plugins/git: add documentation (#550)

This commit is contained in:
José M. Taveras
2024-04-09 00:28:54 -04:00
committed by GitHub
parent 6c1bde9779
commit 75ec69e652

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@ -1,3 +1,69 @@
# Git Plugin
The git plugin defines a number of useful aliases for you. [Consult the complete list](
# How to Use Aliases and Shell Functions for Git with Oh My Bash
This README provides instructions on how to use the provided aliases and shell functions for Git with Oh My Bash. These aliases and functions can significantly improve your Git workflow by simplifying common Git commands and providing useful shortcuts.
## Aliases
### General Git Commands
- `g`: Shortcut for `git`.
- `ga`: Shortcut for `git add`. Adds specified files to the staging area.
- `gaa`: Shortcut for `git add --all`. Adds all changes, including untracked files, to the staging area.
- `gc`: Shortcut for `git commit`. Commits changes to the repository.
- `gca`: Shortcut for `git commit --all`. Commits all changes to the repository.
- `gcmsg`: Shortcut for `git commit --message`. Commits changes with a specified message.
- `gd`: Shortcut for `git diff`. Shows changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc.
- `gdca`: Shortcut for `git diff --cached`. Shows changes between staged and last commit.
- `gf`: Shortcut for `git fetch`. Downloads objects and refs from another repository.
- `gg`: Shortcut for `git gui citool`. Launches Git GUI.
- `gl`: Shortcut for `git pull`. Fetches from and integrates with another repository or a local branch.
- `gpr`: Shortcut for `git pull --rebase`. Fetches and rebases changes from another repository.
- `gp`: Shortcut for `git push`. Pushes changes to a remote repository.
- `gs`: Shortcut for `git status`. Shows the working tree status.
### Branching and Merging
- `gcb`: Shortcut for `git checkout -b`. Creates a new branch and switches to it.
- `gco`: Shortcut for `git checkout`. Switches branches or restores working tree files.
- `gm`: Shortcut for `git merge`. Joins two or more development histories together.
- `grb`: Shortcut for `git rebase`. Reapplies commits on top of another base tip.
- `grbi`: Shortcut for `git rebase --interactive`. Reapplies commits interactively.
- `grbd`: Shortcut for `git rebase develop`. Reapplies commits onto the develop branch.
- `gsw`: Shortcut for `git switch`. Switches branches.
### Tagging
- `gta`: Shortcut for `git tag --annotate`. Creates an annotated tag.
- `gts`: Shortcut for `git tag --sign`. Creates a signed tag.
- `gtv`: Shortcut for `git tag`. Lists tags.
### Miscellaneous
- `gclean`: Shortcut for `git clean`. Removes untracked files from the working tree.
- `gunwip`: Undo last commit if marked as work in progress.
- `gignore`: Ignores changes to tracked files.
- `gunignore`: Stops ignoring changes to tracked files.
- `gcount`: Shows commit count by author.
- `gk`: Opens Git GUI.
- `gke`: Opens extended Git GUI.
## Shell Functions
- `current_branch`: Get the name of the current branch.
- `current_repository`: Get the list of remotes for the current repository.
- `work_in_progress`: Warn if the current branch is a work in progress.
- `git_develop_branch`: Check for develop and similarly named branches.
- `git_main_branch`: Check if main exists and use instead of master.
## Usage Example
To add all changes and commit with a message, you can use:
gaa && gcmsg "Your commit message"