types to which this custom field applies.
### Name
The raw field name. This will be used in the database and API, and should consist only of alphanumeric characters and underscores. (Use the `label` field to designate a human-friendly name for the custom field.)
### Label
An optional human-friendly name for the custom field. If not defined, the field's `name` attribute will be used.
### Group Name
If this custom field should be grouped with others, specify the name of the group here. Custom fields with no group defined will be ordered only by weight and name.
### Type
The type of data this field holds. This must be one of the following:
| Type | Description |
| Text | Free-form text (intended for single-line use) |
| Long text | Free-form of any length; supports Markdown rendering |
| Integer | A whole number (positive or negative) |
| Boolean | True or false |
| Date | A date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) |
| URL | This will be presented as a link in the web UI |
| JSON | Arbitrary data stored in JSON format |
| Selection | A selection of one of several pre-defined custom choices |
| Multiple selection | A selection field which supports the assignment of multiple values |
| Object | A single NetBox object of the type defined by `object_type` |
| Multiple object | One or more NetBox objects of the type defined by `object_type` |
### Object Type
For object and multiple-object fields only. Designates the type of NetBox object being referenced.
### Weight
A numeric weight used to override alphabetic ordering of fields by name. Custom fields with a lower weight will be listed before those with a higher weight. (Note that weight applies within the context of a custom field group, if defined.)
### Required
If checked, this custom field must be populated with a valid value for the object to pass validation.
### Description
A brief description of the field's purpose (optional).
### Filter Logic
Defines how filters are evaluated against custom field values.
| Option | Description |
| Disabled | Filtering disabled |
| Loose | Match any occurrence of the value |
| Exact | Match only the complete field value |
### UI Visibility
Controls how and whether the custom field is displayed within the NetBox user interface.
| Option | Description |
| Read/write | Display and permit editing (default) |
| Read-only | Display field but disallow editing |
| Hidden | Do not display field in the UI |
### Default
The default value to populate for the custom field when creating new objects (optional). This value must be expressed as JSON. If this is a choice or multi-choice field, this must be one of the available choices.
### Choices
For choice and multi-choice custom fields only. A comma-delimited list of the available choices.
### Minimum Value
For numeric custom fields only. The minimum valid value (optional).
### Maximum Value
For numeric custom fields only. The maximum valid value (optional).
### Validation Regex
For string-based custom fields only. A regular expression used to validate the field's value (optional).