mirror of https://github.com/stedolan/jq.git synced 2024-05-11 05:55:39 +00:00

Better document path()'s power; also |=

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Williams
2014-07-09 01:05:06 -05:00
parent 5be80b81eb
commit 666aeda82c

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@ -637,6 +637,11 @@ sections:
`path(pattern)` will produce array representations of the
paths matching `pattern` if the paths exist in `.`.
Note that the path expressions are not different from normal
expressions. The expression
`path(..|select(type=="boolean"))` outputs all the paths to
boolean values in `.`, and only those paths.
- program: 'path(.a[0].b)'
input: 'null'
@ -1974,10 +1979,18 @@ sections:
input, and produce the output {"a": 20}. The latter will set the "a"
field of the input to the "a" field's "b" field, producing {"a": 10}.
The left-hand side can be any general path expression; see `path()`.
Note that the left-hand side of '|=' refers to a value in `.`.
Thus `$var.foo |= . + 1` won't work as expected; use `$var |
.foo |= . + 1` instead.
- program: '(..|select(type=="boolean")) |= if . then 1 else 0 end'
input: '[true,false,[5,true,[true,[false]],false]]'
output: ['[1,0,[5,1,[1,[0]],0]]']
- title: "`+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `//=`"
body: |