mirror of https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol.git synced 2024-05-11 05:55:12 +00:00

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# How to build and ship a release
These are the instructions for producing a release.
GitHub Actions (GHA) will do most of the work for you. You will need to edit the draft release notes and click a button to make the release public.
Please change the version number as appropriate. Substitute (for example)
`v4.2.0` any place you see `$VERSION` in this doc.
## Step 1. Rebuild generated files
export VERSION=v4.2.0
git checkout main
git pull
go fmt ./...
go generate ./...
go mod tidy
git commit -a -m "Update generated files for $VERSION"
## Step 2. Tag the commit in main that you want to release
export VERSION=v4.2.0
git tag -m "Release $VERSION" -a $VERSION
git push origin HEAD --tags
Soon after
GitHub will start an [Action](https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/actions) Workflow called "draft release" which will build all release binaries and write the draft release notes.
## Step 3. Create the release notes
The draft release notes are created for you. In this step you'll edit them.
The GHA workflow uses [GoReleaser](https://goreleaser.com/) which produces the [GitHub Release](https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases) with Release Notes derived from the commit history between now and the last tag.
These notes are just a draft and needs considerable editing.
These release notes are used elsewhere, in particular the email step.
Release notes style guide:
* Entries in the bullet list should be phrased in the positive: "Feature FOO now does BAR". This is often the opposite of the related issue, which was probably phrased, "Feature FOO is broken because of BAR".
* Every item should include the ID of the issue related to the change. If there was no issue, create one and close it.
* Sort the list most important/exciting changes earlier in the list.
* Items related to a specific provider should begin with the all-caps name of the provider, such as "ROUTE53: Added support for sandwiches (#100)"
* The `Deprecation warnings` section should just copy from `README.md`. If you change one, change it in the README too (you can make that change in this PR).
See [https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases](https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases) for examples for recent release notes and copy that style.
## Changelog
This release includes many new providers (FILL IN), dozens
of bug fixes, and FILL IN.
### Breaking changes:
### Major features:
### Provider-specific changes:
### Other changes and improvements:
### Deprecation warnings:
## Step 4. Announce it via email
Email the release notes to the mailing list: (note the format of the Subject line and that the first line of the email is the URL of the release)
To: dnscontrol-discuss@googlegroups.com
Subject: New release: dnscontrol v$VERSION
[insert the release notes here]
{% hint style="info" %}
**NOTE**: You won't be able to post to the mailing list unless you are on
it. [Click here to join](https://groups.google.com/g/dnscontrol-discuss).
{% endhint %}
## Step 5. Announce it via chat
Mention on [https://gitter.im/dnscontrol/Lobby](https://gitter.im/dnscontrol/Lobby) that the new release has shipped.
ANNOUNCEMENT: dnscontrol v$VERSION has been released! https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases/tag/v$VERSION
## Step 6. Get credit
Mention the fact that you did this release in your weekly accomplishments.
If you are at Stack Overflow:
* Add the release to your weekly snippets
* Run this build: `dnscontrol_embed - Promote most recent artifact into ExternalDNS repo`
## Tip: How to bump the major version
If you bump the major version, you need to change all the source
files. The last time this was done (v3 -> v4) these two commands
were used. They're included her for reference.
# Make all the changes:
sed -i.bak -e 's@github.com.StackExchange.dnscontrol.v3@github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/v4@g' go.* $(fgrep -lri --include '*.go' github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/v3 *)
# Delete the backup files:
find * -name \*.bak -delete
## Tip: Configuring GHA integration tests
### Overview
GHA is configured to run an integration test for any provider listed in the "provider" list. However the test is skipped if the `*_DOMAIN` variable is not set. For example, the Google Cloud provider integration test is only run if `GCLOUD_DOMAIN` is set.
* Q: Where is the list of providers to run integration tests on?
* A: In `.github/workflows/pr_test.yml`: (1) the "PROVIDERS" list, (2) the `integrtests-diff2` section.
* Q: Where are non-secret environment variables stored?
* A: GHA calls them "Variables". Update them here: https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/settings/variables/actions
* Q: Where are SECRET environment variables stored?
* A: GHA calls them "Secrets". Update them here: https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/settings/secrets/actions
### How do I add a single new integration test?
1. Edit `.github/workflows/pr_test.yml`
2. Add the `FOO_DOMAIN` variable name of the provider to the "PROVIDERS" list.
3. Set the `FOO_DOMAIN` variables in GHA via https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/settings/variables/actions
4. All other variables should be stored as secrets (for consistency). Add them to the `integration-tests` section.
Set them in GHA via https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/settings/secrets/actions
### How do I add a "bring your own keys" integration test?
Overview: You will fork the repo and add any secrets to your fork. For security reasons you won't have access to the secrets from the main repository.
1. [Fork StackExchange/dnscontrol](https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/fork) in GitHub.
If you already have a fork, be sure to use the "sync fork" button on the main page to sync with the upstream.
2. In your fork, set the `${DOMAIN}_DOMAIN` variable in GHA via Settings :: Secrets and variables :: Actions :: Variables.
3. In your fork, set any secrets in GHA via Settings :: Secrets and variables :: Actions :: Secrets.
5. Start a build
## Tip: How to rebuild flattener
Rebuilding flatter requires go1.17.1 and the gopherjs compiler.
Install go1.17.1:
go install golang.org/dl/go1.17.1@latest
go1.17.1 download
Install [GopherJS](https://github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs):
go install github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs@latest
Build the software:
{% hint style="info" %}
**NOTE**: GOOS can't be Darwin because GOPHERJS doesn't support it.
{% endhint %}
cd docs/flattener/
export GOPHERJS_GOROOT="$(go1.17.1 env GOROOT)"
export GOOS=linux
gopherjs build
## Tip: How to update modules
List out-of-date modules and update any that seem worth updating:
go install github.com/oligot/go-mod-upgrade@latest
go mod tidy
go install github.com/psampaz/go-mod-outdated@latest
go list -mod=mod -u -m -json all | go-mod-outdated -update -direct
# If any are out of date, update via:
go get module/path
# Once the updates are complete, tidy up:
go mod tidy