docs(plugins/progress): describe usage of "delay"

This commit is contained in:
Koichi Murase
2024-04-28 15:39:56 +09:00
parent c19289da2e
commit b5e62a33cb

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@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ Bash. The function handles printing of the progress bar.
progress 25 "Processing data..." # Displays a 25% progress bar with the status "Processing data..."
To change the delay of the progress bar, please overwrite the `delay` function.
# Example: change the delay to 0.1 sec
function delay { sleep 0.1; }
_⚠ if you want to add only the plugin and not Oh My Bash, you can copy the file
`` to a place you like and source it in `~/.basrhc` (for
interactive uses) or in a shell script (for a standalone shell program). You