sljinlet 5b680bf30a Add short form of '-g' option to bashmarks plugin (#41)
Accept just a bookmark name as a short form of the '-g' option.  If just
    one arg is supplied, and it doesn't start with a dash, then it is assumed
    to be a bookmark name and _goto_bookmark is called. [ bm BOOKMARK_NAME ]
  Add a -h option to print usage info with same behavior as supplying no args
  Add echoing an error message if an unrecognized option is given, followed
    by usage info
  Augment usage info to reflect these changes and update
2019-07-26 14:24:53 +07:00

42 lines
1.1 KiB

# Bashmarks plugin
The Bashmarks plugin allows you to create and use bookmarks for directories on your filesystems.
## Quickstart
Create a new bookmark using the *bm -a* command:
`$ bm -a mydir`
The command above creates a bookmark for the current directory with the name *mydir*.
You can navigate to the location of a bookmark using the *bm -g* command:
`$ bm -g mydir`
You can also supply just any bookmark name and the *-g* option will be assumed:
`$ bm mydir`
Tab completion is available when you need to enter a bookmark name in a command, such as when using *bm -g*
Easily list all bookmarks you have setup using the *bm -l* command.
## Commands
**bm -h** Print short help text
**bm -a bookmarkname** Save the current directory as bookmarkname
**bm [-g] bookmarkname** Go to the specified bookmark
**bm -p bookmarkname** Print the bookmark
**bm -d bookmarkname** Delete a bookmark
**bm -l** List all bookmarks
## Valid bookmark names
A bookmark name can contain lower and upper case characters (A-Z), numbers and underscore characters. No periods, semicolons, spaces or other characters are allowed in a bookmark name.